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2 months later.

Kaneki settled in well. (Y/N) thought it would be difficult for him but after a few weeks, he started accepting the fact that he was no longer fully human, he was now half ghoul and nothing could change that.

After he started slowly accepting these terms, he got closer to the people of Anteiku. It was admirable how he tried to teach Hinami how to read and write. Soon Hinami was smiling more often. Until the death of her mother and the news of the death of her father left her just as torn, if not even more.

Touka took it in her own hands to kill the bastard who killed Hinami's mother a few weeks ago, now Hinami was slowly cozying up, she even got a pet bird named Hetare. She reminded (Y/N) so much of herself when she was younger and it tugged at her heart strings.

She remembered when she found Hinami crying on the veranda, a bird cradled in her hands.

"Hey hey, what's wrong Hinami-chan?"

She continued sobbing.

(Y/N) gently knelt down and placed a hand on the brunettes shoulder and rubbed her back soothingly. Hinami leaned into her and (Y/N) placed her other hand over the younger girls hair, gently playing with it as she whispered soothing words into her ears.

Hinami sobbed violently in (Y/N) arms until she finally slowed down, rubbing her cheeks with her hands.

"There there, it's gonna be okay." (Y/N) whispered softly.

Hinami shook her head violently. "N-no it won't. I-I'm all alone, mother and father--they're both gone!" She began sobbing all over again,

"Hey hey, shhhh, it's okay." Hinami only cried harder.

"Let me tell you something. When I was a kid, I lost my parents too."

Hinami stopped crying, slowly down to hiccups as she looked up to (Y/N),  her brown eyes twinkling. "What? You did?" She asked, her voice cracking.



(Y/N) felt a shiver run through her. "That part's not important. I'll tell you what is. When I lost my parents, I felt so alone and frightened. I had nightmares and I never went to bed without crying my eyes out."

Hinami had stopped crying. She was now looking up at (Y/N), her big brown owns twinkling with unshed tears and her cheeks stained with tears. Her interest was piqued.

(Y/N) continued. "But I had everyone here. At Anteiku, I soon realized that I lost one family, but I found another family."

"B-but I don't want to replace my mother and father." She cried, tears streaming down her face silently.

(Y/N) smiled softly and wiped away Hinami's  tears. "Hinami-chan. Just because life moves on after the loss of our loved ones, doesn't mean that we move on from them, it doesn't mean we forget them, or replace them. They will forever be alive in our memories. Your mother would've wanted you to be happy Hinami-chan."

Hinami nodded, silently crying. (Y/N) pulled her into a hug, the bird now cradled between the two. (Y/N) tried being as gentle and cheerful as she could to the little girl. It was nice to have another cheerful person in Anteiku. Hinami was the perfect addition to the ward.

Not only that but there was a new additional member of the staff, his name was Nishiki. He was arrogant, bossy and in a way, reminded (Y/N) of Ayato. But he didn't get along well with Touka.

It was now the morning of her first shift and even now, as she cleaned a table, she watched the two bicker amongst themselves over a plate Touka had dropped.

"Ah, what do you think you're doing, you damn woman?" Nishiki scowled down at Touka who knelt down, trying to pick up the shards.

"Huh? Is that any way to speak to your senior, damn Nishiki?!" Touka yelled back, standing up.

"Huh?! You, my senior, at this damn useless job?! Ah, the future looks damn bleak indeed!"

"Having a damn sickening college boy with a damn smart mouth as my damn junior makes me pretty damn discouraged, as well! Why don't you just hurry up and quite?"

(Y/N) exchanged a look with Enji and they both clucked their tongues, shaking their heads in unison. As Enji intervened to stop their 'damns' (Y/N) continued working, hoping her shift would soon be over so she could do her favourite thing of the day.

Time seemed to be moving even slower when she counted every second that passed. Waving at the last customer of the day, she sighed in relief and switched the 'open' sign with the 'close' one.

She pretended to yawn as she trudged over to the counter, making sure to make it as loud as possible.

"You sound tired kiddo. You should rest." Touka said, patting (Y/N) on her shoulders gently. It was only the two of them now since Nishiki had left a few hours ago.

(Y/N) nodded, doing her best to look tired, "yeah. I'm gonna call it a day and go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning,"

Touka nodded and (Y/N) walked into the backroom, towards her bedroom, yawning as she did so.

When she was out of sight she raced to her room and changed from her waitress clothes into a more fitting attire for what she was about to do. She wore black leggings and black shorts with a black top and a long dark cloak that could cover half her face. When she was satisfied, she slipped into a pair of long black boots. Then she grabbed her bag with her long sword and mask, hauling it over her shoulder, she climbed over to the window and with one last glance back, she sneaked out.

It was strange how easily one could sneak out from a house filled with ghouls.

Once she was out she stopped by an abandoned building and stood on the roof top, over looking the city.

The wind howled around her, the sunset didn't look as pretty with the overcast sky. She reached into her bag and took out her mask.

Her fingers ran over it as a smile graced her lips. She remembered the first time she went to create a mask, it was with Ayato. She shook her head, to rid herself of any possible flashbacks. Now wasn't that time for pity parties.

The mask covered her whole face. It was a cat mask, the irony, and white in color. The whiskers and ears were painted in red. (A/N: The picture shows what the mask looks like. I'm doing a horrible description.) This wasn't the only mask she owned but it was the only one she had Uta made in secret. No one knew she had this mask.

