06| The Little Demons aren't so Demonic

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After signing the declaration, all three of us steps closer towards the kids and Yoongi goes on to speak.

"Yah, kids. Introduce yourselves to Soo Yeong ah~, the newest member of our club."

As if Yoongi's words are golden to them, they all quickly break away from eachother and stand in a straight line in front of us with huge smiles.


They all yell unison and that's all I can make out. I part my lips, and tilt my head in confusion but Yoongi only sighs.

"Yah. She's not going to understand you if you all speak together." Yoongi explains. "Come on, from one side. Go."

The kid with the black hair and the toy sword steps foward and he bows deeply, "I'M HUENINGKAI!!! THE MASTER SORZ- SWORZ- SWO..."

"Swordsman." Yoongi completes, and Taehyung shakes his head a little but he still has a small smile on his face.

"Aww..." I smile, softly. "That's cute but isn't that a long name for a kid?"

"We call him Kai." Taehyung informs, and he motions for me to take a seat with him and I do since there's four more to go. Crossing my legs I look over at the next kid with chestnut brown hair.

"I'm Choi Soobin." He smiles widely, and throws up two peace signs on either side of his cheeks. "The leader of TXT." He ends his introduction with a little bow.

"TXT?" I question.

"They call themselves TXT because fittingly, and according to them, tomorrow they'll be together again. Just like every other day." Taehyung clears up my confused state.

Who knew kids could think that far?

"I'm Kang Taehyun!" The little kid with brown hair bows, then he straightens up, throwing two finger hearts under either of his eyes and I die from the softness. "And I like Taehyung hyung!"

"He's so precious, oh my gosh." I squeal, and clutch my heart. "And his name is so similar to yours." I innocently poke at Taehyung's cheek but he only pouts.

"Next one," Yoongi hollers and my eyes darts over to the blue haired kid, and he's sitting crossed legged on the floor.

"Annyeong! I'm Choi Yeonjun!" He yells, cutely and throws a peace sign next to his slightly chubby cheek and I shoot him a finger heart in return. "And I like Yoongi hyung's rapping!"

"You can rap!?" I squeal in shock, peering over at Yoongi as I lean in front of Taehyung, who just resorted to lightly blowing his warm breath at my bangs.

"Aish, it's nothing." Yoongi shrugs me off and I frown. "Last one." He mumbles.

I turn to face the last kid with blonde hair and he looks so calm and reserved.

"Annyeong." He mumbles and attempts to make a heart over his head. "I'm Choi Beom- oof." He falls on his butt and I gasp but he quickly gets up with Yeonjun's help. "Beomgyu!"

He finally announces, and straight afterwards all five of them huddle back together- whispering amongst eachother as they glance over at me.

"They're all so cute and adorable. Can I hug them?" I cry animated tears, as I point over at them.

"Is it safe for her to do that, hyung?" Taehyung asks, as he ruffles his hair slightly. "I mean they've never interacted with a female st-"

"Too late." Yoongi announces, as he points over at me. "She's already being smothered."

"Yah, they're so warm." I giggle, having all of them hug me tightly and I stroke their heads. "We're going to have a lot of fun together, okay?"

"YAY!" They all yell in unison, snuggling closer to me and my heart melts.

"I guess they're probably testing the water's." Taehyung nonchalantly states, as he crosses his legs and slouches. "It's going happen soon. I can feel it."

"Feel what?" I ask, looking over at Taehyung and he forms a big "X" with his arms.

"The torture." He declares but I brush it off with a pout.

Soon after their smothering, Soobin and Yeonjun detach themselves from me and run towards Taehyung to embrace him in a tight hug.

While I sit with a standing Taehyun over my lap and Beomgyu gripping at the bottom of my blazer with his cute little hands as he stands on the ground.

Where as Hueningkai, he doesn't know whether to stay beside me or run over to Taehyung like his two friends did just now but alas, he ends up running over to Yoongi.

"Tae hyung..." Soobin whispers, but I can clearly hear him from where I am nonetheless I do nothing except watch Taehyung bend down to his level to hear whatever he has to say. "She's really pwetty."

