Chapter 3 Speaking to Family

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Chapter 3

~Past twelve Years Ago~*Third Person's Point of View*
"Deep breath, breath away, breath away" said a doctor to Emma. she was panting because she was giving birth
the doctors were telling her how great she's doing Emma screams and the doctor tells her to have a big push as she's doing this lights flicker then a baby boy was born. Emma looks away she won't see him "It's a boy, Emma," said the doctor. the baby was crying the nurse tells him what Emma wants "Emma, just so you know, you can't change your mind" said the doctor.
"No, i can't be a mother" said Emma, her voice breaking, the doctor went to go clean the baby up when Emma screams again a nurse comes in to see...she's having another baby "Oh my god!" gasped the nurse. she grabs the doctor and they help her having her baby she gives birth to the baby "It's a girl" said the doctor, "Are you sure Emma?" asked the doctor.
Emma looks away, not looking at the crying small girl, the doctor nodded sadly and went to go clean up the other little baby.

~Present~*Danielle's Point of View*
I was eating breakfast, while looking through my book, when Hermione sit's next to her and Ron and Harry sit in front of her "Good morning" they say.
"morning" i said, and took a bit of my eggs, "So, which class is first?" i ask.
"Don't you need a wand?" asked Ron. i smirk "Nope" i said i look and my juice and close my eyes and when i heard a faint pop i open themm to see my juice has disappeared i look up to Ron, Harry, and Hermione and their eyes are wide. "I learned magic from my adopted mom with my birth mom" i said. "Wicked" muttered Ron and i giggle.
"so, which class?" i ask.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts" said Harry. i look over to Hermione she had a dreamy face on "What are you dreamy about? you look like Grumpy when he found his true love" i said.
"The new Professor is Lockheart" said Hermione.
"Uh...never heard about the guy" i said.
"He's stupid" said Ron and i laugh "That quick to judgement Ronald" i laugh.

soon we went to the class i sat with Harry, since i know no one else, then Professor entered dramatically "Oh my god" i whisper.
"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher" said Professor, "Me" he flashed us a smile and i look over to Harry he looked at me "I want to throw up" i whisper. Harry stiffen a laugh. "Gilderoy Lockheart...Orer of Merlin, Third class, honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League and five time winner of Witch Weekly Most-Charming-Smile Award" said Lockheart.
i roll my eyes i don't care where your a member of or what you've won!
"But let's not talk about that i didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him" Lockheart flashed us a smile and i just wanted to die out of how freaking boring he is!

"Now! be warned!" said Lockheart dramatically, taking out his wand, "it is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind." he tapped a cage with a cloth of it and it started shaking "You may find yourself acing your worse fear in this room. know only that no harm can befall you whilst i am here i must ask you not to scream" said lockheart i think i'm going to scream even if it's just a simple bunny he ripped the cloth off to show some little pixie men i scream for the heck of it and Harry chuckled.
"Cornish pixies?" said a boy with an Irish accent
"Freashly caught Cornish Pixies" corrected Lockheart. the boy started laughing i giggle a little "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan but pixie can be devilishly tricky little blighters let's see what you make of them" and he opened the cage "Oh my god!" i gasp. i jump out of my seat i was freaking out until a pixie got a hold of my hair "Get off me you bugger!" i yell.
"Hold on, hold still!" said Harry. i hold still and saw, by the corner of my eye, he hit the pixie away with my book from the Enchanted Forest it must of fell out. "Thanks " i ell over the sound he gave me my book back and i put it in my backback and grab a different book i saw Professor pull out his wand and say this: "Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" it didn't work because! a pixie took his wand. and he cowardly went up the stairs and was about to enter his office but turned to us "I'll ask you four just to nip the rest of them back into their cage" he said and ran into his office.
"What do we do now!" i said.
Hermione stood up and pointed her wand up "Immobulu" she chants and all the pixie's froze. "Smart" i said.
"Why is it always me?" said a boy.

i was, again, wondering the halls when i was about to pass a door McGoangall walked out and i ran into her "Oh, sorry, Professor," i said.
"Oh, Miss. Swan, i was about to look for you" said McGonagall, "We've got you an owl to send a message to your family where you are and your safe"
"Can it go through the barrier?" i ask.
"I believe so" said McGonagall.
i smile big and she handed me some parchment and a quill and i run off to the library.

i got there and sat at a table and started writing to Bell

Dear Bell.
Bell! are you okay? is Mom, Regina, Grandpa, and Grandma looking for me and Henry? i'm not with him though i went to a different land with a castle called Hogwarts it's a school for witches and wizards i've made friends but i want to be with you guys more, because family is more important, use this owl and tie the letter to his leg and tell it to come to Hogwarts to Danielle Mills-Swan it'll find me. i love you all i'll find a way home soon.
Love Danielle

i read the letter over two times then fold it up and give it to the owl "Take this to Storybrook to Bell you'll find it" i said. it gavea small nod and flew out.

~Storybrook(Many hours later)~
Grams was closing the shop when she saw something flying in the distances she moved closer when Ruby came over "what" said Ruby. "What is that? asked Grams. Ruby looked and here came closer and an owl landed on Ruby's shoulder "IAn owl?he's kind of cute" said Ruby. she took the letter from it's beak and opened it to see its for Bell from....DANIELLE!
"Danny wrote a letter to bell! i'll go give this to her" said Ruby.
"Wait, Danielle wrote a letter" said Grams.
Ruby nodded and ran off to Mr. Gold's shop she ran in to Bell "Bell, you got a letter and this cute owl" said Ruby.
Bell came over and grabbed the letter and reads it

Dear Bell.
Bell! are you okay? is Mom, Regina, Grandpa, and Grandma looking for me and Henry? i'm not with him though i went to a different land with a castle called Hogwarts it's a school for witches and wizards i've made friends but i want to be with you guys more, because family is more important, use this owl and tie the letter to his leg and tell it to come to Hogwarts to Danielle Mills-Swan it'll find me. i love you all i'll find a way home soon.
Love Danielle

"Danielle's okay" said Bell, "She wants to know if her mom, Regina, Snow, and David are looking for you know where Hogwarts is?" asked Bell.
"Um...i think it's in England" said Ruby.
"England! she's on earth but...." Bell trailed off.
"Far away..." said Ruby.
Bell went over to a table and grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote Danielle back.

Danielle --
Danny! we've missed you and been so worried, yes your mom, Regina, Snow, David, and Rumble and Hook are looking for you and Henry i think they know your in a different land then Henry. and where is Hogwarts? and tell me are your friends good to you. we all love you too and hopefully we'll see you soon
From Bell

Bell folds the paper up and gives it to the owl "Okay, how do we tell it to fly to her?" asked ruby. Bell looked at Danielle's letter "...use this owl and tie the letter to his leg and tell it to come to Hogwarts to Danielle Mills-Swan it'll find me..." "We just tell it" said Bell, she looks at the patient owl "Take this to Danielle Mills-Swan at Hogwarts" said Bell. the owl gave a small nod and flew out of the window "I hope i'll be okay" said Ruby.
"Me too" said Bell.

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