"Lets go have some pie"

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Cas rubbed his eyes and tried to focus on his surroundings, they were in the impala. Dean was driving, Sam was asleep in the passengers seat, and he was in the back. Cas adjusted his head to see Dean, "d..dean?" His voice was gruff and tired sounding. "Morning sunshine!" An upbeat rock song played along with his voice, "good morning Dean."

An orange glow shone on his face from the window, he went to look at it but had to cover the sun with his hand. "How early is it?" he asked examining the sunset,

"like 5-6:00"

Castiel groaned and placed a hand on his forehead, he gave him a concerning look, "what?"

"It's nothing, just... you usually sleep in."

Dean's voice stuttered bit, "couldn't sleep, so might as well start driving."

"Is that safe?"

"When is anything I ever do safe?"
Cas dropped his head back onto Car window, "touché" .

Time skip

They got to the bunker pretty quick after that, luckily they were all awake by that time.

Cas rested in the doorframe, watching a disheveled Dean re-organize his guns. he knocked on the wood and waited for Dean to see him, "hey Cas." He announced, walking over to him and shutting the door.
"Hello Dean." Cas was now sitting on the Wooden part of his bed frame that stuck out, Dean bent over to adjusted a lower gun, giving Cas a 'great' view that made him blush like a 13 year old again. "So! What do you need?" Dean sounded energetic but Cas knew it was a load of crap, he looked like he didn't sleep at all last night.

Dean had stood up by this point, he was placed in between Cas's legs, their faces extremely close. Dean traced a finger from Cas's adam's apple to his chin, feeling his slight stubble brush against his skin. "What's on your mind?" Cas asked daringly, "hm?"
"You haven't got good sleep in like what a week? Why?"

He sighed and moved his hands to be cupping Cas face, "I've just been stressed, that's all."

"About what?"

"Lots." Dean kissed him sweetly through his concern, "enough about me, I'm fine."

Dean pushed him down onto the bed, still in between his legs he started kissing him, Cas kissed back and tried to dominate but Dean wouldn't let him. He started kissing his neck in the spot he knew made Cas crazy, his hands trailing up his shirt as he laughed.

Dean soon stopped to kiss him again, before dropping his face in the pillow behind Cas's head. He sighed happily, "I love you." One of his arms held down Cas's above their heads and the other was still in Cas's shirt.

"I love you too," Cas smiled sweetly as his head flopped to the side, "but your crushing me." He joked and Dean moved off him to go put away the rest of the guns. He bent over again and this time Cas bent him self on top of Dean, making him stand to see the angel. Cas kissed him softly, "I'm going to the store you want anything?"

" get some beer and a- "

" -pie?"
Dean smirked at him, "You know me too well."
Cas kissed him once more then left the room.

Time skip

"I'm back!" Castiel stepped down the stairs and placed two plastic bags on the table, dean rushed in to see him, 'examining' for pie. "You got the pie!" Cas nodded and smiled as the rejected blonde boys club member hugged him.
A/n: yes I just made that reference lol
Cas rubbed his aching shoulder and tried to help Dean unpack. As he put something in the fridge he saw the bright pink roses next to it, they looked well fed and happy, seems Dean really did like his gift. Cas smiled at himself and closed the door to go grab more groceries.

"I'll get the rest Cas, you go rest up that shoulder."
"It feels fine, I don't need to- "
Dean gave him a glare, " just go sit on the couch or something, I'll be there in a sec to check it."
Cas reluctantly agreed and went to sit on the couch.

Dean joined him a few minutes after, sitting next to him on the couch. Cas then took off his trench coat, then his tie, and finally his shirt. He blushed slightly when Dean touched it, "it really doesn't hurt." Dean just ignored him and started undoing the bandage until he could see the cut underneath. Cas sharply breathed in as he peeled it from his skin and dropped it on the coffee table. He then grabbed a new bandage and wrapped it up again, "it looks like it's healing." Cas sighed and laid back when it was all wrapped up again, "told you, I'm fine Dean."

"Yeah sure, but you still shouldn't be doing heavy lifting like that, In case you forgot your human now." Cas glared back at him with a smirk, "that was hardly heaving lifting."
"Yeah okay Jon cena." Dean's arm was wrapped around the couch now, he moved closer every second. He leaned in and kissed him softly, Cas kissed back and placed a hand on Dean neck. He sighed into the kiss, only making it more intimate. Dean pulled away, "let's go have some pie."

A/N: ty for all the votes and reads! I'll try to post longer parts soon anyway hope u liked this one!

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