Chapter 7 : Unmasking Vulnerability

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It was a new day in the Big Boss OTT house. People were evicted, emotions ran high, and there were both intense fights and growing friendships. Sana and Sai, who once couldn't stand each other, were now finding moments to spend together. This shift in their relationship didn’t go unnoticed, and housemates often teased them about it. While Sai took it in stride, Sana was more reserved, wary of forming deep connections due to her terminal illness.

Sana’s condition was a secret she guarded closely. She didn’t want to burden anyone with the knowledge that she wouldn’t be around much longer. Despite her initial reluctance to build friendships, she found herself getting comfortable around Sai.

Midweek, with only ten strong contestants left, Big Boss announced a new challenge. The house was divided into two teams of five for a face-off game. Sai was the captain of his team, which included Sana, Kataria, Poulami, and his rival Vishal. The other team comprised Armaan, Sana Sultan, Ranveer, Chandrika, and Payal. 

Armaan's team went first, assigning dares to Sai's team. Sai was dared to eat uncooked bitter gourd, which he did sportingly, earning a point. Sana was asked to destroy her favorite belonging, she sacrificed an imported perfume. She had wisely left any sentimental items at home, knowing they might be used against her in the game, a move Sai admired as genius.

When it was Sai's team's turn to give dares, Vishal asked Sana Sultan to destroy her family photo, which she couldn’t do, forfeiting a point. The game was intense and competitive, but it took a turn when Armaan dared Sana to kiss Sai. Both were uncomfortable with this, feeling it was inappropriate for a reality show, especially given their status as friends and not a couple.

Sai was furious and argued with Armaan, calling the dare offensive and disrespectful. Vishal, wanting to win, pressured Sai to complete the dare. This led to a heated confrontation where Vishal insulted Sai, calling him derogatory names. What triggered Sai the most is when Vishal called him a "bastard"!

Sai, known for his temper, was visibly shaken with rage. Unable to contain his anger, Sai walked out and went to the bathroom to cool off. Sana, sensing his distress confronted Vishal sternly and then followed Sai. She found him shaking with rage and sat beside him, hugging him tightly. Sai clung to her, letting out his frustration and pain through tears. Sana comforted him, gently running her fingers through his hair until he calmed down.

Sai collected himself after the emotional outburst, feeling a strange sense composure. He began sharing a deeply personal story he never thought he would reveal, especially on television.

"While growing up," he started, his voice trembling slightly, "my father was never in the picture. He left my twin sister and me even before we were born. Our mother raised us single-handedly. The society we lived in... they didn't care about us. They criticized her, called her names for giving birth to us and bringing us up, for working hard like a man. But she never let it affect us. She fought against all of it, threw it away, and tried her best to shield us from the harshness."

Sana listened intently, her eyes full of empathy. Sai continued, "I was called names growing up. The one Vishal used... it really hurt. When people called me that, I decided I would grow up to be a big man, someone my father would regret leaving. I wanted him to look at me and feel the weight of his absence."

Tears welled up in Sai's eyes as he recalled the painful memories. "I had to take care of my family early on. My mother was wearing herself out, working long hours and taking care of us. So I decided to do whatever it took to become the man of the family. I worked really hard for it you know?"

Sai's voice broke as he shared a specific memory. "When I was really young, once I needed a pair of shoes for school. We went to the store, and I picked out a pair. But at the counter, we realized we didn't have enough money. I had to leave empty-handed. That day, I vowed that someday I would earn enough money that we would never have to check the price tag again. I'm proud that I achieved that early in my career."

Sana's eyes were filled with compassion as she listened. Sai continued, "When people like Vishal call me names, they're not just insulting me. They're insulting my mother. And that's what hurts the most."

Sana placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sai, listen to me, yeah? These people who say such things, they reveal their own mentality and culture. They're not worthy of your thoughts. Ignore them. Listen to what your well-wishers and family say. You're strong enough to fight all of this. Your mother brought up a warrior, you hear me?"

Sai looked up, his eyes meeting Sana's. He felt a surge of gratitude and affection for her. He scooted closer and hugged her tightly. She held him, providing the comfort he desperately needed.

After a few moments, Sai pulled back slightly and looked at her. "Did you fight with Vishal for me?"

Sana smiled softly, her eyes warm. "That's what team-mates do for each other, right?"

Sai hugged her again, feeling a deep sense of connection and support. In that moment, they both knew their bond had grown stronger, transcending the superficialities of the game and touching something real and profound. They are friends.

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