03| Top 10 Anime Betrayals: Taehyung Edition

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As Minho gives a little more detail about himself to the class, who all seem to have their eyes and ears glued to him like they've never seen a transfer student before, I feel something suddenly strike the side of my head.

It snaps me out of my paranoid state, and I look down to find a paper ball near the leg of my chair. I then look up, and my gaze catches Taehyung's, whose sitting so carefree against the backrest of his chair and he sends me a small smirk.

I look at him in disbelief and mouth inaudibly, "Is that really Minho?"

Despite my sorrowful cry he only motions for me to pick up the fallen paper ball and so, I do. Opening it up, I find a bunch of neatly written words inked across the obviously freshly crinkled up paper and the words read:

' Calm down, you egg.
He can't do anything to you.
There's a Jungkook on your side. '

Somehow my heart melts into a puddle after reading Taehyung's message despite the insulting name, and I feel a moments relief rush throughout me.

His words gives me hope, because it makes me realise that I'm not alone instead I have all three of my friends, here to look out for me.

I look up at Taehyung again, sending him a small smile and a nod of my head but he just throws a little peace sign over his left eye with his left hand. Afterwards, I shift to face forward.

And with my notebook still in front of my face, I slowly peek over it, testing the water's to see if I can actually face Minho again and be just as brave as Jungkook always is.

My hazel eyes bore into him, and for the few seconds that I judge every inch of him, as he continues to speak. I think I can actually do it but to my utter dismay, we consequently end up making eye contact. Of which I instantly chicken out and hide behind my notebook, once more.


My subconscious, fights, abruptly swallowing up my attempt at bravery because after holding his gaze, I feel so anguished. It's totally different from when I held his gaze on Saturday. This time round it's so piercing, and suffocating like.

As I juggle with my whirling thoughts and fight an internal battle within myself. I suddenly hear Namjoon's voice, calling for Taehyung to raise his hand, to which he obediently obeys.

I make attempts to peek over my notebook, once again hoping to get a clear look at both the males standing in the front, without Minho staring me down and thankfully I do since Minho's eyes are fixed directly on an unphased Taehyung since his hand is raised up in the air.

"There are two seats available in front of Taehyung. You can choose either that you're comfortable with." Namjoon informs, patting Minho on the shoulder and sending him off.

Minho paces towards the two empty desks- but not without glancing my way first. He sends me a devilish smirk and the look in his eyes are cold, sending chills throughout my body. Nonetheless, I still watch him, and he takes a seat in front of Taehyung instead of Jungkook.

Possibly he's recognised Taehyung therefore he's probably deliberately chosen that seat because unlike me, Taehyung had made no attempts to hide himself from that trash bag. He was on display like a brightly lit up Christmas tree during the festive season.

I guess Taehyung isn't all that afraid of Minho since he's seated right next to our apparent secret weapon, Jeon Jungkook because I mean look at him. Jungkook is the definition of muscle power and brute strength. Sometimes, I like to call him Muscle Kook and I find the name quite fitting.

Throughout the lesson, I feel Minho glance my way a couple of times and it's quite unsettling to say the least so I resort to shifting Jimin's position, to a slightly leaning one in order to obstruct Minho's view of me.

But at the same time, Jimin looks at me confusedly but I give him a little sheepish smile and then release my hands from him with an awkward airy chuckle.

Despite my weird behaviour, he stays in that position but only for a little while before he sadly breaks the position in order to start taking down notes again.

I sigh in defeat and resort to the one method I know will not fail me; my notebook.

I casually throw it over my shoulder, as if I'm blocking the rays of the sun and it makes me feel a little more at ease because I don't feel as exposed anymore. Thereafter, I go on to shift my gaze over at Namjoon, who is writing a great deal of words on the blackboard.

From the looks of it, he seems to have done quite a few chapters during my turmoil but I don't wale about it rather I pay attention to whatever chapter he's about to round up and like Jimin, I go on to take notes as well.

All the while, I keep my notebook fixed over my shoulder and as for Minho, he can admire my notebooks' space themed cover which states, I need some space because apparently spoken words doesn't go through that head of his.

• • •

"Are you seriously going to block your face with a book for the rest of the year or what?"

I suddenly hear Taehyung's fruity voice hit my ears and I peek passed my notebook to take a look at him. He takes on a leaning stance against Jimin's desk as he rubs the back of his nape, tiredly.

The bell wailed a few minutes ago yet here I am still stuck in my seat together with my new saviour; my notebook, for the sole purpose of not wanting to get caught up with Minho as I exit the classroom but as for Jimin and Jungkook they flew out of the class as soon as the bell went since we have gym next- their favourite class.

I pout, "Deh."

"You're a pabo Soo Yeong ah~." He sighs.

"Then what else am I supposed to do?" I shoot, turning completely, to face him in distraught. "I thought I would be fine after your message but apparently my brain can't handle it."

"What you do is not my problem." He admits, rather harshly.

"Yah!" I holler, in disbelief. "Why're you so cold all of a sudden? You said we have a Jungkook on our side and besides he already knows we're together so we're both stuck in this mess."

"Not really." He declares, and he leans slightly fowards to look me in the eye. "And I said you have a Jungkook on your side not me."

"What are you saying..." My heart drops.

"I can easily tell him I broke up with you."

"In a span of two days?" I ask, my voice going soft.

I can't believe what Taehyung is saying right now. Is he really going to abandon me like this?

"A lot can happen in two days Soo Yeong."


"Ms. Min, Mr. Kim."

Suddenly, I hear Namjoon's voice echo throughout the empty classroom, making both Taehyung and I turn to face him but as soon as we do our eyes are met with Minho, whose standing just beside Namjoon.

My eyes holds a large degree of surprise and as for Taehyung, a simple sigh escapes his lips and he mutters, "I guess this doesn't look good if I've supposedly broken up with you."

