Chapter 17 Rumpelstiltskin

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  Chapter 17

(Harry's Point of View)
"Who's been spotted?" said Danielle, putting her book back into her bag.
"Sirius Black!" said Seamus. we all got up and went over to where Seamus had the paper "Dufftown? that's not far from here!" said Hermione.
i look over to Danielle she was pail and her hands were shaking slightly i grab her hand and rub the top of her hand with my thumb she seemed to calm down.

This Wardrobe shakes making everyone jump i felt a hand in mine i look down to see it's Danielle's i smile a little and intertwined our fingers "Now, can anybody tell me what's inside here?" said Lupin.Danielle opens her mouth but i cover it "Don't say 'it's a Wardrobe'" i whisper to her she whispered a 'Fine' into my hand and i remove my hand.
"That's a boggart, sir," said a girl with red hair she was wearing a
"Very good, Miss. Green" said Lupin. (I'm guessing you all know who Miss. Green is ) "Now, can anybody tell me what a Boggart looks like?" asked Lupin.
"Nobody knows" said a voice next to Danielle.
Danielle jumped and we all look to see it's Hermione "When did she get in here!?" whispered Ron. me and Danielle shrug, but Danielle was smirking.
"Boggarts are shape sifters. they take the shape of whatever the person is afraid of most. that what makes them so ----"
"So terrible, yes, yes luckily there's a simple charm that can repel a boggart. let's practice it now, without wands, after me, Riddikulus" said Lupin.
"Riddikulus" we all chant, not Danielle though luckily Lupin didn't notice.
"This class is Ridicules" i heard Malfoy mutter to his friends, making my blood boil.
"Very good, now that was the easy part, i'm afraid, you see, the spell alone isn't enough what really finishes a boggart is laughter. you need to force it to something amusing. let me explain, Neville. would you join me, please?" said Lupin.
Neville turned scarlet and stepped up Lupin crouched down to his level next to him "Neville, what frightens you most of all?" asked Lupin, Neville mumbled something i didn't hear "sorry, say that again?" said Lupin.
"Professor Snape" said Neville a little more loudly the Slytherin's laugh and Danielle glares at them. "Well, he can be scary, you live with your grandmother, yes?" saud Lupin Neville nodded "Yes but i don't want it to turn into her" said Neville.
Lupin chuckled "No, it won't, i want you to picture your grandmother's clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind" said Lupin.
"She carry's a red handbag ----"
"We don't need to hear" said Lupin, interrupting Neville, "as long as you see it, we'll see it, now this is what i want you to do......." he whispered something to Neville he nodded and Professor stepped back "On the count of three" said Professor.
"One...two....three" he opened the door of the wardrobe and here came a hand then the face of Snape he was making his way slowly to Neville when he whimpered out "Riddikulus!"
Snape changed into everyone cracked up laughing, Lupin was even laughing! he turned on some music and i saw Danielle giggle (Song (Can't believe i'm doing this....): )

"Ron!" said Professor. Ron stepped up and the boggart changed into a spider i saw Ron turn white "He's scared of spiders?" said Daniele. i nodded
Ron pointed his wand at the spider "Riddikulus!" he shouted and the spider's feet had roller skats and started rolling then falling "Danielle!" said Professor Danielle gulped and stepped up the rolling spider turned into a man with some sort of weird skin, dark eyes, leather clothing, yellow teeth, and he had black nails.
"Hello, dearie" he said, his voice a little squeaky he had a weird laugh. "Come over to this side! it'll not be that bad! You'll bejust like your Adoptive mother, Regina, come and join like your destined to!"
"You can, Danielle," said her voice a girl stepped next to him her eyes were no longer kind Hazel but the real Danielle gulped and shouted at them while her hand had a thin yellow creamy cloud on her hand "Riddikulus" she yelled and they turn into two people one i recognize as Danielle laughing with a boy that looked like her with dark hair like her's and hazel eyes he was wearing a necklace that had INS i think that's Henry her twin.

Danielle turned and walked back over next to me and just looked to the ground "Harry!" said Lupin. i step up

(Danielle's Point of view)
Harry was next that man, if you don't know, is Rumpelstiltskin or other known as Mr. Gold my grandfather Rumble that's him as The Dark One and him asking me to become evil since i have these powers.
Harry stepped up and the Boggart changed into a Dementor lupin jumped up in front of him and the Dementor changed into a orb i look closely to see a Full Moon....FULL MOON OH MY GOD HE'S A WEREWOLF!!!!!

i'll need to talk to him after class about that. he chants the spell and the Boggart changes into a balloon and goes back into the wardrob "That'll be it, class dismissed" he said everyone went to leave but i went to go talk to Lupin "Where are you going?" asked Harry.
"To talk to Professor Lupin" i said.
the Trio nodded and i walk over to Professor i tap his shoulder and he turned to me "Yes, what do you need, Danielle?" said Professor.
"Can i ask you a question that's privet" i said.
he nodded and we went to his office he sat down and i stood in front of him the desk between us "Are you a werewolf?" i ask.

Professor pailed at this question "No, why would you think that?" said Professor.
"Scared face, full moon, good with defense against the dark arts" i said, "It's okay, Professor, i have a friend named Ruby who's a werewolf she wear's a red cloak to keep her human" i said. he looked at me confused
i smile "I'm Danielle Swan i'm from a little town that used to be here on this land called Storybrook all the people there are fariytale people my adoptive mother is The Evil Queen and my grandmother is Snow White" i said.
"Your the little girl Dumbledore warned me about, i believe your story's, Danielle, you have a very powerful family history" said Lupin.
"I guess" i said.
"Now, your Boggart, who was that man?" asked Lupin. i took a deep breath and explain him about The Dark One.

"....He's good now, but i'm afraid if he'll turn evil again and try to make me evil too" i finish explaining. Lupin nodded "Very well, you won't tell anyone what i am, right?" said Lupin.
"Of course not, Professor, i can tell this is a deep secret and most people don't trust werewolf's i'll keep it until the end of time" i said. he smiled and sent me off and i left.


One more to tell you who Christy is :D 

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