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A few days had passed since you first found the staff. You were surprised when Junao and her friends didn't bother you anymore.

They hadn't spread information about what had happened that day at the bridge. Which you were happy about.

You didn't want any more anger towards you. Though now there was fear coming from the group of girls, a fear you hated yourself for creating.

Well for Junao you noticed it was hatred more than anything.

Sure they picked on you but you never meant to hurt them. You loved people good or bad you just wanted to help at the end of the day.

You had tried numerous times to apologize properly to Junao but she wasn't having any of it. She would just tell you to back off, her plum-colored eyes sending you a clear message.

You sighed as you wiped your hand across your forehead. It was a humid day your father had allowed you the day off from hauling any sea fish.

Every day you would go to the forest and practice around with your staff. You twirled it around in your hand before smacking it full force into one of the trees.

"Ha!" You would call out every time you did so.

After a while, you would lie down on the grass. You held the staff above you. "The staff is cool but I wish I had found something cooler." You mumbled in defeat. "I should probably give it a name..."

You then began to think back to that man you saw when you were out at sea. "That was no human..." You whispered to yourself.

You got up to head into town. Before you did so you covered your staff with a white cloth and just tied it in the middle with a purple ribbon. You learned rather quickly that by doing so it drew less attention.

Once you were in town you headed to a fruit vendor's stall. "Ah, Hanae-San how are you?" The vendor greeted you.

You smiled as you waved at her. "I'm just doing find Mrs. Agutsuma. I'm just getting a snack."

"Well, you tell me what you want to get alright?" She said as she moved to help another customer.

You looked at the variety of fruits she had on the table. You were reaching for your favorite fruit when a man's voice stopped you.

"Hey there!" He grinned from ear to ear. You furrowed your brows as you backed up slightly. The man was very tall, so tall in fact that he cast a shadow over you. You noticed his weird-colored hair, blue with a few streaks of white.

He also had a few pieces of armor on his body. Just like you, he seemed to have some weapon wrapped up but in bandages. He held it firmly with his hand while his weapon rested on his shoulder.

"Who the hell are you?" You scrunched your nose at the man as he bent down a bit. He examined your face closely for a second before backing up.

"Susano'o" He replied simply before he frowned. "Do you not remember me?"

You scoffed at the man as he was beginning to weird you out. "If I met someone whose parents loved them enough to give them a God's name, I think I would remember."

"Even if you do remember me...or you don't-"  He paused, taking his weapon off his shoulder as he held it in front of him. "I'm here to take you back home Y/N."

"No" The word seemed to spill out of your mouth way too fast. "I'm not going anywhere." Your heart began to beat loudly in your ear. You gripped on your staff through the cloth. 

"Fine then-" He said as he pointed his weapon at you. "So be it." In one fell swoop, the bandages on his weapon fell off. Immediately after you saw his wrist flick, in one swift movement he swung his sword at you. You blocked the attack, both your hands on your staff as you gritted your teeth.

It had been so fast, even with his minimal movement his attack pushed you back. Your feet dragged on the ground as you tried your best to steady yourself.

The people around you were frightened and all ran away heading into their homes. Your breathing became shallow as you tried to calm your beating heart.

You saw the distance you traveled, in the middle of your feet marks from where you were pushed presented themselves. Aswell as a slash on the ground from his attack.

"He's going to kill me!" Your hands trembled as you gulped down all the saliva that accumulated in your mouth. 

You saw his eyes widen before he started to laugh. "Y/N are you scared? Now that's a sight to see!" He mocked you and all you could do was stand still.

Your chest was heaving and small beads of sweat formed on your forehead. "Of course I am. It's not every day someone tries to kill you in front of everyone." You mustered all the courage you had to speak.

You began to take off the ribbon that secured the cloth to your staff. The cloth itself was ripped from his attack. 

"...But I fear you have the wrong person. I am Hoshiko Hanae."

You looked down and were surprised that not even a dent had formed on your staff. Dropping the cloth and ribbon on the ground you saw him take a stance you've never seen before. His knees were bent, his left hand extended out while his right hand held his sword.

