Jeno has been with Renjun all week and has acted like how it was before. He hasn't really hung out with Jaemin or have they been together for a while.
They still acted and managed to fool a lot of people with just a few minutes together. Both of them were busy, again.
Jeno was dealing with his personal life right now, trying to avoid Donghyuck's gaze and managed to dodge the boy when he was about to demand some explanation, did some schoolwork and went to the bar.
Meanwhile, Jaemin still had football practices and had to do extra work because he was sort of behind of their lessons.
Jeno didn't really mind, everyone has their own business to take care of so he could understand. What really ticked him off was the fact that Hana was a part of the cheerleading team, meaning her and Jaemin could be up to something.
It didn't help with the fact that a few of those days, Jaemin had excused himself because he had "something" to do and couldn't hang out with the group.
When in reality, Jeno along with Renjun and Jisung had saw him and Hana at the café nearby about three times before the raven haired decided to leave them alone.
His best friend was of course worried, "aren't you atleast a little upset? Like, he ditched and lied not only to you but to us as well." He shrugs.
Jeno sighed and flipped to another page of his book, "nope," he said with a pop at the end. "We're not actually together remember? He said it himself, we're just fake dating." He stated.
Renjun frowned and placed his chin on his palm as his elbow was rested on the table. "But doesn't it bother you though?" He asked curiously.
Jeno bit his tongue as he read the word "fake" in the book he was reading, "I don't mind." He mutters.
The older didn't believe it and could literally feel the tension everytime Jaemin and Jeno were together. Both the bad and good kind.
"But you do, because you like him in a romantic way," he pushed as he saw the flicker of disappointment in Jeno's eyes before he blinked furiously.
"Renjun, We're fake dating." Jeno sighed and ruffled his hair, "meaning all of this," he gestures around and to himself, "is all nothing but an act."
Renjun huffed, "Jeno, he's playing you, not with you, but you," He emphasized. "He's playing with your feelings with or without him noticing. It's cliche and ridiculous really."
The raven groans in his palms and rubs his face frustrated, "I just don't know what to do," he sighed.
Renjun pursed his lips together, "you gotta cut things off," he said with concern in his voice, "this is just really sad to witness everyday and with you just letting it happen." He said.
"I really care about you Jen, you're my best friend," he pouted. "I don't like how he's treating you like a rag doll that he can play with, just for him to get what he wants even if it's destroying the doll."
Jeno closed his book, "we made a deal. I get peace, he gets the girl." He said with his voice cracking in the last part. "But I don't think peace is there when I can just see a battle between her and I."
Renjun begins to pack his stuff, "it's a dumb deal Jen, you know it is. He can't just use you as bait to get the fish." He said with a tone.
The younger sighed and brought his bag on to his shoulder, "well I don't even know what to think about right now, everything is just so– blegh," he said with a face of grimace.
Renjun chuckled and can't help but agree, everything Jeno is going through right now is just so much stress and worry that's in it to the point that it made their stomachs churn. Or in short, blegh.
The chinese walks out of the school library with Jeno by his side, "hey, I wanna share something to you, heard your dad is back. Are we good at coming to your house?" He asked and leaned against the lockers.
The raven haired hummed, "I don't know, I mean my dad is cool with it since I talked about you to him. But I think Jaemin and I have a "date" later or something," he quotes with his fingers.
Just then, Renjun was about to say something but the two of them kept quiet when they heard a few gossips from people around.
"Did you hear Jaemin and Hana were seen at the café last week?"
"Hana and Jaemin are being awfully close again, especially at practice"
"The cheerleader captain and quarterback are being sus, just sayin"
"I honestly didn't even like Hana, I think she's annoying, you didn't hear it from me."
"Isn't Jaemin dating Jeno Lee? I genuinely think that they look way better than Hana and Jaemin were"
"Rumors says that Jaemin and Hana were seen holding hands"
"I saw them walk out of the janitors closet a few days ago"
"Yo dude, I think something is going on between Hana and Jaemin again"
"Didn't they broke up and Jaemin is now with that Jeno guy? The cutie?"
"I mean I don't know, but if he's dropping that pretty boy then I guess I call dibs"
"No way, He's too cute for you bro"
"How do you think Jeno will feel when he finds out? Poor guy"
Annoyed, Upset, Betrayed, Disappointed, and a whole lot of other emotions besides the good ones. That's what Jeno feels right now.
"Hey," Renjun placed his hand on his shoulder, "you okay?" He asked worried.
Jeno gulps audibly and wipes his eyes, "Lovely," he croaks and forces a smile on his face although Renjun or anyone could see it right away because his eyes weren't smiling. They were telling something different.
"You know what?" He said and took a deep breath making Renjun raise a brow, "I change my mind. Let's go to my house and spill some shit there," he exhaled.
Renjun wanted to protest and focus on what Jeno is feeling right now. But seeing how the latter really doesn't want to talk about it and how he had his fists curled up, he nodded and both of them head over to Jeno's house. Not knowing someone heard them.
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