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"This is where you all have been living!"

"It's sad isn't it?" The female said.

King was standing outside of the Boar Hat Tavern where four of his team members, Plus Elizabeth and Hawk, were forced to stay in. Let's say he was a bit unimpressed. 

"Hey you can't get to picky now." Ban butted in.

"Yeah we had to make shift with what we got." Meliodas said.

"How did you even aford this place Captain?" King's eyes widened. "Wait where are all of your sacred treasures!"

"I lost mine.." Diane said.

"Sold mine!" Meliodas said.

"Mine got stolen!" Ban exclaimed rather cheerfully.

"You sold the sacred treasure gifted to you from King Bartra himself!" King said floating towards Meliodas.

"Yep!" Meliodas grinned. "I had to in order to get money for the Tavern!"

"And you let yours get stolen!" King said floating over to Ban.

"Yeah when they threw my butt in that prison." Ban explained.

"I can't believe you got caught in the first place." [Name] murmered glancing at Ban.

"What was that Shortie?" Ban said turning to the demon-fairy.

"Nothin'" The demon-fairy said as she turned around.

"I'm sorry. I must be horrible for losing mine.." Diane said shyly, her face hiding behind her giant brown pigatils.

"No no, it's not your fault Diane!" King said blushing.

'Get a room.' [Name] thought to herself as she snickered.

"What about you [Name]?" King said floating towards the said female. She grabbed the white bow that hung on her side and held it close to King.

"I have mine." [Name] added.

"I don't get why your so upset King." Hawk trotted up to the group. "These guys do pretty well without these 'Sacred Treasures' your talking about."

"Sir Pig." King turned to Hawk.

"Sir Pig?" Hawk questioned.

"Now let's say that this lake represents the mana of one of the sins." King started, referring to the lake right next to the Boar Hat Tavern.

"How much of the lake's water could you scoop out using just your hands?" King asked.

"Hands?" Hawk quenstioned looking at his pig hooves.

"That's right." King lifted up his own hand. "No mater how much mana there is, your hands limit you."

"What King is trying to say, or what I presume he's saying, is that the Sacred Treasures allow the sins to unlock their full power." [Name] explained. "You've seen them fight with bare hands but that's nothing compared to them using their Sacred Treasures."

"What!" Hawk exclaimed.

"Yes." King pointing his hand towards the lake, he used his Chastiefol to rise up a group of water. "If they have a weapon, especially their Sacred Treasure, then they'll be able to scoop up tons of their magical power."

"Sacred Treasures are pretty awesome." Meliodas added.

"That makes a lot of sense..." Hawk turned to Meliodas and he began to repeatedly shake Meliodas. "Why the hell did you give yours up!"

"I guess we'll have to get all of your Sacred Treasures back." [Name] said. "A-"

"Assuming your serious about saving the realm and all." King said finishing the females sentence.

"Excuse me." Elizabeth joined the conversation. "Sir King, you were working with someone inside the castle, weren't you?"

King hummed. "More or less."

"Do you know what became of my father and sisters?" Elizabeth asked in a worried tone. "The King and the other two princesses?"

"I'm afraid not. Sorry about that." King answered.

"Oh.. I see." Elizabeth seemed down, the demon-fairy noticed this.

"Hey Princess Elizabeth." [Name] said in a calm tone as she began walking closer towards the Princess. "I'm sure that your family is perfectly fine. I know for a fact that Sir Hendrickson and Dreyfus were close friends with him, I doubt that they'd ever harm him."

"Right.." Elizabeth nodded. She then smiled. "Thank you Lady [Name]."


"Why am I in this room!" A voice yelled.

"'Cause there isn't anywhere else!" Another voice yelled back.

"I'll rough it outside then." The first voice, which happened to be King blushed. "Atleast I'd be with Diane.."

"Captain Hawk, let's sleep...." Ban slurred as he grabbed King by his hood and dragged the fairy down next to him on the bed.

"Stop that!" King yelled.

"Swap successful!" Hawk yelled to himself.

A female voice giggled. "You really wanted to cut from the title of 'Ban's Pillow' that much? I could've helped you out Sir Hawk."

"Really!" Hawk exclaimed as he turned around to see a (H/C) haired female with bright (E/C) eyes.

"Yeah." [Name] giggled once more. "By the way, why'd you decide to use King as your replacement?"

