2560 Words
The fusuma doors closed as you sat on your knees in front of your short table. Three tea cups in front of you as well as a teapot in front of you.
You had one of the cups in your hand, your reflection on the tea as you stood still, the distant sound of bells in your ears. Small ripples appeared on your tea as the door slid open.
"Yo! Y/N, Ryubu, and I are heading down to earth. Do ya want to come join us?" Raijin said as he bent down a little and came into the room to avoid hitting his head.
The tall man smiled as he saw you place your teacup on the table. A quiet clank as it met the wooden table.
You turned to him and sent a smile his way. "Did you cut your hair Raijin? I'm sure it was longer than it is now." You saw him fidget with his white hair.
"Well, I don't think it's much of a difference..." He mumbled as he became worried that you did not like it. "I suppose you're right, your hair is still long, longer than mine even." You laughed as you got up from your sitting position.
You shake your head as you begin to leave the room. "Sorry, I won't be able to join you I'm afraid...I am expecting someone to come meet with me soon." Raijin looked surprised, "Do ya know who it is?" He scratched his head as he followed you out.
You stopped walking in the middle of the pathway and turned to him. An irked expression on your face. You came up to him and flicked him on his forehead. "Youch!!! Why did you do that!" He yelled as he rubbed the spot.
"Your face makes me mad sometimes. You also ask stupid questions, how did I get stuck with such a dumb brother." You shook your head in a disappointed manner as you continued to walk again.
"I was just asking!" He cried out. You snickered at him, "Oh and to answer your question I do not know who it is." As he heard you speak he just looked at you in annoyance.
His annoyance was quick to turn into confusion. "How could you not know? Can't you look into the future or whatever?"
You only laughed it off as you waved goodbye to him. "Well, whatever, I'm leaving now." He said before heading towards the front to leave.
"Raijin" You called out his name to which he stopped. "What now?" He grumbled as you quickly walked up to him.
"Remember you have to set an example." You told him as you pointed to his black colored kimono. It wasn't on correctly as the left side was completely off his shoulders.
His yellow haori was not even on him but resting on his shoulders. You were quick to fix his clothing before moving some stray hairs out of his face.
You then tightened the three bells that he had tied on a string around his hips.
"There we go, do remember our duty. Not only must we be strong but also look...decent." You laughed as he became embarrassed.
"I do not need you to help me with little things such as fixing my clothes..." You raised a brow at him. "Sure whatever you say." You laughed as you watched him run off.
He turned to another hallway and he was no longer in your sight. You walked around for a bit greeting multiple people and a few gods as you walked around.
Soon you found yourself in the estate's courtyard. You walked to the center as you looked up, a life-size statue of you was placed. The statue was of you standing still, your dominant hand covering your eyes.
You remember the day when it was first placed. A fond smile on your face as you remember being too embarrassed about it while those who lived to serve only you begged to keep it up.
You heard someone's ragged breathing behind you. "Lady Y/N! An unwelcomed god is starting a fight just outside by the front entrance!" Virgo said in a panicked voice.
You stayed silent for a moment before nodding your head. "I see, thank you for informing me." You said as you walked up to them.
Grabbing their hand you gave it a firm squeeze. "There is no need to panic, everything will be alright." You smiled.
"Of course!" They smiled as they moved to the side to let you take the lead. "Heaven's door!" You called out. A portal appeared in front of you.
You walked inside it, Virgo right behind you as you both were immediately at the front entrance of your estate.
You scanned the area. An arrangement of guards surrounded the area to not let the perpetrator get closer to the estate. Raijin was currently in combat with whoever it was that managed to get in.
"Right! That's it! I'm going to die...!" The person laughed hysterically.
"Stop fighting at once." You said, your voice immediately catching everyone's attention. You put your hand out in front of you, pointing it in the direction of the perpetrator. "Outter pressure." You said as the man dropped onto his stomach.
You were quick to bring your hand down, allowing him to get on his knees.
"H-how did you do that!?" He gasped as he tried to take in breaths.
"You don't need to know how, now tell me, you didn't come all this way to fight Raijin right?" You asked him. "Also I doubt anyone present right now was stupid enough to let you in."
"It's been a current phenomenon. How exactly did you make it this far?" You looked around, looking for anyone that looked suspicious.
"Why does it matter?! I just want to battle one of you, any of you!" He yelled out as he began to pull at his hair. You looked at him coldly. "If you don't care why bother us? Go bother someone else. You aren't wanted here."
"Just fight me!" He yelled again as he began getting up again. You put your hand out again and he moved slowly as he finally stood still.
"Why do you even want to die? I promise you that you will leave this place with your life. I will not fight you."
He stayed quiet as he huffed in frustration. "I'm going to ask you again, Why do you want to die Beelzebub?" You asked him as you began walking closer to him.
"So you do know...! I knew it! You're strong, so fight me!" His voice trembling as he practically begged. "You're the goddess of change, I know of your abilities! I know you'll be able to kill me."
You halted in your step for a second. You waited for him to speak more but he didn't. Walking up to him you stared at him dead in the eye before poking at his chest. "Here is where she placed it correct?"
He could only nod as he realized you were talking about the "curse" Lilith had put on him. "I've simply never met a God stupider than you. Even the humans down at earth are smarter." He looked dumbfounded as he looked at you.
"Don't think of it as a curse, you are just tainting her wish." You shook your head in disappointment.
"Her wish....?"
You pointed at your own heart. "Sometimes you just have to use your heart, not your head." You sighed as you began to speak again.
"Look...it's not me who will help you. I said it once, I'll repeat it just for you...go bother someone else!"
You stood still as you began to think. A small smirk began to form on your lips. "I think I know the perfect person who might be able to help you. That sweetheart Hades will surely appreciate me sending you his way."