The tips of my ears turn red after hearing those words because I've never had a kid call me pretty before.

"Mhm." Yeonjun seconds, with a thumbs up. "Do you like her?"

Out of my peripheral vision, I notice Taehyung softly bite on his lower lip and he briefly gives me a glace but I play it off as if I didn't notice and I look down at Taehyun, quickly tickling his sides to which he giggles softly at.

"That's grown up stuff so I can't say anything." He whispers back with a finger over his lips and both Soobin and Yeonjun frown, giving Taehyung little smacks over his thighs.

I'll admit, somehow I got disheartened too because I wanted to hear his honest opinion about me because ever since Saturday we've grown a lot more closer, undoubtedly thanks to Minho.

Even though it may not seem so but since then my heart's been feeling some type of way and it consumes me, every now and then. Especially when Taehyung gets physically close to me and the thing that spins me round and drives me crazy is that I've never felt that way around him before.

"Soo Yeong noona." Taehyun whines softly, breaking my thoughts, and he looks up at me with his hands in the air then he grips onto my blazer. "Papa doesn't have these!" He nestles his head directly on my chest.

My face immediately turns beet red, and he snuggles up closer to me as he groans softly, "They're soft like pillow's."

"Tae- Taehyun..." I barely let out, and try getting him to at least loosen his grip but he only holds on tighter.

"Sleepy..." He mumbles.

"Told you..." Taehyung coughs, mockingly and when I turn to face him with my rosy cheeks, he sends me a grin but somehow I make out the little tints of blush covering his own cheeks. "It was bound to happe-"

Hueningkai's sword frantically pokes at Taehyung's head, countless jabs at a time, thanks to Yoongi raising him off the ground and to Taehyung's head level. "Ow! What are doing, hyung?" He groans with a soft pout.

Soobin and Yeonjun laugh their heads off at the sight and I bite back a little laugh of my own but at the same time, I feel Beomgyu's grip from my side disappear. He suddenly climbs up next to Taehyun, mirroring his actions and holding onto me as if I'm his teddy bear.

"Go help her you pabo." Yoongi reprimands, and in order to get Hueningkai's torture to stop he instantly gets up.

Upon reaching, he crouches down in front of me, with a pout and that slight blush still on his cheeks.

"Yah. You kids," Taehyung pokes Beomgyu's side just abit but he doesn't budge. "Aish. I told you they're a pain."

I only bite the inside of my cheek in pure embarrassment and as Taehyung slowly yet gently pulls Taehyun then Beomgyu off me I feel my cheeks smoulder boundlessly but then I watch him set them on some nearby pillows.

"I guess it's time for their nap." Yoongi informs, and I briskly stand up, with my hands to my side, completely flustered. The events that just took place was totally uncalled for. "And you two should probably head back. Class will probably start in a bit."

My eyes follows the remaining three kids, Soobin, Hueningkai and Yeonjun as they run straight towards the pillow's and they crash onto them like darts flung hard against a dart board.

"Deh," Taehyung gets up, after properly settling the three of them over the pillow's then he moves towards me, and with a soft grin he speaks. "Don't be so embarrassed Soo Yeong ah~." He gently pinches my cheek, that's probably as hot as the sun itself right now.

"I-I'm fine." I choke out, with a sheepish smile, and gently brush his hand away.

"Before you leave." Yoongi suddenly speaks, from his position on the floor. "Stop by after school for your blazer Taehyung, and you should come too Soo Yeong. You'll probably get to meet their parents."

I give a soft purse lip smile and a nod of my head, "Hmm. I will."

"Take care, hyung." Taehyung calls, as I follow him out the sliding door and into the hallway.

• • •

"How fun was that?" Taehyung teases as he walks backwards directly in front of me.

"Yah. Don't be like that." I mumble, and fiddle with my fingers. "They're really nice kids and they make me happy even though I've just met them."


"So thank you." I say, almost too sad. "Owie-"

Taehyung suddenly stops causing me to crash straight into him.

