Chapter 3 Enchancia

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Wait were is Enchancia you may ask just north of the enchanted ocean it's a beautiful place I tell you beautiful but every place has its ups and downs . the best part is that there is a college for kids in the north side of Enchancia I bet if I asked I could go to school there and we could take the portal Skylar told me.... oh I forgot to tell you Skylar is the fairy I met
in the woods and I am just about to ask my parents here goes "come on Mollie just ask them" "mom dad I have to ask you something well I was wondering if maybe I could go to this fairy school it isn't that far from here" and my parents talked it over and finally they said yes I was over joyed . So I rushed to my room and told Skylar the news and she was happy too and we talked while I packed my things and by morning Skylar and I were off  and of course I took Sierra I couldn't live without her .And so off we went.

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