"Hades...? But I want to fight you i am already here before you! You might know what happened but you don't know how it feels!" He angrily spat as he took a step forward. Your noses practically touching.
"Of course I don't, I wasn't the one who went through it personally. Tough even I know that this mark she left behind means..." you said as you pointed at his mark. "It's her wish, her dream! She wants you to continue on your path!"
"Stop with the bullshit! You probably even know about the thing that lives within me!" He said, aggressively grabbing onto the fabric of your clothing.
Your lips turned into a thin line. As he looked into your eyes there was an uncertainty in his chest. "You-!"
Beelzebub had gone for a punch only to be blocked by your arm. You grabbed him by the shoulders making him stay in place as you kicked him with your knee in his stomach. He fell on his knees and clutched his stomach in pain.
"I'll send you to go see him. So please, never bother me again." You said kneeling and forcing him to look up at you by grabbing him by his hair. "Please just kill me.." He pleaded as he mumbled plead after plead.
You helped him stand up, your hands delicately touching him as he sobbed. "What good would that do?" You called out heaven's door as it appeared behind him.
He cried as he yelled out your name. It seemed as if time slowed down for him as you pushed him. His body stumbling back as he passed by the portal you had created with a thud.
You looked at him from your spot as he quickly realized he was no longer in your dimension. You saw him scramble to get up only for you to disperse the portal right before his eyes.
There were a few moments of silence as you soon began to order everyone to get back to what they were doing. You felt a hand on your shoulder and had to look up to face Raijin. "Y/N!" Raijin called out your name.
"What is it Raijin?" You asked him as you crossed your arms on your chest.
"Wow, that was so cool!" He blushed and patted you on the back as he gave you a thumbs up. You looked at him in surprise before you smiled. "I am the coolest big sister aren't I?" You laughed.
"Augh! This is simply so annoying!" Raijin grumbled as he pulled on his clothes. "I don't even know why they bother with these things still...and this outfit is sticking to my skin!"
"Stop acting like a baby Raijin. You're the annoying one here!" Ryubu grumbled back as he sighed. "Say that to my face, you bastard!" Raijin yelled as he pulled on his brother's hair.
You turned around and they stopped messing around immediately. "Can't you guys just calm down for two seconds? I should've just left you guys back home. I swear if you don't behave I'll lock you guys up...with the...monster under the bed!" You threatened.
"The monsters under the bed...?" They both mumbled as they looked at each other before looking at you. Soon after they burst out into laughter as they began to tear up.
"Like they exist......!" Raijin hesitantly said. "Anyways stop treating us like children Y/N!" Raijin said scratching his head.
"Then don't act like children. That threat I just used...the human mothers down on earth, they use it a lot, and it's quite effective I must say." You sighed as you saw Raijin's mouth begin to open once more. "They also spank misbehaved children!"
Shaking your head you spoke once more. "Look when we get there, let's just find our seats and act normal alright?"
"Yeah, whatever!" Raijin yawned as he put his hands on the back of his head. "Of course Y/N, we will be on our best behavior," Ryubu said as he also let out a chuckle.
Finally arriving you found yourselves in your meeting place. Finding somewhere to sit, you placed Raijin and Ryubu each on one side of where you were sitting.
A familiar grumble could be heard indicating the meeting was about to start. "Welcome...to this year's conference. We will discuss the future of Mankind." Zeus said as he looked as old as ever.
You raised your hand, signaling you were about to speak. "If I may, I believe they are doing wonderful. The last time I went down there, their technological advances were remarkable. They have started to expand not just into villages but empires."
Saying that others soon began to express their own opinions. "Yes, I agree!"
"Of course! Lady Y/N knows best when it comes to mankind."
"Hmm yes you're right I suppose," Zeus mumbled as he stroked his beard.
Two annoying familiar crows could be heard as soon as Zeus finished speaking. "Aha! You see, with their growth don't you think they will start to grow more needy?" Muninn said as he and Huginn rested on Odin's shoulders.
"What about how they continue to fight amongst themselves? That will surely end them! Why not finish them now!?" Huginn concluded. Making eye contact with Odin you just clicked your tongue in annoyance.
"Do you believe that fighting amongst themselves will not lead to ruin?" The crows spoke in unison.
"Well, they're not wrong...." You thought with a hum. "We Gods fight every second of the day. Even now as we discuss and fight about mankind's existence, we will come to an agreement in the end. It is the same with Humans."
"Dumb Humans can't even find peace without our guidance!" Muninn continued.
You raised your voice which scared the two crows. "Why talk about wanting them to find peace when you won't allow them to? I believe we should stop interfering with how they act altogether." A low murmur filled the conference. Your brothers began to grow in worry as multiple eyes landed on your form.
"Such insolent-! Without us they are nothing! They won't be able to survive without our guidance. Us leaving them to fend for themselves will only cost destruction." Muninn yelled.
"You are only saying that because you fear losing your power over them," You spoke boldly as you felt Zeus glare at you. With that the stupid crows shut their mouths, not without mumbling a stream of sinful words.
"I think Lady Y/N has a point..."
"But what will they do without our guidance?"
Zeus let out a cough catching everyone's attention. "It seems you are all unsure of what to do. Y/N has spoken of her opinion, but we cannot let mankind run wild. If you could raise above the X sign or O sign we will do a majority vote."
Soon, one after another everyone showed what they had concluded. Should mankind be allowed to live for another 1,000 years? Yes or no? A matter of seconds passed as every god attending raised their sign.
"I see, so it seems we have decided. Mankind is welcome to live another 1,000 years!" Raising his gavel he was quick to smash it down.
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