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Hey beauties. I know it's been a long time since I last updated. Long story short, my mum took my phone for a looong period of time. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Made it super long as an apology for not updating in a while. Beware: Heart throbbing moment's between you and Ayato-kun ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you.


It was when Ayato was gone did (Y/N) realize that seeing him again and speaking to him wasn't exactly as idealistic as she pictured.

Sure he was even more good looking than what she prepared herself for, his voice somehow managing to sound even more sexier than she imagined puberty would allow, but other things like the circumstances in which they reunited was nothing like what she pictured in her normal teenaged girl mind.

She pictured seeing him walk through the front door one faithful day. It would probably be early in the morning, or late one afternoon.

He would be as handsome as ever. He'd smile at her--one of those charming smiles reserved for her only--and she'd drop whatever she was doing and race towards him in slow motion like in those cheesy romance movies. She'd hug him so tight and tell him how much she missed him.

But of course that was a fairy tale. Instead she got hit hard by reality and was practically run over by it. Ayato was never coming back. That much she got from his remark about Anteiku. Which meant she might not get to see him much often. Not only that but he was on the opposite side now and it pained her to admit but, maybe he would never see her as a friend ever again.

She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Kaneki was taken by Yamori and here she was thinking about stupid trivial matters.

After Ayato had suddenly disappeared, she walked back home. Hinami met her at the door and instantly hugged her. (Y/N) was caught off guard but recovered soon after and hugged the poor girl back.

Kaneki's blood still stained the walls and the floor when she got back. Nishiki just arrived, Touka was too pissed to do anything and Hinami was in need of comfort so no one cleaned the blood.

While waiting for the manager, (Y/N) grabbed a bucket of water and a sponge and went to work. She picked up all the broken pieces of the glass, wandering what idiot decided to break it in the first place. Soon Hinami came to help, then Enji, then soon everyone was cleaning up in silence.

Afterwards they all went to the lounge to continue waiting for the manager. Touka stood facing the window with Hinami, everyone else, including (Y/N) sat on the couch.

The silence was tensed. All (Y/N) felt was guilt. She wasn't even beaten up like Touka was to stop her from helping Kaneki. All she could do was scream for them to stop. Her fist clenched at the memory.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked the Manager. Upon seeing everyone, he nodded grimly.

"Looks like everyone is here. There will be a few more coming later, but let's get started now." Yoshimura said in his most serious tone as he took a seat. "This concerns the problems unfolding in the 11th Ward, and the actions Anteiku is to take. But before we get to that, I have one thing to say about the kidnapped Kaneki."

Touka looked up and (Y/N) shifted in her seat anxiously.

"You'll be served not thinking we'll ever see Kaneki again." The manager stated.

Touka gasped, her eyes wide.

"What?" (Y/N) blurted, almost as shocked as Touka.

"Hey, you old coot!" Nishiki exclaimed, standing up. "Don't even talk like that!"

"Stop!" Touka yelled. Nishiki turned to her. She looked down, "stop."

"M-Mr Manager-san. We can't just leave him." (Y/N) said.

"(Y/N)'s right, we are going, right?  To save him? Well?!" Nishiki demanded.

"Aogiri Tree is made up of ghouls who live for nothing but to fight. It will not be easy to sneak into their base and rescue Kaneki." Yoshimurs informed them grimly.

"No . . . It can't be . . . " Hinami whimpered, hiding her face behind Touka.

"Moreover, we cannot ignore CCG's movements. They will probably be sending a detachment into the 11th Ward soon to wipe out the Aogiri Tree members." He paused. "If we did go to save him, there's a good chance that we'd be the one's who were exterminated."

"Hey, what is this? You're not thinking of abandoning him!" Nishiki said accusingly.

"I'm going." Touka said, diverting everyone's attention to her. "What was the policy of this shop, again?" She stood up. "Sir, if you're not going, then I'll go alone."

(Y/N) stood up, taking Touka's hand in hers. Touka turned to her and (Y/N) smiled. "You're not going alone. Kaneki was my friend too, I'm coming with, whether you want me to or not."

Touka smiled back faintly and gave her hands a small gentle squeeze.

"I'm going too." Nishiki stated. (Y/N) and Touka turned to him in shock.

