Chapter 13 Seeing Her

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  Chapter 13

(Danielle's Point of View)

I got my Suitcase and smile huge i can't believe i'm going to Hogwarts again but i hate lying to Mom and Henry i'm going camping....i come out of my room to see them standing next to each other Henry holding something behind him. "What's going on?" i ask.
"We thought, since your going camping" there goes my guilt "We thought you could have someone with you" said Henry.

Please don't be Henry, Please don't be Henry, Please don't be Henry i kept on thinking.

Henry moves his hands to show me a small box with a bow i set the box onto the table and untie the bow i heard something come from the box and raise a eyebrow then this little face came from me moving the lid i gasp and it made the box lid come off! (looked like ) it was a puppy and she was adorable! "Oh my god, a puppy!" i gasp.
"We got the exact puppy from Lady and the Tramp we know it's your favorite movie" said Mom. i got up and hugged my Mom and Henry in a group hug "I love you! i love you! thank you!" I said.

Mom giggled while Henry chuckled i release them and pick the puppy up "I think i'll call her Cookie" i said.

Henry chuckled "Of course, you call her that" said Henry.
"Shut up, Henry," i said playfully.

we got Lady a collar really quickly and a leash and we head to the airport in my Mom's little yellow bug car.we got there and Mom handed me my ticket "Be safe, Danny, and take pictures" said Mom, as she kissed the top of my head.

"Okay, i'll try, i love you" i said.
i hug Henry goodbye and head to go to London.

(Harry's Point of View)(Many days later)

I walk out of my room to see a rat running way from a ginger cat and this cute puppy run after the cat i walk down the stairs to see two people i missed "I'm warning you Hermione!" said Ron, "Keep that bloody cat away from Scabbers!"
"What do you expect, Ron, it's in their nature!" said Hermione. they bicker until Ron noticed me "Harry!" said Ron happily.
Hermione turned and smiled "Harry" she said.

Mr. Weasley talked to me about Sirius Black i walked back over to Ron and Hermione "Mione!" called a voice i recognize, "Where's my Jacket! i can't kind it!" said a girl's voice. "It's down here!" called Hermione, holding her cat, Crookshanks, and have the puppy who was chasing her cat next to her. a girl came down and my eyes widen the girl stops when she saw me

"Harry..." said ....
"Hazel" i breathe, "Am i dreaming?" i ask.
ron snorted and Hermione steps on his foot hard Danielle shakes her head no while smiling "This isreal" she whispered she came down and i hugged her "How? i thought you were in Storybrook" i whisper.
"I'll explain upstairs in your room" she said.

she broke the hug and got her jacket and the puppy from Hermione and i lead herto my room i sat on the bed and she sat next to my "How are you here?" i ask.

"First, did you get my message" said Danielle.
"What message?" i ask.
"I sent a message saying "Yellow Eyes' My grandpa Rumble told me what was in the Chamber of Secrets and what the monster was" said Danielle.
"I think Hermione did" i said.
Danielle nodded and took a deep breathe she told me what happened in Storybrook apparently Peter Pan made a curse but her Adoptive mom, Regina Mills, made it so everyone would go back to The Enchanted Forest but Her Birth Mom and Henry had to leave ".....Do, my mom doesn't remember anything about the Fairytales are true and Henry doesn't too all she knows is she lives in New York and have Raised me and Henry since we were baby's. I remember everything because my Dad gave me a potion to remember thing so you didn't need to wait for me so, since then, i remember everything that has happened.
"I called Hermione and told her what has happened in Storybrook and I'm here without my Mom knowing i'm doing magic because she thinks i'm camping" explained Danielle.

"Your lying to your mom" i said. Danielle looks to her lap, fiddling with the Leash in her hands, "I had to....i feel guilty for it but i had to see you" said Danielle, guilt in her voice.

i take her cheek and make her look at me her eyes were glassy and looked as though she was going to cry a single tiny tear falls and i wipe it away with my thumb i make our foreheads touch and Danielle closes her eyes along with me "She'll forgive you, Hazel, she loves you and wont want to lose you" i whisper. i lean in and kiss her missing her touch on my lips Danielle kisses back i pull back and Danielle lays her head on my chest. i run my hand through her hair "so, explain the puppy" i said. Danielle chuckled and felt her smile "Her name is Cookie she's an American Cocker Spaniel just like Lady from Lady and the Tramp, my favorite movie, Henry and Mom gave me her before i left" said Danielle, Cookie was curled up in a ball in the blanket. i smile and kiss the top of Danielle's head "I told you i'd find you" she said.
"I never lost hope of that" i said.
Danielle hugged me and i hug back i can't believe Danielle's is here i hope she doesn't leave in the middle of this year or the other years.  

A/n: I'M BACK!


I know this isn't the best update in the whole world, but it's something, right?

Anyways, I have news :D

I got 300 followers on Quotev and every 100 followers I get I do a Q&A (or at least try to) so this time I've created a story with me answering them from time to time, both of Quotev and Wattpad, I'll post the answers on both even if it's on Quotev or Wattpad so...

Ask me anything you want to (NOTHING TOO PERSONAL LIKE MY BRA SIZE OR MY ADDRESS (Yes, people has asked me this in Truth or Dare online). But also you get to ask my characters in story's here of stuff too, my original story's, no already story's like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Laurence from "Minecraft Diaries".

You'll find it in my "Published" and it'll be titled "Ask Me" with a picture of me :D

Hope you enjoyed the chapter though

Love ya, Minions


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