"I had the perfect plan to trick him into doing it!" Hawk said.

"Anyways Goodnight Sir Hawk." [Name] said as she started to walk away.

"Hey [Name], where do you sleep anyways?" A voice asked. The said female jolted in surprise and looked around.

"Hello?" [Name] asked confused.

"Down here [Name]!" A voice yelled. [Name] did as the voice said to see Hawk again.

"Oh, Hey Hawk." [Name] said. "Why'd you come over to me?"

"I wanted to know where you sleep." Hawk thought to himself outloud. "Last time you just appeared somewhere and began talking to the others..."

"I sleep on the Tables out in the front."[Name] said pointing towards one of the tables where she laid a pillow.

"What!" Hawk exclaimed. "Some powerful Holy Knight like you should atleast be getting a better place to sleep!"

[Name] laughed. "Please, if I wanted to sleep somewhere comfy I would sleep with Diane."

"Why don't you do that then?" Hawk said confused.

[Name] giggled a bit. "Well I'll have you know that I can sleep in just about any place!"

"Okay then.." Hawk started to walk away. "Goodnight.."


------ In An Unknown Location --------

"Where are we!" A feminine voice yelled.

"What are you doing here!" A masculine voice yelled.

The Holy Knights names Sir Twigo and Lady Jericho were standing in some unknown cave with Lady Guila and Sir Helbram.

"I'm not obliged to answer you." Guila responded.

"Conclusion! I'll strange you later!" Sir Twigo yelled.

"I thought we were being brought to speak with Grand Master Hendrickson!" Jericho stepped forward.

"I am right here." A voice said. Both Sir Twigo and Lady Jericho turned around to where the vocie came from.

"If memory serves.... your names are Twigo and Jericho, correct?" Hendrickson asked.

Jericho's eyes widened. "What in....."

"The world.." Sir Twigo finished the female's sentence. They both seemed extremely shocked at what was standing right behind the Grand Master.

"Welcome, brave warriors who crave new power." Hendrickson steped aside to reveal a red creature, precisely, a red demon.

Hendrickon grabbed a sharp knife and cut into the demon's flesh. A purple, blood-like substance had spilled out.

Sir Hendrickson held two wine glasses and filled them up with the purple blood. "The two of you will be reborn here today."

"Drink." Hendrickson held the two wine glasses towards the two Holy Knights. "This is Demon Blood."


"This town is called Vaizel right?" [Name] asked.

"Sure is (Y/N)!" Meliodas responded. "It's a merchant town!"

"That dosen't matter. What matters is my clothes, they got all messed up during that last fight." Ban said.

"Just put on an apron to cover that six-pack." Meliodas suggested.

"Is it really here?" Hawk asked.

"Not to long ago, one of our customers said that a hammer was brought into this town." Meliodas explained. "They said that the hammer was huge and that no man to wield it.

"Could this hammer be Lady Diane's Sacred Treasure?" Elizabeth though outloud.

"Yeah it could be." Meliodas said.

"So let's go in and retrieve Diane's gideon and get out?" [Name] asked.

"Yep!" Meliodas said as he turned to Diane. "Diane I need you to stay back!"

"What?" Diane looked confused. "Why?"

"We have to. Ever since a Giant went wild at their festival a few years back, they've been banned from town." Meliodas explained. Diane seemed to be dissapointed. 

"It's gonna be boring!" Diane yelled.

"Don't worry Diane! I'm sure that Lady Elizabeth could accompany you here." [Name] suggested.

"Yeah I'll stay here with you Lady Diane!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"What really?" Diane questioned, horsed tpne from before had dissapeared.

"Yeah. It'll be nice to get some girl time for once in a while." Elizabeth smiled at her.

"What about you [Name]! Wanna join us?" Diane questioned the demon-fairy.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Diane! But being cooped up inside a prison and not being able to fight or do anything for twn years has got me punping for some action!"

"It's fine Lady [Name]." Elizabeth said. "We can always chat next time."

"Alright then it's settled!" Meliodas cheered. "Elizabeth and Diane will stay here to collect ingrediants for the Boar Hat Tavern and me, [Name], Ban, and King will get Diane's gideon!"


"Captain, do we have to look through all of this junk?" Ban said.

The three sins, plus the Navigator, were walking through the town of Vaizel.

"You're really weaing an apron.." King added.

"Some of this stuff looks cool." [Name] said admiring the items held on some of the small shops.