"I do owe him." Nishiki said sheepishly.

"I want to help too." Hinami said, "big brother is always helping me out, so if there's anything I can do, I'll do it!"

"Hinami . . . " Touka muttered skeptically.

"Let me say this, so there's no misunderstanding: I was always planning to rescue Kaneki. However, I wanted you to know that I couldn't guarantee your lives. I know how you all feel. If you want to save Kaneki, you must stake your lives on it. In return, Yomo and I will protect you with all our might." Yoshimura leaned back and smiled. "It is Anteiku's policy to help each other out after all. There is one more thing." (Y/N) felt a bad vibe about what was coming next.

The managed turned to the door. "Come on in."

The door opened and upon seeing who was on the other side, (Y/N) scowled amd clenched her fist. It seemed she wasn't the only one unhappy about the arrival of Tsukiyama. After spending half an hour arguing against him coming, they concluded that this was a 'all hands on deck' situation so they needed everyone; even a psychopath like Tsukiyama.

They were going to save Kaneki. After half an hour of yelling and debating, they were gonna do it. Despite the large number of powerful ghouls in Aogiri Tree and the detachment troops CCG was sending to exterminate all ghouls in sight.

Everyone was going, even Renji and, unfortunately, Tsukiyama. It was all set up as planned.


(Y/N)'s red cloak covered her face well, not that her mask didn't. This mask covered half her face and it was a half fox mask and she simply adored this one.

"Remind me again why we have to bring Tsukiyama ." (Y/N) complained to Touka as they prepared to enter the Aogiri territory. She glared at him out of the corner of her eyes as she played with her dagger given to her by Renji.

(Y/N) couldn't tell what Touka was thinking because she couldn't see past her cute bunny mask. "Because strength comes in numbers. Don't worry, we can think of ways to kill him after we rescue Kaneki." Touka replied sweetly.

(Y/N) smiled. "I can work with that."

"You both know I can hear you right?" Tsukiyama remarked, smirking.

(Y/N) smiled sweetly as she leaned against the cement wall, twirling her dagger between her slender fingertips, "I know."

Nishiki glanced at (Y/N).  He had never seen her so much as raise a fist at anyone and was doubting her capabilities but Touka seemed to respect her enough and she was Renji's pupil for six years. Maybe she'd surprise him.

"It's unusually quiet, huh?" Eto said, his voice breaking the somewhat tensed silence.

No one responded. The air still filled with an indescribable anticipation.

When the CCG attacked they moved in stealthily in their red robes, blending in. They divided with one main objective, find Kaneki, and rescue him.

(Y/N) followed Touka, she was just as fast and swift as the blue haired ghoul. They ran along the railing and (Y/N) glanced at Touka. Touka seemed to read the younger girls mind and turned to her.

Touka nodded and they separated ways from there.

Up ahead (Y/N) saw a couple of Aogiri Tree ghouls dressed in the same red robes she wore. There was three of them and six dead bodies scattered around them. CCG.

(Y/N) extended her sword as she ran, her legs barely making a sound as she jumped from the railing and landed on one of ghouls.

He screamed as she slammed her sword into his head, dragging it down as she landed. Successfully slicing him in half.

She withdrew her sword, it gleamed under the moonlight, covered in blood. The other two ghouls slowly walked around her, glancing at each other occasionally.

She cocked her head to the side as the first one sent his tentacle kagune flying towards her almost as the same time as the other one did.

(Y/N) brandished her sword for show. Then as the tentacle's came swiping towards her, she blocked both of them simultaneously, her hands moving as fast as their kagune's were. They continued slashing at her but she kept on blocking until she found her opening.

She moved fast and swift. A few seconds later she pulled her sword from the dead ghouls chest and continued on, her red robe flowing behind her majestically as she ran, killing every ghoul she crossed with ease.

Kaneki was in the glass dome-like building and that was where she was going.

Suddenly a piercing scream made her stop dead in her tracks.

Touka-chan . . .

She chewed her bottom lip and her hand gripped her sword tightly. Touka was in trouble. But so was Kaneki and Kaneki was the main objective, not Touka. But then again, Touka was her bigger sister and she needed (Y/N)'s help.

She groaned and changed her course of direction, heading towards Touka's screams instead.