(Y/N) sighed. Whenever she slipped it on, she gave in to her vengeful side and killed ghouls mercilessly. Though she hated that side of herself, she always gave in. Knowing she was making the city safer for all the young helpless humans made her feel better somehow. So with a deep breath, she slipped it on.

This was it. Every time she slipped on this mask, she'd run around the city, hunting ghouls. Not all ghouls, just the extreme sickos and the ones who liked to torture their victims to death. Living with ghouls made it hard when she started doing it, but the boiling anger and pain and sorrow she felt from the loss of her parents and then again from the horrid nightmares left a scar. She wanted revenge, somehow. Now that she was strong enough, she'd make sure what happened to her would never happen to others ever again.

She knew Renji would hate to see her use her skills he had taught her to use for anything either than self-defense, but he wouldn't understand that burning need within her to help other helpless humans. No one did. That was why she was sneaking out.

She promised herself she wouldn't join CCG, that would overstep a few boundries. She just liked doing this as a way to help relieve her guilt.

It was finally dark and the city was bursting with light. She placed her bag in its usual spot under a fire extinguisher and walked over to the railing of the balcony. With a thrust of her feet, she jumped effortlessly into the air and landed on the next roof.

A smile made its way to her lips as she ran, jumping from buildings to buildings, hoping to lick up any sound. Her feet barely made a sound as she landed, her cloak swishing behind her as she ran.

She heard a loud scream and she stopped halfway and turned towards the sounds. It got louder and louder as she got closer.

(Y/N) jumped over a balcony and landed on a firestep. Below her, she could see three ghouls cornering two teenage girls that were half naked  their clothes ripped into shreds,

One ghoul had just grabbed one of them when she arrived, pulling her into a tight embrace as he jeered at her.

"Boys." She said, her voice loud and clear. The ghouls froze and looked around, frantically.

"We got 'em first sucker! Piss off!" The one holding the teenager called, looking around for the source of the voice. (Y/N) deduced he was the leader.

She chuckled and jumped off the firestep, landing gracefully, not even a sound made.

"Oh come on now, didn't anyone teach you that sharing is caring?" She asked in a bitter sweet voice as she stepped into the light.

The three ghouls red and black eyes widened and they all paled instantly.

"T-t-the w-white--"

"Cat?" (Y/N) completed, cocking her head aside mockingly. The two teenage girls were shaking, sobbing quietly as the ghouls dug their sharp fingers into their skin, holding them in place.

(Y/N) had created a reputation for killing a few ghouls, but they completely deserved it and she made sure they did. Among all the killing, word got out and soon half the city knew the name 'White Cat.'

"W-we don't want--"

"Oh shut up Jim." The leader scoffed, shutting up the stuttering fool. "Who the hell do you think you are? This is ours!" He yelled, gesturing to the two girls as he swore at (Y/N).

(Y/N) nodded, taking out her sword from its hilt. It gleamed under the dim lighting of the fluorescent tube as she brandished it for show.

"I know. I'll just have to pry them from your corpes if you don't let them go, now."

"Boss, they're not worth--"

"Shut it Kai!" The leader growled and released his kagune.

He was a bikaku type kagune. Seeing their leader get into a fighting position, the guys followed, releasing their dinner.

The boss smirked. "Alright you little--ugh!" He choked on his blood as (Y/N) suddenly appeared in front of him, twisting halfway and bending down as she sliced him in half.

She remained in that kneeling position, when she glanced up to look at the damage she belted out, she saw the leader's red and black eyes wide with surprise as he choked on his own blood.

"S-so fast." He chocked out, and with a sickening wet sound his abdomen rolled off his hip and blood flew everywhere.

The two other ghouls eyes widened.

(Y/N) realized that the two girls were nowhere to be seen. They escaped, good.

She tilted her head aside, at the two remaining ghouls. They were backed to a wall, the same wall they had backed the two teenage girls into earlier on.

"Judging from their half naked and torn clothes, and the way you guys seemed to be enjoying yourself, humiliating them for a show must be a normal thing for you guys, huh?" She drawled menacingly, taking slow steps towards them.

The stuttering one screamed and advanced, his bikaku type kagune aimed straight at her.

She deflected it with her sword as she ran towards him and quickly plunged her sword into his heart. He gasps and his hands shot to his chest. (Y/N) swiped it out, tearing off the rest of his flesh. He screamed in pain and fell down, dead.

The last one was shaking.

"Don't worry. Unlike the humans you've killed, I'll make your death fast and almost painless." She whispered.

"Y-You bitch! I'm gonna kill you!!" He screamed and attacked her with his kagune. She deflected it with a few effortless swipes of her long sword and ran along the wall, confusing him. He aimed for her, his kagune pierced the wall and plums of dust erupted. She jumped off the wall, backflipping. As she came down for a landing she swiped her sword in a lethal, direct blow to his neck.

As soon as she landed on the ground, his body fell behind her, headless.

(Y/N) stood up and looked around. She looked at the blood stained walls, the large pool of blood around the bodies and the splattered walls and dead bodies.

She tried to feel no regret at killing these men. They always went after girls, stripped them naked, humiliated them and then ate them alive. They deserved what was coming to them.

She sighed and tucked her sword back in its hilt before disappearing into the night.


A/N: You all know what's happening in the next chapter😉 also I apologize if this scene was too goric for some of you guys. This story isn't a fairytale and it's only gonna get more wicked from here😈

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