Angel 26

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Taeyong went out of Yoona's room leaving Yoona and Irene inside. He saw his hyung sitting on the couch with the same position as earlier, staring into nothing in particular.

He cleared his throat "Hyung.." he called but Sehun didn't seem to hear him, he's too preoccupied by his thoughts. "Hyung!" He called again, finally gaining the attention of his hyung

Sehun gaze at him "T-Taeyong.." he mumbles then he ducked his head down in shame. He's too ashame to his dongsaeng and to everyone for what he did

Taeyong went in front of him and fished his both hands inside his pocket "We heard it all.. what's your plan now, hyung?" He asked

Sehun shift his gaze on the window instead "I.. I don't know.."

"Tss! What a coward." Taeyong hissed "I'm not sure if you're really my Sehun hyung." He stated making Sehun looked at him "The Sehun hyung I know is responsible, strong, cold but warm at the same time.. and he's brave to fight for everything he think is right.."

"That's the Sehun hyung, I idolize before." He added looking at the door of Yoona's room "I'm very disappointed on you, hyung. I never thought you will be this jerk and coward."

Sehun tried to reach his dongsaeng but Taeyong immediately turned his back and enter his room, leaving Sehun blaming himself for everything.

After few minutes of staring at Yoona's room door. He finally get into his feet and exited his unit.


"So.. explain everything you did, right now!" Taeyong said between gritted teeth, eying his friends intently.

All of them immediately point Doyoung making Doyoung looked at Taeyong in horror "You guys are traitors!!" He exclaimed

"What did you do, Doyoung?" Taeyong asked, holding his anger

Doyoung gulped "I.. I—"

"I swear, Taeyong, I tried to stop him and Yuta but they insist of doing their plan!" Taeil stated "My motherly instinct are tingling during those time but they don't listen to me."

Yuta and Doyoung looked at him in disbelief "So, Yuta is part of this also?" Taeyong asked

Yuta let out an awkward laugh "I just said yes but I didn't support Doyoung.. Hehe.." he said. All of them glared at him

"Seriously guys, this is not a joke! Someone tell me what really happened? Why Yoona noona is drunk and why are they together?" Taeyong asked desperately

"We all agreed to this, Taeyong hyung." Suddenly, Mark muttered. "We saw how depressed you are these past few days and we want to help you.."

"So, Doyoung made a plan to make Sehun hyung and Yoona noona together.." Ten continue "We brought them on our favorite bar.. its not our intention to make Yoona noona drunk but, upon seeing Sehun hyung's angry expression.."

"We don't have any choice but to run for our lives.." Jaehyun finished

Taeyong shook his head in disbelief "I'm okay guys, you don't have to worry about me.." he said "please don't do this again.."

"I'm sorry, Taeyong!" Doyoung and Yuta exclaimed in unison, they both stood up and hugged Taeyong

Taeyong kicked their ass earning a laugh from the others.

"But, Taeyong.. something happened when we went to Yoona noona earlier.." Taeil suddenly said,

They all turned serious "Yeah.." Yuta agreed

"What is it?" Taeyong asked

"Yoona noona seems forgetting some things.." Taeil answered "We all know that, she knows everyone of us by face and by name, right?"

All of them nod, its the truth because Yoona said, they're her favorite dongsaengs.

"But why is that she thought I was Doyoung?" Yuta asked making everyone frown "I don't remember having big mouth like him."

"Yah!! Are you insulting me—" Ten covered Doyoung's mouth

"Yeah, and she didn't even sure if I'm Taeil.." Taeil mumbles

"That's.. strange.." Jaehyun muttered

"I really think you should bring her to a doctor.. she look sick and those symptoms are not even good.." Taeil suggest

Taeyong nodded "I'll talk to her first.. thanks guys.." he smiled but inside him, he's really worried to death


Sehun bought a five bottles of liquor on the nearby convenient store.

He rode his car, he received a text message from Kris that, they have a meet up with everyone in his place. Driving while drinking is what Sehun currently doing right now.

The alcohol taken almost half of his consciousness. He parked his car on one of the vacant spot at the parking and went directly to Kris' unit.