"What's wrong?" His voice is clearly laced with concern but I only breathe, taking in his scent.

"It's nothing." I finally mutter, but deep inside I feel my heart fill with a sort of love, that I haven't felt in long while ever since they left.

- It almost feels like home.

"Yah, are you alright?"

Taehyung's voice snaps me back to reality, and I look up at him with a wide content smile.

"I'm fine."

I declare, sliding my hand into his larger one and gently dragging him towards Geography class.

"Your mood is off Soo Yeong." He steps beside me, matching my small steps and his gaze is fixed on our intertwined hands. "Is it because of Taehyun or me?"

"None." I state. "And why would it be you?"

"Because..." He starts, with a sheepish scratch to his cheek. "I almost abandoned you in English class then out in the hallway with Minho. I thought I wouldn't be able to help you because I'm almost never aroun-"

"Don't worry." I inform, as we turn a corner and Geography class comes into view. "Things somehow worked out in both our favours."

"I guess they did." Taehyung mumbles. "Thanks."

We quickly usher inside the classroom and towards the back to get settled down in our seats before class starts but as we walk I hear low whispers and chatter from my classmates.

I look over at their confused faces, and all of their gazes are directed straight toward mine and Taehyung's intertwined hands. Instantly, I get flustered and release his hand from mine- leaving him to walk alone and I quickly shuffle to my seat that's beside Jimin.

"Yah. I see the couple thing is really going on." Jimin teases, and I give him a shy smile, still flustered from just now. "You guys look great, though. I always knew i-"

"Yah! Jimin ssi." Taehyung interjects, with his backpack hanging from his right hand. "Swap seats with me."

"Why?" Jimin turns to look at him, confused and my mood flips- my face mirroring Jimin's.

"Just swap, both you and Kook know what's cutting."

"Aniyo!" I suddenly holler, gripping onto Jimin with my dear life and he flinches from the contact. "Jimin's the first friend I made when I transferred. He can't move." I whine.

"Then you should have asked him to be your boyfriend instead." Taehyung scoffs, with a hand on his hip but I only pout up at him.

"Aha..." Jimin sheepishly laughs. "A little help here Jungkook." But his words fall onto deaf ears.

"Yah, Soo Yeong. Let go of Jimin already." Taehyung pressures. "It's not like he's moving half way across the world. He's just moving one seat behind."

"But still..." The animated tears threatens to make their appearance, once again.

"Let him go otherwise I'm telling jungkook what you did with his banana mil-"

"Yah!" I screech, immediately releasing Jimin from my hold, and he breathes comfortably again. "I'm sorry. I let go. I'm sorry." I repeat and attempt a bow but I bow too deeply, consequently hitting my forehead against Jimin's desk.

"Owie." I rub the fresh injury.

"Aish Soo Yeong." Jimin takes a peek at where I hurt myself and he touches it lightly. "Becarefu-"

"What did she do with my banana milk!?" Jungkook suddenly exclaims in utter panic, from behind Jimin and I flinch, instantly backing up against the wall behind me.

"She totally annihilated Minho with it." Taehyung smirks, probably remembering all of that yellow substance below the notice board.

"Yah! I detached from him. Why'd you still tel-"

Low claps are heard, and they're coming straight from Jungkook, "Wonderful." He beams and Jimin cackles softly.

"You nice, keep going." Jimin points at me with a soft look in his eyes and I stare at them with an innocent look, before he finally gets up to hop in the back.

From where I stand, I watch Taehyung throw his backpack over his chair and he settles over his new desk then he goes onto scan me top to bottom. I only give him a frown and turn to face Jungkook and Jimin, whose already interacting with eachother.

"Those bulges,"

Taehyung's fruity voice suddenly catches my attention.

"In your blazer pockets. They've been annoying me ever since I first bumped into you today but I've never asked..." He continues and I immediately look down at my pockets, which are in fact bulging and I shove my hand into one of them.

"What's in there?" He inquires, inquisitively. "And I'm surprised the little demons didn't see it. I guess they where too enthralled by something else..." A playful smirk grows on his face and his eyes form crescent shapes.

