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Gabriel burst into the room to find them kissing.

"Guys, we've gotta go!" He shouted. But they didn't listen. "Come on, you two, we've gotta problem!" Cas pulled away from the kiss and looked at him.

"What problem?"

"Come on, Cas! We weren't suppose to listen to him!"

"The angels, they found out about our...relationships. And they aren't too thrilled." Dean was now intrigued.


"You mean both of us? Me and Dean and you and Sam?"

"Yep. So we have to run. Now." And with that, Gabriel disappeared. Dean and Cas got out of the bed.

"But where do we go?" Cas looked at him.

"I'll go anywhere as long as I'm with you." Dean smiled and kissed him again.

"We should go see Sam and...Gabriel first." He forced himself to say Gabriel. Cas put his hand on his shoulder and they were in the library where Sam and Gabriel were waiting. Dean looked at Sam.

"So, do we know how the angels found out?"

"No. But Gabe was listening in on angel radio, and there's a lot of chatter Me and Gabe, you and Cas."

"So what do we do?" Cas grabbed his hand.

"We run."

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