"Let's ask an arms vendor." Meliodas said.

As the group of four continued walking around, looking for Diane's gideon, they came across what seemed to be an old and drunk man.

"Lookin' for something son?" The old man said. He seemed to be wearing a purple jumpsuit with a moss green cloth around him. "Or are you in the festival?"

"Nope, we're looking for a weapon, a really big hammer."Meliodas answered bluntly.

"We heard there was one here." [Name] added.

"Oh, that's easy." The old man responsed as he stroked his moustache. "See that? It's behind there." The old man pointed towards a big boulder.


"Look! It's Diane's gideon!" King exclaimed.

"It was really here!" Merliodas said in his usual cheery tone.

"I haven't seen this thing in forever." [Name] added.

"Now, let the annual. Vaizel Fighting Festival begin!" A tiny voice squealed.

The immortal, demon, fairy, and demon-fairy looked up to see, what seemed to be, a tiny man covered by a red cloth and a dingy looking heltmet.

"The use of weapons is strictly forbidden!" The boy started announcing the rules. "Men who let their fists do the talking should sign up right away!" A croud of men had formed as they started cheering.

"Just men? Women have the right to sign up to." [Name] mumbeld to herself.

"The winner gets 100 gold coins,  and we're throwing in this Giant's war hammer as an added bonus!" The boy exclaimed.

"What a barbaruc festival..." King commented. "Right, Captain?"

"We're signing up!" Ban exclaimed.

"Let's see who's the best!" Melodies added.

"[Name]?" King said turning towards the demon-fairy.

"Count me ou-"

"Hey count us in!" Meliodas said as he grabbed [Name] by her arm while Ban was dragging King by his hood.

"You can count us out!" King exclaimed.

All of a sudden someone lifted Meliodas up into the air, which caused the demon-fairy to dangle up in the air aswell.

"This aint no festival for kids nor is it one for a little girl! Beat it!" The larger male exclaimed rudely.

"Sorry, I don't see what the problem is." Meliodas said casually.

"Hey Meli put me down!" [Name] complained.

"Hey there friend," Another voice butted in. The male put his hand on the larger male's fore arms. "Don't spoil the fun, okay? This is a festival." The larger male started lowering down the two.

"Who do you-" The male pointing his thumb at himself. "You know that I'm Taizoo, the winner of the festival for three years running, right?" The larger male started to walk away.

"Now then.." The other male rubbed the back of his head. "My job has always gotten in the way every year!" The male seemed to pump himself up.

"Sweet! My dream of fighting here is coming true at last!" He pumped his arms up in the air. "So, let's have a great time!"

"Where have I seen him before?" King thought outloud. Both Ban and King had dropped the fairy and demon-fairy, letting them stand up normally.


"The Fighting Festival elimination round will now begin!" The little boy exclaimed. "Fighter, stpe into the ring!"

"I wish I'd stayed beind with Diane.." King said as he walked onto the platform.

"I know I asked for some action but I didn't expect it to be like this.." The demon-fary said as she walked onto the ring with King.

"Okay, let's get Diane's sacred treasure back!" Meliodas exclaimed. 

"The rules are simple!" The little boy began. "Knock your opponent out of the ring! Throw them out, okay! Push them out, okay!

Punch them into the air. also okay! If it's barehanded. it's okay! The eight contestants still standing will move on to the finals!

Without further ado, let the limination round begin!"

Once everyone heard those words, they started charging.

"King imagine this." The demon-fairy said placing her hands on his shoulders. "If you say that you've won the festival and won diane's sacred treasure, she'll thank you and be so happy! You want that right!"

"Right!" King nodded, he could already imagine the scene playing in his head.

"I might aswell try to have as much fun as I can.." [Name] mumbled to herself.

"Hey there little lady, I don't think you should be in this fi-" The male was interupted by the demon fairy punching him.

[Name] yawned. "I should've slept in some more..."

"Let's count who's left!" The squeaky voice yelled.

[Name] turned around to see only a few people left. "That many people have been knocked out already? That's just sad.."

"Seven people! That's not enough for the tournament!" Someone yelled.

"No wait! There's that kid over there!" Someone pointed towards King, who was floating right above a pile of bodies that were outside of the ring.

"Thats not fair! He can float that's cheating!"

"Disqualify him!"

"Floating. thats a dirty trick.. But he's not using any weapons, Therefor, I'll allow it!" The voice squeaked.