Don't worry Kaneki-kun. I'll still come for you.

(Y/N) ran as fast as her legs could carry her, jumping on ledges and railing to speed it up. Touka's screams got louder and (Y/N) picked up her pace.

When she got close, what she saw made her heart stop but did nothing to her moving legs.

Ayato was on Touka, savagely biting her wings as Touka laid there struggling and screaming.

Ayato was too busy and couldn't hear (Y/N)'s light footsteps over the sound of Touka's whimpering.

He had stopped biting her wings and now leaned over her, speaking. His voice was cold and emotionless. The next thing he knew someone kicked him hard against his rib and sent him flying across the cement.

He growled and slowly got up. His bangs drooped over his eyes as he turned, ready to kill whoever kicked him that hard.

He clenched his teeth and his gaze hardened when he saw a small figure wearing a fox mask and in a long red robe.

"Who the hell are you?" He growled, his kagune flaming behind him as purple flowing wings and his eyes a burning ghoulish black and red.

(Y/N) slowly reached up and removed her mask, dropping it aside. Then she lowered her hoodie.

Ayato froze for a second when he saw who it was. His blood ran cold and his fist tightened.

(Y/N) stood over Touka, her sword outstretched.

He scoffed, "what do you plan on doing with that needle Shrimp? Give me a splinter?"

Touka coughed out blood, struggling to choke out something.

(Y/N) turned her head slightly to Touka and her eyes softened.

"N-No. (Y/N), d-don't--"

"It's okay Touka-chan. I'll protect you onē-chan."

Ayato growled at the sight. Pathetic.

(Y/N) turned to Ayato.

"She's not weak." (Y/N) said, taking a step forward. Facing him in a fight made her heart clench but she was going to protect Touka no matter what. "She's strong. She never forgot who she was and the fact that she even puts up with and still loves you is proof enough. No matter what you do to her, not matter what happens, she still loves you. That is not weakness. Maybe I'm just a pathetic weak human for thinking that and heck, maybe I'm even stupid for caring about you, but that shows how strong she is."

"That's a pathetic and stupid concept of life. The weak fall and the strong remain standing. You keep thinking like that you might have a short and uneventful life."

"Better a short uneventful life rather than living my life filled with hate and anger."

Ayato scowled at her, his eyes a glowing red.

"Enough talk. If you want her, you'll have to get through me." (Y/N) raised her sword.

Ayato glanced at Touka and he chuckled lowly. "I'm already done with my weak sister. You can have her, brat."

He turned and began walking away.

"What? You scared to face me?" (Y/N) taunted. When Ayato stopped walking, she swallowed. What was she doing? Taunting him for what?

She wasn't even sure why she was picking a fight with him. A small whimper from behind her was all the reminder she needed. Because he beat Touka to the point where she was barley able to get up. The other reason was because she hated him right now. She hated this Ayato. She wanted her Ayato back and staring into his red and black eyes was like staring into the eyes of a stranger. There was no warmth, only coldness. She hated that. And if she had to beat it out of him literally, then she would.

"I could kill you in a heartbeat, Shrimp." He growled, still facing away from her.

"So prove it. Face me. I'm a human after all. I'm worthless right?"

He tightened his fist. "Stop." He said through clenched teeth.

"What use am I even if you kill me. I'm just walking livestock. Nothing but food."

"Shut up, Shrimp." He growled, his voice low and husky. Something about his low voice was deadly and sent shivers down her spine but she refused to back down.

"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing?" Nishiki yelled from behind where he was injured.

"Stay outta this Nishiki." (Y/N) said to the brown haired ghoul and turned to Ayato who was still facing away from her. "Come on Ayato-kun. Fight me."

He was unnaturally still, his hands clenching and inclenching.

"I'm a human. If you really believe humans are pathetic and weak and useless then fight Ayato-kun . . . Fight me!"

"Ahhh!" He growled, turning around so fast she almost didn't even realize a hundred sharp crystalized kagune's were soaring towards her in top speed.

She quickly deflected it and they ran towards each other, clashing.

