"Are you sure I'm the one you should be asking about this?" Nishiki asked young Hinami incredulously.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and slapped Nishiki at the back of his head. "Play nice." She said with a tight smile at Hinami.
Nishiki rubbed the back of his head, sending her a glare. "Fine." He muttered.
(Y/N) smiled warmly down at Hinami. "Go on Hinami-chan. Ask again."
"What is it like to fall in love with someone?" She asked again, holding onto the broom as she looked from Nishiki to (Y/N).
Nishiki rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh . . . You know. Something like that isn't logical. And it not easy to say. It's just . . . "
"Just what?"
"You want to do things for them . . . And be with them more, and stuff. That's what it is, isn't it? I'm not really sure. I doubt my opinion is very informative."
Before Hinami could sweetly object, (Y/N) dived in. "Geez, Nishiki-senpai. You crush a girls dreams. Where is the feeling and the passion?" (Y/N) said teasingly from behind the counter.
Nishiki scowled at her. "Fine. You explain it then." He grumbled childishly.
(Y/N) chuckled.
"Will you? Explain what it's like to fall in love?" Hinami asked, her doe brown eyes hopeful. She always looked up to (Y/N), hearing her words on the situation was going to be a treat.
Now it was (Y/N)'s turn to swallow her words and gulp nervously. Nishiki smirked smugly, his glasses reflecting the sunlight.
Hinami stared up at her expactantly with anticipation shining in her brown eyes and Nishiki stared at her with a smug smile expactantly.
"W-well, uh, it's like . . . Like seeing the sun for the first time. Love is many things. It makes people do crazy things for the one they love. The thing about true love is, no matter what, it's unconditional. No matter what that person does, you'll still love them, deep deep down inside, no matter the bad. Falling in love is a whole different thing. It's like the satellites that orbit our planet. You can never truly be away from them, you'll want to be with them always, almost like a pull of gravity. It's like all you see is them and when they smile or laugh, your world will light up. They become your everything . . . " She trailed off, her eyes looking distant.
By now Nishiki's gaze had softened and his smug smirk faltered.
"Wow." Hinami awed, breaking (Y/N)'s train of thoughts.
(Y/N) blinked and looked around, as if realizing she had an audience. Nishiki raised an eyebrow and Hinami grinned, her brown eyes twinkling.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, her cheeks going red. "A-at least that's what I think."
"You sound as if your were speaking from experience." Nishiki said pointedly.
"No I wasn't!" (Y/N) exclaimed defensively. "I just read and watch a lot of corny romance novels."
Nishiki look unconvinced.
Koma and Irimi walled into the room. "What's this? Takings about me? Me, once called the Devil Ape--"
"Koma, could you butt out of this?" Nishiki said.
The bell chimed and (Y/N) turned and everyone else turned to the door.
"Ahh, come . . . Right on in." Nishiki trailed off when he saw who walked in.
Tsukiyama was dressed just as fashionable as before with his head a full patch of purple hair, looking just as glamorous as the first time (Y/N) had seen him.
He steps to the center of the room and gets into one of his weird poses. "The rich aroma of coffee, along with the lingering scent of Kaneki in the air of this shop. The space in here, mingling with the ultimate, supreme epicurean delight, is truly . . . El Dorado!" He exclaimed.
(Y/N) sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Oh great. This creep."
After his entrance (Y/N) announced the end of her shift. After changing into her casual clothes, she set off. As she walked down the sidewalk, she couldn't help but think back to her conversation with Nishiki earlieron, before she left.
(Y/N) had stopped by the door and turned to Nishiki, who was the only one there at the time. "If anyone's asks, I'm at Cho-chan's house. I'll be there until late."
"Sure." Nishiki said, a bit distracted as he cleaned the lense of his glass
(Y/N) paused by the door, the conversation with him and Hinami earlier on had her thinking. She turned around and walked bacl to Nishiki.
"Huh? I thought you said you were leaving." Nishiki said, glancing up.
(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah, but I have a question before I leave."
Nishiki looked up and placed his glasses on. He nodded, as a sign for her to continue.
(Y/N) chewed the inside of her cheeks, her fingers already fidgety. This question had been gnawing at her for some time.
"I, uh, I was wondering what it was like . . . Dating a human." She said this very slowly, still uncertain.
Nishiki furrowed his eyebrows at her question. (Y/N) had grown on him, as he'd seen the same happen for alot of other people that had the pleasure of knowing her. She was like a small sister he never had.
"It feels . . . Normal, I guess. Being with her feels like it was meant to be. Like two missing pieces of a puzzle." Nishiki watched her closely. "This is about that Ayato kid, isn't it?"
(Y/N)'s cheeks turned red as she shook her head. "No it's not." She said a little to quickly.
Nishiki smirked. "I saw what happened when we went to rescue Kaneki. When the two of you were fighting . . . I saw how powerful he is, it was almost as if he deliberately just scratched you. Like he didn't actually want to hurt you. It's absurd because he had no trouble almost killing Touka."
(Y/N) was quiet, her lips open but she was too stunned by what he said.
"You love him don't you?"
(Y/N) blinked. Did he seriously just get all that by watching Ayato and her fight?
"When you explained to Hinami what it was like to fall in love . . . That was exactly it. I just assumed . . . " he explained, noticing her dumbfounded expression.
(Y/N) shook her head, ridding herself of the flashback as she once again stood in fronts of Ayato's door. Online this time, she had no idea what she was doing here. It was like her feet had a mind of its own.
She bit her bottom lip and reached out to knock the door but her hand stopped halfway. What was she doing here? Maybe she'd look too desperate? Was there even such a thing? She groaned at her inner teenage-ness and sighed, dropping her hand to her side.
No no, you're not gonna look desperate, you just miss him, that's all.
She nodded at her thoughts and reached for the doorknob. He wouldn't keep his door unlocked, would he?
When the door knob twisted, that answered her question. Of course who'd want to rob a Class S Ghoul anyway,
She pushed the door and walked in, looking around. The bed was empty and so was the apartment.
Where was he?
Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and (Y/N) snapped her head in that direction. Immediately, she wished she hadn't, because what she saw almost made her pass out.
Ayato had exited the bathroom, steam flowing out with him. A white towel was tied around his waist loosely, his blue hair wet and sticking to his face. He sighed, not noticing her yet, as he ran a hand through his hair, his muscles flexing.
(Y/N) swallowed as her eyes slowly dragged from his face downward, to his well defined chest. Her mouth hanged open as she saw his abs glistened with water. She subconsciously licked her lips as she followed a certain droplet of water as it slided down his rock hard abs and down his hips and down past where the towel was tied. She bit her bottom lip. Shamefully cursing the towel for blocking such a heavenly forbidden view.
"Like what you see, Shrimp?" His smooth husky voice made her snap her hungry gaze from his chest to his piercing blue eyes. He smirked.
Lol, can a girl be evil for once?
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