Chapter 8 More Attacks

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Chapter 8

I was with Ron and Harry I was sitting across of them on a desk my leg's resting in Ron's lap I had my book out looking through the pages seeing the weird picture of the man making hats in Wonderland I start remembering when he kidnapped Mom I sigh from the memory and held onto my necklace, thinking of Henry, "Your brother and you are close, huh?" said Harry, looking at me with the slightest concern.
"Well, he was my only best friend, nobody wanted to be friends with the Fairytale Freak" I said.
"Well, we're friends with our Fairytale Freak" said Ron. I smile weakly and turn the page when Snow White saved Prince Charming on the bridge when Hermione came over I close my book and look at her "Here it is" She said, coming over next to me, "Polyjuice Potion"
"Properly brewed, The Polyjuice Potion allows the Drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another." I read from the page.
"You mean if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyal?" said Ron.
"Yes" me and Hermione say in union.
"Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything!" said Ron, getting his hopes up.
"Exactly" said Hermione, she looked down to the page "But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion"
"Well, how long will it take to make?" asked Harry.
I look down to see and bite my lip

Why is it always a Month it always is! I thought

"A Month" me and Hermione say in union.
"A Month? but, Hermione, Hazel, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then." said Harry.

Wait, did Harry just call me Hazel? I thought.

"I know. but it's the only plan we got" said Hermione.
"Hazel?" I said.
Harry turned a little pink by this "W-well your eyes are Hazel, right, if you don't l-like I'll stop" said Harry nervously. I smile from his nervousness.
"Actually, i like it, it shows more of me" I said.

(Quidditch )

"Okay, explain it again?" I said, an hour before some game starts.
"It's called Quidditch" said Harry, slightly annoyed, I've been asking him about...he said Quidditch, right? all morning since I'm new and have never touched any books and I'm practically a Muggle/Mortal. Harry explains, again, of what the balls are, points, and stuff.
"Okay, I think I got it," I said.

I stood in the stands with Hermione and Ron everyone seeming they know what was going on Ron would try and explain, not working out so well.... anyways Harry's a AMAZING flier he fly's on a broom and try's to find a golden ball i'm just amazed how good at Quidditch he is.

the green team scores

"Another goal for Slytherin!" said I think his name is Lee Jordon He's Fred and George Weasley's friend, the twins who found me, they actually gave me a nickname...Tiny it's weird, really, but I took it. "They lead Gryffindor 90 to 30!" said Lee.
I smile and cheer

I kept on watching, still sort of confused, but one thing I got is...he's the Keeper, right? got hit but a Bludger and hit's the ground and the Bludger is going after Harry.

"Blimey, Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger! that's been tampered with, that has!" said Hagrid.
Ron took his wand out "I'll stop it" said Ron. Hermione makes him lower his wand "No! even with a proper wand, it's too risky, you could hit Harry" said Hermione.
I felt myself get nervous I actually did something I only did was my mom, Grandparents, and mostly Henry...I held Hermione's hand from fear. she didn't object she held just as tightly in a friendly way.

I watch as Harry try's to loses the Blubger when he kind of dose I look near Malfoy's head to see....the Snitch, the golden ball, I keep eye contact with it until I see, in the corner of my eye, the Bludger coming back "HARRY WATCH OUT!" I scream. he looks and ducks, right on time before he loses his head, and he goes after the Snitch.

Malfoy saw and went after Harry I lost sight of them so I got from nervous to worried my hand grip tightening in Hermione's soon a couple minutes after Malfoy came flying out but he wasn't on his broom he fell, bounced sort of, and then landed on his but and I saw him groan I scrunch up my nose "That gotta hurt" I whisper.

I look over to Harry he outstretched his arm when the Blubger ram right into it Harry looked in pain my hand tightening in Hermione's, her returning it, Harry tried his other hand he seen caught it and, sort of, landed on the ground on his back. I didn't see anymore I ran off I ran down the stands to see Harry almost getting crushed by it I let my hands out and saw the creamy glow go onto my hands i made it blow up I sigh out of relief and rush over beside him, Hermione next to me, "Thank's" breathed Harry.

"Harry, are you okay?" I ask, you could hear the worry in my voice. everyone comes gathering around
"No, i think my arms broken" said Harry.
"Not to worry, Harry. i will fix that arm of yours straightaway" said Lockheart.
"No, no not you!" said Harry.
"Boy doesn't know what he's saying" said Lockheart.
"Actually, i think he does" I thought out loud.
Lockheart glared at me and I smile innocently he moved Harry's sleeve up slowly and he pointed his wand at it "Brakcium Emendo!" He chants Harry's arm glows blue then his arm looks limp then he picks it up and it's all limp I gasp and couldn't see because I felt like I wanted to throw up so I hide my face in Hermione's shoulder.
"Ah, well, yes, that can sometimes happen um, but, uh, the point can no longer feel any pain, and, very clearly, the bones are not broken" said Lockheart. I lift my head and turn to him "Broken?" I said. "BROKEN! there's no bones left in it!" I almost yell. Hermione puts a hand on my shoulder and I take a deep breath I help Harry up and me, the Quidditch team, and Ron and Hermione take Harry to the hospital wing.

Lockhearts an idiot.

Harry's in the hospital wing and I'm starting to lose hope....why am I losing hope? is because I haven't have any sign's from that Mom, Regina, or the other's are coming.... I heard something slithering and I hide in a closet I'm out past curfew when it was gone I got out to see a boy with a camera I gasp and run to Dumbledore's office I got him and he also got McGonagall I show them and we bring him to the Hospital Wing "Put him here" said Madam Pomfrey

(Harry's Point of View)

"Put him here" said Madam Pomfrey. I heard people putting someone in a bed "What happened?" asked Madam Pomfrey.
"There's been another attack" said Dumbledore's voice.
"I think," said a voice....that's Danielle's? why is she here? "he's been petrified, Madam Pomfrey"
"Miss. Swan, you better be off, and be careful" said Dumbledore's voice. I heard footsteps and knew Danielle has left.
"Look. perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker?" said McGonagall's voice.
I heard a poof I think it came from the camera
"What can this mean, Albus?" said McGonagall.
"It means that our students are in great danger" said Dumbledore.
"What should I tell the staff?" said McGonagall.
"The truth." said Dumbledore simply. "Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe it is as we feared, Minerva. The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again"


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