"Even though you're scared I can tell you're strong, you took that attack head-on." He smiled widely. "Let's test how strong you really are!" He held his sword back before he swung horizontally, his slash reached even you. His attack formed that of a crescent moon. 

You jumped up and in mid-air, you bent your knees to make sure you didn't get hit. You twirled around your staff in your hands, landing feet first your knees bent slightly. You quickly held your staff vertically and in one swift throw you sent it straight at him.

He easily dodged it and began to throw another attack your way when your extended hand closed. You balled your fist, "Return..." You muttered out.

A piece of his ear ripped as your staff came right back into your hand. The small piece of flesh that ripped fell to the ground. 

Susano'o grinned, taking his previous stance as he spoke. "Secret technique: Ama no Magaeshi" He held his sword upright in his hand.

"There's no way...!" You backed up to get farther from him but in a matter of a second, he swung. You practically held your breath as his attack barely scraped by you. "Calm yourself Hanae!" You screamed in your head. "I have to win...not for myself but for the town's people!"

The hairs on your arms rose, you had managed to get behind his attack range. Your eyes quickly darted off to the side. Your mouth fell agape as his blade managed to cut the building next to you.

Part of the structure fell onto another building and dust rose from the fall.

Your eyes snapped back to the blue and white-haired man. "Oops I didn't mean to go that far..." He murmured.

Your eyes lingered on his weapon. "If only I had something better...maybe I could leave with my life..." You were beginning to lose hope.

Susano'o appeared before you in a blink of an eye. "What are you going to do Y/N?" His blade was parallel to your eyes. You leaned back as you dodged the attack.

Susano'o quickly drew back his sword to get ready to swing again.

You held your staff vertically, the golden plating at the end touching his torso. "This," You said as your staff felt warm in your palms.

You began to stand straight when Susano'os blade swiped in the direction of the side of your torso.


A clank of metal was heard as small sparks of light appeared before disappearing. You struggled as you kept your weapon as still as possible.

"Ha! I haven't seen that blade in such a long time." Susano'o grinned as he jumped back.

You huffed as you gulped. In your hand was what looked like a katana. The hilt is the same rose gold color as your staff. The guard was in the shape of a cloud while the actual blade had a shining gold color.

You began to circle the God, not tearing your eyes away for a second as you looked for an opening.

Suddenly Susano'o dropped his guard which confused you. You took it as some sort of trap and decided to stay where you were.

"Alright let's call it an end!" He beamed as he lowered his sword. You furrowed your brows. "What are you trying to get at?" You gritted your teeth, afraid he was just lying.

"Ahh! Y/N!! How I missed my sweet younger sister!" You stood confused as in the blink of an eye the man appeared in front of you.

You tightened your hold on the hilt of your sword. Your guard dropped slightly as you hadn't sensed and malicious intent from him.

"The hell you talking about!?" You yelled at him. You jumped back as you saw his arms lunged forward.

He frowned as you dodged his bear hug.

You pointed the tip of your sword to his heart. "Look Kami, whatever it is you want...you won't get it so leave." You sent him the most threatening look you could muster.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" He asked. "Privately?"

You realized you had both been fighting in the middle of the town. In broad daylight. Many of the buildings had doors and windows cracked open. Spectators watching in fright.

"If I agree, will you stop fighting?"

"Of course whatever you say goes!"


You had led Susano'o to your spot in the forest that you would use to train or just relax daily. He had gone on about a rant explaining who you were in a past life.

He even revealed you two were siblings.  The longer he talked the more confused you were. What surprised you most if how comfortable you had gotten around him even after he attacked you.

The both of you had been talking for ages the sun already beginning to set. Both of you sitting on the ground, your back against a tree as Susano'o sat next to you.

You stared at him, bewilderment written all over your face. "That does not sound like me at all." You huffed. "How could anyone be so fixated on keeping everything the same?"

Susano laughed. "Well, that's just how you were. You never really tried to do anything for yourself or others. Except helping mankind of course."

"If I was anyone else I would think you're lying but for some reason I believe you. Also the fact that my damn staff changed forms into another weapon added to your honesty."

He burts into laughter before calming down. "So you rather stay here with mankind?" He asked you to which you nodded.