He pressed the doorbell. The moment the door opens, eight pairs of eye gaze to him. "Sehun? What happened to you?" Chanyeol asked as he closed the door behind

Sehun walked on the couch almost loosing his balance, he felt everything is heavy. The pain is too much..

Kai sat next to him whilst Chanyeol, Kris and Luhan are watching him. He let out a laugh "Hey, guys!" He greeted "What a wonderful day we have today, aren't we?" He stated, trying to sound happy but he failed, definitely failed.

"Sehun, what happened? You can tell us." Kai muttered patting Sehun's shoulder

Sehun shoved his hands away and groan "I'm a jerk." He laughed then he stood up and stop in front of Luhan. He looks desperate and all as he held the collar of Luhan's shirt. "Hyung! I hurt her! I fcking hurt her!" He exclaimed

Luhan is just seriously watching him without any emotion, the smell of the liquor he drank is filling his nose "That's enough, Sehun." Kris said as he held Sehun's arm to separate from Luhan

But Sehun just shoved him away "No!" He insist "I and Luhan hyung made a promise." He stated "I already hurt her, hyung. Please do it as you said." He begs

The three other males are just watching them with a frown, they don't know they have such promises. And a minute passed, they just saw Sehun laying on the carpeted floor after receiving a hard punch from Luhan.

They gasped and watch Sehun groan in pain. They saw a stain of blood at the corner of his lips. He sat up and smile bitterly "I'm sorry, hyung.. I'm sorry." He mumbles as he starts to cry.

He just cry there desperately. The others are watching him with sympathy and concern. They just let him because they all know he needs it, to at least lessen the pain he's been experiencing.

"What do you really feel towards her?" Suddenly Luhan asked

Sehun stare at nothing as the tears continue to fall "I like her.. I love her.. I'm in love with her.." he said almost a whisper

"The difference between like, love and in love is the same as difference between for now, for a while and forever." Chanyeol mumbles

"I don't know.. " Sehun muttered "They said I have to make her fall for me.."

"But every time her cold grey eyes met mine.." he smiled despite himself "and she did those fascinating smile that can reach the corner of her eyes.."

"I don't know why.." he added "but I'm the one who is falling for her.."

"This is Sht." He cursed

"Falling isn't a crime or a sin, Sehun." Kris said "But being coward and running from all your problems is not even an acceptable reason."

"What should I do, hyung?" He asked still crying "I don't know what to do anymore.."

"You know to yourself, what you really have to do, Sehun." Chanyeol said

"But.. I.. I just can't leave Seohyun like that.. I promised to take care of her back then.."

"All the promises you've had before are nothing since the day he rejected you." Luhan hissed between gritted teeth "Wake up, Sehun!!" He exclaimed and gave him another punch

Kai and Chanyeol immediately held Luhan's arm to stop him from giving Sehun another. "Luhan hyung, that's enough." Kai said

"No it isn't! If I have to punch him 100 times if he'll just wake up from his illusions, I'm more that willing to do it!" Luhan exclaimed

"Promises are sometimes really meant to be broke." He added

"We all know that, Seohyun is inlove with Luhan hyung." Kai said "he's just using you, Sehun. You have to wake up."

"Are you waiting for Yoona to beg you to stay?" Kris asked

Sehun chuckled dryly "She told me to stay.. but I still left her.."

"What a jerk." Luhan hissed and grabbed Sehun's collar "Are you really out of your mind, Sehun?!!" He yelled

Kai was about to stop them when Kris held him. He looked at Chanyeol and Kris as they shook their head telling him to just let them.

"Did you know how much it hurts me too?!" Luhan exclaimed "It hurts me too, seeing her lifeless and in pain."

"It hurts me seeing her sad eyes and fake smiles.." he mumbles, a tear fell from his eyes "I'm there.. I'm with her but she's still thinking of you.."

"Whenever she get into trouble, she's expecting you to save her even she knows that you wouldn't come!" He growled, Sehun is just listening at him "I always see how disappointed she is whenever she saw me saving her. Do you know how much that hurts me?"

"I love her.." Luhan sobs "But she loves you.."

"Do you know how lucky bastard you are?!!" He exclaimed "How lucky you are that she loves you! That she's waiting for you but what did she get from you? Pain? It's pain, Sehun. It's pain, you fcking asshole!!"