Ayato was seeing red, blinded by rage. What shocked him most of all was when she fought back, deflecting and slicing with her two-edged sword with such grace he almost didn't believe his eyes, neither could Nishiki who was watching with amazement.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut sometimes, Shrimp." He growled, sending a rain of crystalized daggers flying towards her.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the number but she managed to deflect most of them, some managed to slice through her arms and legs.

She panted and still held her sword out. "What happened to you Ayato-kun? How did you stray so far from my reach?"

He growled and attacked her again she managed to deflect most of the blows but he was faster and she missed a few, those penetrated her skin. She gasped in pain.

"Nothing happened to me. Maybe you just saw what you wanted to see." He growled, as they clashed. "You never saw me for what I truly was." He kicked her hard.

(Y/N) landed on the ground with a hard thud. She bit her bottom lip to stiffle the cry of pain that was begging to be released. Her leg had a deep large gash and the smaller cuts and bruises were beginning to slow her down.

She slowly got up and got in a stance, cringing as her thigh, with the deep gash, sent a sharp pain ringing through her whole body. Her body was covered in cuts, thanks to Ayato's crystalized daggers. Blood trickled down her chin but she wiped it, her eyes never leaving his.

Ayato was breathing hard, his nostrils flared and his black and red eyes were narrowed at her. He was angry.

"No. Ayato-kun," she said softly, managing to smile, "what you thought was a broken mirror, was just a stained glass in my eyes. You're more than just the surface Ayato-kun."

Those words pierced his heart and crumbled his walls. Every fibre in his being was conflicted. He wasn't sure what to do, all he could react with was rage.

"Shut up." He snapped and sent a hail of crystallized daggers soaring towards her. By now she was already worn out and the cuts on her skin was only slowing her down. She deflected some but unfortunately most of them sliced through her.

She collapsed on her knees and gasped in pain. The cuts were small but deep and painful, especially the new ones on her hand and some on her stomach.

(Y/N) was determined though. She hissed in pain as she stumbled up. He needed her now, whether he was aware of it or not. She'd do anything for him.

She smiled softly, past the pain, and dropped her sword.

Ayato froze, his clear blue eyes widened. Even now she never ceased to surprise him by dropping her sword on purpose.

"You're more than just a ravenous ghoul to me, idiot," she smiled, her eyes shutting cutely, "you're my Fallen Angel." Her face had bruises and cuts, but they were nothing compared to her body.

Ayato's breath hitched for a second and he staggered backwards. She looked just like she did six years ago and the fact that it made his heart throb only added feul to the flame. What was she doing to him? Why did those words peirce his heart and hitch his breath?

"I said shut up!" He screamed, his wings crystalizing and before he could stop himself, they flew towards her at a surging speed.

"No!" (Y/N) heard Touka's distant voice but all she could focus on was Ayato and the crystalized kagune speeding towards her. She closed her eyes and waited.

Ayato felt his heart stop and his breath hitch in that instant. It was too late. What had he done?

Suddenly a blur of white sped past, picking (Y/N) up and out of harms way.

(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes and was shocked to see Kaneki. He looked just the same, except he had white hair and his once warm grey eyes were empty and cold.

She managed to smile cheerfully at him. "K-Kaneki-kun, you're alright."

He nodded. "You will be too."

He placed her gently next to Nishiki and knelt down next to Touka.

Ayato let out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding back. That sinking feeling he had felt a moment ago when he almost killed (Y/N) made his blood boil. He never thought he would have felt that way if he were to see her get killed but what happened proved otherwise, and it angered him to think he was still weak.

Touka was badly hurt. Kaneki brushed her hair out of her other eye. "This is because of me, I'm sorry." He murmured.

"Why are you . . . Such . . . An idiot?" Touka chocked out, staring up into his eyes.

"Kaneki." Nishiki said.

"I'm alright, Nishiki senpai. See to Touka and (Y/N)."

(Y/N) felt her head ring and the blood she was losing was doing a number on her. She could barely focus but Nishiki could only carry one person so she willed herself to stay awake as she got up. Nishiki helped her and carried Touka at the same time.

(Y/N) glanced back one last time as Nishiki supported her by the shoulder. She saw Ayato and was shocked to see Kaneki actually matching Ayato in terms of speed. He was faster and stronger somehow.

Even though consciousness was slipping from her grasp, she somehow knew she'd see that blue haired ghoul soon.

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