"If I did that then I could've won easily..." [Name] mumbled to herself.

"No we we have our eight finalists!" The squeaky voice exclimed. "Come inside so we can all draw out lots to see who's paired up with who!"


Inside the little hut were all of the contestents.

"Draw a stick to see who your paired with!" The squeaky voice announced. Everyone took turns  drawing sticks.

"Man this is so boring." Ban said. "I wish they'd just take us straight to the finals."

"Don't be saying stuff like that Ban." [Name] said. "You might Jinx yourself and not make it into the finals at all."

"Like that'll happen with weaklings like this." Ban said.

"What about that other girl? What if she beats you?" Meliodas added.

"I won't let myself lose to anyone here except King, you, and shortie." Ban snickered.

"Ouch... All this stress is killing my stomach."King said..


"Now that everyone has drawn cards, I'll anounce the first matchup! Griamore Vs. Matrona!" the little male squeaked.

"It's that girl from earlier." [Name] said.

"I've never heard of her, but hey, it's a big world out there." Meliodas said as casually as ever. "Hey Ban what did you even set our names up as?" Meliodas asked Ban.

"You'll see." Ban smirked.

"The second pairing is..." Howser vs Chisai!" The voice squeaked.

"Who's Chisai?" Meliodas asked the red cloth.

"The one right next to you!" The red clothed boy said pointing towards the demon-fairy.

"Where'd you get that name?" [Name] asked the immortal.

"It means small, shortie." Ban smirked. (A/N: I literally wasted my time searching for a name)

"Hey!" The demon-fairy pouted.

"Now I remember!" King thought outloud. "That man is a holy knight!"

"The guy stands no chance against shortie over here!" Ban said.

"He may be a holy knight but [Name] is one of the most power fullest one!" Meliodas cheered.

"Wow thanks." [Name] said. "Can i just throw the game? Festivals like these aren;t my kind of thing.. expecially with weaklings like this."

"Did you not just hear what Ki-Old Fart said?" Ban said leaning over to face the demon-fairy.

"Hey!" King yelled.

"That guy is a holy knight. It might even give you a challenge." Ban said.

"Yeah Baaan's right!" Meliodas said using the fake names that Ban came up with. "You can do it [Name]!"

"Fine then.." [Name] gave in. ".. I'll atleast try.."


"And Matrona moves onto the next round!" The squeaky voice announced.

"Captain!" Matrona/Diane said. It had been revealed during her fight that it was Diane posing as Matrona.

"Dia-Matrona, where's Lady Elizabeth?" [Name] asked the, now human sized, giant.

"Lady [Name] I'm right here!" A voice yelled out.

"Elizabeth? Where are you?" Meliodas asked.

"I'm right here Sir Meliodas!" Another voice squeaked out.

"She's right here." Diane said as she moved the dark blue ribbon that covered her cleavage from showing.

There, inbetween her chest, layed a silver haired princess, naked. [Name] immediantly looked away upon seeing her naked body inbetween Diane's....

"Elizabeth, Diane, what happened to you?" [Name] asked as her face completely turned into a tomato.

"Well you see...."


"So that's what happened.." Meliodas said. Diane and Elizabeth had explained why they both had shrunk.

"Yeah, so Elizabeth let me borrow her clothes for the time being." Diane explained.

"That explains why Matro- She- you were so strong out there and defeated most of the other contestents." [Name] said, her blush dying down.

"Whats up with the name Matrona, Diane?" Ban asked.

"It's the name of one of my old friends." Diane said.

"[Name] don't you have a match against that holy knight soon?" King said turning to the demon-fairy.

"Or right! Thanks for reminding me King!" [Name] said as her face turned back to normal.

"Let's get back to the festival!" Meliodas said as he started walking out of the hut, the rest of the group followed.

"Alright!" The squeaky announcer yelled. "Next up is Howzer Vs. Chisai!"

Both the holy knight and the former holy knight stepped into the ring.

"The battle will now... Begin!"


[A/N: First I just wanna say, thank you so much for reading my story, originally I had just made this because I was bored and wated to write and I didn't expect it to get any views to thank you.

But I feel like this is a filler chapter and in the next, probably two or three chapters, when Gowther is introduced, then I'll speed things up to where Zeldris and the Ten Commandments come in quicker.

Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this horrible filler chapter!]

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