His words shatters my heart into a million shards.

Despite me telling him about all of the gruesome details that had happened between Minho and I on that Saturday when he had walked me home- is he really going to act like this, unbothered. I had poured my heart out to him, about something that I kept hidden- even from Jimin.

I sigh, indignantly brushing those thoughts away and I keep my gaze fixed on Namjoon, wondering just what is going on.

"Since everyone's already left in such a hurry and it's only the two of you. Would either of you be kind enough to show Minho to his locker?"

Namjoon's words causes me to freeze momentarily because his words are exactly the opposite of what I've been trying to do ever since Minho's suddenly thrusted himself back into my life- avoid all contact with with him and I'm especially not about to get in the middle of this.


"Aish, Namjoon-nim." Taehyung interjects as he gets off the desk. He straightens up his posture, as he slides his hands into his pockets and I look up at him to find a small, almost warm smile over his lips. "I'm sure Soo Yeong ah~ wouldn't mind taking up the task."


My features hold disbelief at his words.

Is he trying to throw me to the vicious dogs? This boy! If this is some type of new tactic to annoy me then so be it!

I turn to face him, pinching the back of his thigh to which he softly groans, "Don't put me in a death trap, pabo." I whisper, then turn to look back at Namjoon so I can decline the offer but he beats me to it.

"That's great!" Namjoon hollers, and deep within my brain I instantly shoot a bullet, killing myself because I really don't want to do this but that look on Namjoon's face- damn him for having dimples and damn Taehyung for putting me up to this. "You can follow Soo Yeong when she's all packed up."

After Namjoon's instruction he makes for the exit of the classroom as Minho bows with a smile but me on the other hand, I furiously detach from my seat and begin shoving my notebooks into my backpack but as I do that I hear Taehyung chuckling beside me.

I irritatedly throw my backpack over my shoulders, and I roughly pinch at Taehyung's waist. "Don't think I'm going alone, you nut. You're coming with."

And with that I push on Taehyung's lower back, thrusting him into the space between the rows and I drag him along to the front of the class. I blankly stare at a smirking Minho and mutter harshly, "Follow me, trash bag."

Out in the hallway, all three of us silently trudge along in a single horizontal line, first is Minho then Taehyung and lastly, me- and I have a huge frustrated pout plastered across my lips because what Taehyung did just now could pass as a one of the top ten anime betrayals because seriously that was totally unnecessary.

As for Minho, couldn't he just wander around the school and ask someone else to help him find his locker? Because I mean, it isn't that difficult to find since each locker has a specific number allocated to it.

I sigh, exasperatedly.

But one thing's for sure is that Minho is even more annoying than Taehyung itself. Furthermore, he didn't need to go as far as transferring schools to try and desperately win me back because it's going to be a stupidly futile attempt.

"So..." Minho suddenly pipes up, making my ears perk up. "Are you two really together?"

After his words, my eyes trails over to Taehyung and I notice him clench his jaw slightly.

After seeing that, there's a clear picture drawn in my mind, showing that Taehyung doesn't want to be apart of this, and what makes it more obvious is those words he was spurting out in class just now.

My heart's in agony right now but despite what Taehyung had said, I really can't let Minho gain the upper hand in this delicate situation.

I notice Taehyung fist his hand ever so slightly, and I look up at him. He parts his lips to speak.


"Deh!" I immediately cut off his words, and hold onto his right hand to which he seems surprised at.

I really don't want to force Taehyung into this but I really have no choice especially since I don't have a back up plan at this point.

"Deh! We are!" I continue, tightening my grip on his hand. "Please." I whisper, hoping he'd play along even if he decides to drop the act later.

"Ah, jinjja?" Minho bites, looking over at us. "But you two are really awkward around eachother to be a couple."

Taehyung suddenly brushes my grip off his hand and my heart stops.

Is this what rejection feels like?

But it's as if my last lucky star was rooting for me because Taehyung suddenly throws his right arm around my shoulder and he pulls me flush into his chest. I gasp in surprise and consequently I end up soaking up his scent of Cherry Blossoms.

"You need to get your brain checked, trash bag." Taehyung snarles, and I feel his hand ruffle my hair slightly. Is this really happening? "And we're the happiest couple under the sun." He admits, and I do my best to peek up at Taehyung, only to see him smiling his boxy smile.

"I see..." Minho mutters. "But honestly Soo ya~, why in the world would you fall for someone without any muscles and he's probably got a pot belly too, when all of this can be yours." He spits, as he flexes his muscles, and at any given second it looks as if his blazer sleeves will rip in two.

Those conceited words of his immediately brings both Taehyung and I to a halt and I look on at Minho is pure disgust, and at the same time I feel Taehyung's grip from around me loosen. His tension rising.

"Watch your mouth, Minho." Taehyung growls, but Minho only snickers.

I release myself from Taehyung's hold, and I stand directly in front of Minho, staring at him with a piercing look full of anger.

"He's precious the way he is." I declare, as I grit my teeth. "And what's the point of looking the way you do if you can't treat a person properly."

"Tch," He clicks his tongue but then a smirk slowly grows on his face as he steps closer to me. "Soo ya~ seeing you this worked up is gonna turn me on."

I gasp at his disgusting words and I step back.

"Don't overstep your bounds, Minho." Taehyung spits, roughly shoving Minho, causing him to crash straight into some lockers behind him, which gains the attention of nearby students.

But despite all of the gawking eyes, Taehyung quickly takes ahold of my arm, and drags me away from the scene but as I'm being dragged along, I look over at Taehyung with hurtful eyes because I feel terrible for the insults that Minho threw at him.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung ah~."

I mumble, inaudibly.

A/n: I actually have those space themed covers lmao.

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