1690 Words
You walked in the dirt path the humans had made so you wouldn't stray off while moving from place to place.
"Augh where is that animal..!" He groaned in annoyance. "There's nothing but grass out here and the sky is quite clear too...it's almost too perfect today..."
He sighed as he changed the topic, boredom expressed on his face. "Hey Y/N? Is it true about what you said?" Loki asked you to which you hummed in confusion. "That the people in your domain like Thor more than me." He groaned as he rolled his eyes.
"I was joking..." Your snickering said otherwise. "Well, they still like you. You should have seen them when Buddha would come around."
At the mention of Buddha's name Loki just rolled his eyes. "I don't think my brothers like him very much." You mumbled.
"You talk a lot about your brothers ya know?" Loki said with an exaggerated sigh and he immediately regretted the tone of his voice. You frowned at his words. "I'm sorry?"
"Well, it's not like it's a bad thing but don't you have other siblings? Either way, why not talk about how great I am and how much you like me...!" Loki asked with a gulp and you shook your head.
"I do have other siblings yes...but Raijin and Ryubu are the only ones that bothered to stay with me." You smiled softly.
"And if I told you how much I liked you then I'm pretty sure you would pass out." You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly.
Loki's eyes light up his face showing how bashful he had gotten. "From happiness right...?" He asked you as he squirmed around, his body feeling hot.
You ignored what he had said and continued talking about your brothers. "...If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind it if it was just the three of us. The estate is always rumbling with noise. Those who reside there alongside me are always making changes around the place."
Loki with a big smile looked at the back of your head, waiting for you to continue talking. He could tell there was something you wanted to say.
"It's funny, isn't it? The humans call me the goddess of change for some reason..." You forced yourself to laugh before it ceased completely. "...But I despise change more than anything else."
Loki wanted to open his mouth, to ask further about the topic but stopped floating. His feet touched the ground as he blinked once then twice. He felt a chill go down his spine for a fraction of a millisecond.
He was quick to look around, there was nothing, no one. The field you guys were in was nothing but grass.
"Loki? Are you alright?" You said as your back was still facing him. Your voice was shaky as if you were out of breath.
He saw you look around frantically, your eyes widened as you tried to focus on your surroundings. "What did I just feel..." Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. "He opened his bag..?!" You thought with confusion.
There was a piercing loud sound as you kneeled, covering your ears. You gasped as your heart started beating fast in your chest.
You turned your head slowly and saw that Loki was also desperately trying to cover his ears the best he could.
You slowly got up on your feet. Your whole body shook as you quickly put your palm out and immediately regretted it. Your ear felt like it was about to bust as you called out for heaven's door.
You had put it directly beneath Loki and he fell through the portal. The moment he fell in you closed it. Your hand was back on your ear as you groaned out in pain.
The sound stopped and you were breathing in and out loudly. "What was that..." You winced as you took your hands off your ears.
You stumbled for a bit before regaining balance. You were about to summon heaven's door to check up on Loki when something caught your eye.
On the floor, just a few feet in front of you was a raven. It was on the floor, a pool of blood drenching the grass. You walked towards it and kneeled. Examining it closely its head had burst.
Getting up you began to grow worried. "What if the sound reached the town?" You thought with furrowed brows. "It's still a bit far from here but...I can't leave without checking up on them."
You began to run through the grassy field, your mind was rising with worry that you had forgotten all about Loki. You were scared that the townspeople wouldn't be alright. Your heart began to crack with each step you took.
You were there on the actual road they had built in a matter of minutes as you stood at what would be the very entrance of the town.
You gaped at the scene before you. "No no no no no!" You yelled out in horror. You pulled at your hair as you walked into the town.
It looked like a tornado had run straight through the town. You were walking over debris left and right. You looked with teary eyes as you saw multiple bodies lying on the floor and the roofs with what little structures there were left.
"H..elp me..." You heard a small voice speak as you looking for who it had come from. To your right there was someone's head and torso sticking out from some fallen debris. Not wasting a second you were quick to get the fallen debris off of them.
As you looked them over you discovered that from their waist down their body had been crushed. You looked mortified as you pulled on your hair. "How did I let this happen...?" You sobbed.
You let out a gasp as you felt a cold hand touch your shoulder. You turned your head around and your heart sank. You started to shake your head in denial.
"Sister, tell me...why are you always so scared to let the things around you change? Why are you always so scared to let yourself change?" His golden eyes dulled as he spoke to you.
Ryubu sighed deeply. "You have said it yourself. You hate change and I have never changed...I still hate you just as you hate me...more than ever."
There was sweat rolling down your face as your hand touched the new wound that appeared on your stomach. It had been deep enough to draw blood but nothing else.
You exhaled loudly as you slowly brought your weapon in front of you. "How long has it been?" You thought as you could only grip your weapon as some sort of comfort.
"It seems as if Ryubu's attack was a done deal! How will Hanae continue!?" Heimdall's voice echoed throughout the arena.
"The last time I fought...I lost to that old man. Even then that "kami", that found me first...I barely made it out with my life." You jumped backward as Ryubu slashed his sword in your direction.
The light in your eyes dimmed. "What if I'm not able to change our outcome? Though I've already died once..." You felt the air around you to be difficult to breathe. Your breath hitched as you bent backward.
You watched as Ryubu's sword slashed where you would be if you hadn't moved. Your hands touched the ground and you used your momentum to continue jumping away from him.
You were a far distance away from him. "Change Position: Reform." You were breathing deeply, trying to calm your nerves. You held your weapon, now a katana.
He jumped above you and you were quick to roll away. You ran alongside the perimeter of the arena trying to catch him off guard. You saw an opening, kicking your feet off the ground you leaped forward at him.
Small sparks could be seen as your sword came in contact with his. He was able to throw you backward as you rolled around before quickly getting back on your feet.
He lunged at you, his blade swiping at your feet which you jumped up at. You took notice of his sluggish arm from where your staff had previously pierced him. You looked at his other arm before your eyes locked in with his.
You smiled at him, your teeth on full display. "I might have forgotten how many times I had almost died before ultimately meeting my end..." Your pupils dilated as Ryubu heard you laugh. "...but I will never forget how many times I changed situations in my favor!"
You held onto the hilt of your sword tightly, your palms cool as you took in a deep breath. With one clean slash, you managed to slash him in the face, blinding his left eye.
Before he could even wince you thrusted your sword in his chest. Taking it out just as fast you slashed him again, this time cleanly slicing off his forearm.
You were quick to retreat as the voices of the viewers in the arena reached your ears. "Ah, I forgot we were being watched..."
You looked at your opponent in front of you. A satisfied grin on your face before you looked behind him. Up in the highest seating area was the old man who had killed you.
Your face went blank as you recognized him. He looked like he was about to burst with how angry he looked. You furrowed your brows as you pointed at him.
"I'm going to win and when I do I'll kill you, old man!"
A/N: Yooo late ahh update 🔥 do expect another late one (maybe) 🔥
Anyway, hope you liked it cause I put all my willpower together to finish this chapter 🙏🏻🙏🏻🗣 Also thanks for 10k reads??! 😱😇 Yall the best🗣🗣sorry for the notifications I had a silly problem 👍
Also, have you guys read chapter 85 😓😪they ain't even real ppl but still made me lowkey mad ya know?
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