"Yah! You're so creepy and it's my lunch wrapper!" I throw the wrapper at his head. It makes direct contact with his forehead then it diverts only to land over Jungkook's desk- catching his attention.

"Then what's the other bulge?" Taehyung gets up, completely ignoring the fact that I just flung my wrapper at him, and he approaches me. I guess throwing that lunch wrapper wasn't such a good idea. "Hmm..." He hums, now right up against me.

I flush, like I always do whenever he gets close, "Tae... Not so close... People's going to stare and whisper."

"Never mind them." Taehyung smirks, as he rest his right hand on the wall behind me and my heart rate increases. "Got to give Minho a show, don't we Jimin?" His eyes darts over to Jimin and so does mine.

"Deh." Jimin looks up at us, with a small smile. "He walked in a while back. He looks jea-"

"Right in front of my banana milk." Jungkook mumbles, with an almost flirtatious look, as he poke the straw into the bottle.

"Gosh, Jungkook!" Jimin hollers. "Didn't you just have a banana milk-"

Their conversation is suddenly blurred out when I feel Taehyung's hard stares on me. I hold my breath and look up to meet his gaze but those eyes of his holds a bit of playfulness.

"Are you going to tell me or do you want me to take it out myself?" His left hand slides out from his pocket and inches closer to me but I bite my lip, then submissively pull out the contents of my pocket.

If he touches me near the waist in this position I will die before my time.

"Aish." My voice is soft. "It's just a flyer." I quickly unravel the untidily folded paper right in front of his face so it can act as temporary barrier in order to allow my heart to calm down, even if it's just a few paces lower.

He cocks his head slightly, as if he's trying to read what's on there but then he completely takes ahold of it- scanning it's contents at a more appropriate eye level.

"The Astro Detective Bunch?" He bites his lower lip in curiosity, as he leans back against my desk, allowing me more room to breath again but his legs on the other hand obscures any chance for me to move, comfortably.

"What's this?" He drops his hands over his thighs, and looks at me expectantly. "Where you planning on signing up for this?"

"I actually was until you made me join The Babysitter Club." I mumble with a finger over my lower lip.

He looks at me with pursed lips and puffed out cheeks, together with furrowed eyebrows, "Why? Their catch phrase is so tacky... The Discoverers of Mysteries and The Hidden Truth."

"Aish, it's not." I counter, crossing my arms over my chest. "But... I was actually interested in joining so I can get some information about Minho." I whisper the latter.

"Minho?" Taehyung repeats, leaning in closer.

"Hm, I want to know why he's so adamant on wanting me back and what happened between him and Yeji- the girl he cheated on me with." I point my index finger beside my face.

"But will they really be able to help?" He cocks a brow.

"Our school clubs aren't just for show. They're actually serious so I'm gonna give them a look."

"When are you going?"

"Tomorrow, maybe during lunch." I suggest with a pout.

"Then I'm coming with." He smiles and leans back.

"Why? You don't need to."

"But I want to and I am your boyfriend afterall." He cooes and quickly gets up, clinging onto me like a little baby.


Soon after our little, sort-of-heated conversation Taehyung and I had taken our seats, when the teacher walked in, and we pay attention to the lesson that's going on but at certain times I can't help but steal a few glances at him.

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of his.

As the lesson progresses, I notice him yawn and my heart puddles at the sight because he looks like a little tiger cub. And as for that nose of his, from this angle it looks so adorable- I want to boop it.

"I know I'm handsome but for how long will you keep staring?" Taehyung suddenly speaks.

I'm taken by surprise at his sudden question but I recover almost immediately.

"Why? Can I not stare at my boyfriend?" I lean closer to him, giving him sparkly eyes.

"You're such a pain." He scoffs lightly, and taps my forehead with his index and middle fingers.

A/n: I couldn't say this in the synopsis chapter because I didn't want to ruin the plot but this book was purely inspired by the anime Gakuen Babysitters. It was so soft and I loved every bit of it! So, if you haven't watched it, you should.

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