"There's nothing I would want more than to just live my life. I know what I have to do, and that's simply to help others." Your eyes shined.

"From what you told me...I have a feeling my divine self was stuck in the past but I won't hesitate I'll always choose the future!"

A smile began creeping on your face. "What's the fun in keeping everything the same?"

Susano'o laughed. "You know Hanae you still have the same heart." You raised your brow. "Y/N always wanted to be with mankind I think that's why you as Hanae don't want to go back." Susano'o raised his hand and ruffled your hair.

"It's because you're free now."

"Free? Free from what?" You asked him. He retracted his hand. "You can do whatever you please and you're with who you love most."

Your smile slowly fell. "But isn't that how it used to be?"

Susano'o looked surprised. "I'm sure I could've done whatever I wanted as well as had loved ones back in heaven." At your words, Susano'o immediately circled back to Raijin and Ryubu.

Susano'o stayed quiet stuck on what to say next. You were right technically so what could he say?

"Though I won't lie sometimes I feel like a part of me is missing." You were speaking your mind your chin resting in the palm of your hand. "Hey Susano'o did we have any other siblings?"

Susano nodded his head happy you brought up the subject. "Well actually-!"

"No, forget I asked." You interrupted him and Susano'o faced palmed. "What now?" You rolled your eyes.

"Why don't you wanna know? You asked!?" He yelled as he pouted at you.

You scratched the back of your neck. "I don't know...I immediately regretted it after asking. It left a foul taste in my tongue." You looked at him and scrunched your nose. "Stop pouting you're an old man."

Susano'o dropped the face with a sigh and he began to stand up. He offered you a hand as you stood up from your spot as well.

There was silence for a moment, both of your hands in Susano'o hold. "You promise me one hundred percent that you will let me live the rest of my life here on earth?"

Susano'o laughed before he tightened his hold on your hands. "You do not need to ask me for such a thing. You deserve to live your own life of your own accord."

He let go of your hands and brought you close, hugging you. "Hanae I'll miss you!" He sobbed as snot came rushing out of his nose.

"Ugh! Old man smell!" You gagged as you tried to set yourself free from his hold. You began to panic as some of his snot was dangerously close to your shoulder.

"Ahh! Let go of me already!"

He let you go as he let out a few more sniffles. "This might well be the last time we meet." He spoke softly.

You smiled at his calm demeanor and you nodded at his words.

"Though I must warn you, when the others find out where you are they won't lose a second to come get you themselves."

"The others?" You mumbled in confusion.

"More specifically those in higher power in the Greek and Norse pantheon."

You shook your head. "But why would they even want me..." You frowned as you realized you would have to be constantly looking behind your back for any future gods that would dare hurt you in any way.

Susano'os face was serious as he spoke. "I believe that one you should be wary about most is Zeus. His brother Poseiden is the only reason why I found you."

"Zeus...Poseidon..." You repeated in your head in an attempt to help you remember their names.

"It's only because I happen to be at the right place at the right time that I ran into him before he got to anyone else. He didn't speak much but he had sensed your presence near the sea of this town he said."

"Ah, that must have been him..." You thought as you recalled that one day when you were at sea fishing and you saw that weird man out in the water.

"Honestly I'm surprised he even told me. I'm sure he wasn't even going to and just go straight to Zeus for him to deal with..."

"And what's the chance that this Zeus guy find out I'm here?"

Susano'os lips formed a straight line. "Don't worry Poseiden promised he wouldn't tell anyone else!"

You noticed how he couldn't keep a straight face. It made you question yourself if he was telling the truth.

"And are you sure a promise means anything to a god?"

The corners of his mouth tilted down before he sighed. "That guy promised me nothing. I just don't want you to worry my dear sister..."

Susano'o placed a hand near his heart. "A promise from me to you means everything. So I promise you'll be able to live your life here without the interference of any god."

A/N: Longer chapter than normal butttt that's OK. We lowkey nearing the end ngl.

The ideas I have a crazy but we all have our limits and when I write them down they sound dooky but whatvs.

Hope yall enjoyed [love][smooches]

Also yall I'm tweaking outtt I'm highkey rooting for both God and Mankind in the current round I don't want either to die [cry] 😍

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