Another punch was thrown unto Sehun's face. Luhan breath heavily as he watch Sehun groaning in pain. "You know what? I'm so done with you." He glared  "I'm out of here." He then exited Kris' unit.

"Sehun, go home and take some rest." Kris stated "We'll talk about it when you're okay."

"I'll never be okay, hyung." Sehun answered

"We'll drive you home." Kai announced, Chanyeol and Kris held Sehun by arm and went on the parking lot, riding Kris' car.

They stopped in front of Seohyun's house. They know, Sehun is staying there. After pressing the doorbell three times, Seohyun welcomed them with a wide eyes and gaped lips. "Oh my.. what happened to him?" She asked

They proceed inside the house and laid Sehun on the couch inside the living room. Seohyun stared at Sehun and he has a bruise on his left eye, there's also a stain of blood at the corner of his lips.

"Let him rest, Seohyun.." Kris suddenly said

"What happened to him?" She asked, worried

"Let's just say.. someone wake him up." Chanyeol mumbles making Seohyun frowned

"What do you mean?" She asked

"You should also wake up, Seohyun." Chanyeol answered

"We all know here that, you love Luhan and not Sehun." Kai stated "So, why don't you set him free? He's carrying the burden and pain too much."

She bit her lower lip and gaze away "You don't understand." She hissed

"Oh C'mon!" Kris exclaimed letting a dry laugh "Who wouldn't understand? You're just being selfish!" He said, it may sound rude but he knows she needs it

"Stop being blind and dumb headed, Seohyun. You know and I know you noticed how Sehun have changed."

"But Tiffany unnie—"

"Oh hush!" Kris cuts her "Do you think Tiffany is right? Now, tell me. Base on everything that is happening right now, do you really think what she told you is right? I know you're not that stupid. You know the right thing to do."

"Stop listening to others and make some decisions by yourself. Trust yourself and you'll know by the end that its worth it." Kris said "Wake up and think of it."

Kris stormed out the door, Kai and Chanyeol followed him leaving Seohyun dumbfounded whilst looking at Sehun.

She kneeled on the floor, leveling her face to Sehun's. Sehun wince "T-Taeyong.. I'm.. I'm s-still your h-hyung.. I'm sorry.." he mumbles in his dream

Seohyun is just watching him with tears falling from her eyes "L-Luhan hyung.. s-sorry.. I h-hurt her.. I'm sorry.." Sehun continue

Seohyun is still watching her wiping her tears. Another minute passed when she saw a tears falling down from Sehun's eyes. Her eyes widen in surprise, he never saw Sehun cry. Sehun never cry for her nor to anyone as she remember, but Sehun is crying in front of her right now..

"Yoona.." is the word who came out of his mouth. Seohyun smiled bitterly "I'm stupid, I know.. I'm sorry.." he breathed, tears continue flowing. He didn't even stutter

Another silence before Sehun starts speaking in his sleep again "I love you.."

Seohyun sobs harder, all the pain she gave to Sehun keeps on bugging her right now.

That time that Sehun went out and her Tiffany unnie told her that, she saw Sehun and Yoona together at the Han River.. its really okay for her but since Tiffany provoke her to do something to make Sehun leave Yoona, she did something stupid.

She remember, she calls Sehun that time to buy her meds because she said her head is aching although, its really not. So, Sehun bought her the meds she needs and when Sehun was about to leave again she acted like her head is aching too much that Sehun doesn't have any choice but to stay with her.

Seohyun never saw Sehun smile when he's with her. She can't even feel the love anymore..

She reached for Sehun's hand and squeeze it slightly as she sobs harder "I'm sorry, Sehun.. I really am.."

Kris is right.. she's being selfish and not thinking of the other's feelings. She messed everyone's life, its all her fault.

She's blaming herself for everything that happened to them. It's all because of her stupidity and selfishness..

It's time for her to do the right thing..

She wiped all the tears and looked at Sehun's face directly "I'm sorry for making your life miserable, Sehun.."

"I'm setting you free.."


I'm sorry for too much drama. We're near to end~ so, hang in there. ;)


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