『-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·~舞-Third Person-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·~舞-』
The wind blew as the [Hair Color] haired female sat down in a patch of grass. This girl was known as [Name] [Last Name]. A fairy, and one of the strongest amongst her race.
She was resting her eyes as she was feeling the wind. For some odd reason this girl would never age. Her face would stay the same. She would be stuck at seventeen years old for as long as she lived.
Today was just a normal day. Her resting after a long and harsh day of helping the current fountain of youth guardian, guard the fountain from bandits and other people who tried to take it.
Little did she know that today was the day that her life would change. Forever.
"Hmm?" The [Eye Color] eyed female said, opening her now open eyes and tilting her head. "Whoever you are come out." The female demanded politely.
A ruffle in the bushes was heard and three beautiful females came out, hovering towards (Y/N).
"It's just some goddesses." [Name] murmured to herself. The three females had angelic like wings, all of them were black. "Do you need something from me?"
"Yes, we do need you." One of the females spoke up. The three females hovered closer to (Y/N) in unison.
"Alright..." [Name] said as she stood up. Her fairy wings glistening in the sun. "...How can I help you?"
"Please follow us...." Another one of the females said, pausing. She seemed as though she were waiting for the [Hair Color] haired female to tell her their name.
"[Name]. [Name] [Last Name]." The girl said smiling brightly.
The three goddesses started hovering over to an area. The fairy jumped up in the air, fluttering her wings.
The three had reached a town. For some odd reason the town seemed to be empty. [Name] had predicted that it was empty because it was a pretty small town.
They led the fairy to one of the houses. This house was probably the biggest house in town. "So what do you need me to do?" The fairy asked.
"Go inside the house..." One of the goddesses said pausing. "....There's something only one of you fairies can do." Another one of the godesses said finishing the others sentence.
"Mmhmm." The fairy hummed nodding her head. She entered the house to be met with a normal house. "So what do I need to use my magic on aga-"
The fairy tried to speak but all she was left with was a clear vision of pitch black.
In a dark room, there layed an [Hair Color] haired female. The female was chained to the ground. Five chains were on her. Two on her wrists, two on her ankles, and one on her neck.
"W-where am I!" The female yelled. She waited for a moment and as she were about to yell once again, footsteps stopped her.
"You!" The female yelled out of anger.
"[Name]." The other person said. The person revealed to be a goddess with black wings and white hair. Her hair was long and down. She styled it with bangs.
"W-what do you want with me!" [Name] yelled, her [Eye Color] eyes rimming with tears. "I didn't do anything to go against you goddesses right?"
"While it is true, you haven't done anything worthy of going through this... punishment..." The goddess said walking closer. "..I just wanna see one of the most strongest fairies cry out in pain!"
The female was no doubt a sadist. At just that sentance [Name] had immediantly thought of her as corrupt, delusional, and surely, insane.
"Now I like your wings." The female said, knocking [Name] out of her little thinking session. She had stepped so close to the [Eye Color] eyed girl that her legs were almost is touching distance towards her face.
"I think they'll look nice on my wall!" The women yelled squating down next to (Y/N). She proceeded to hold [Name] down on the ground, ripping off her wings slowly.
"Please! What did I do to deserve this!" That was something [Name] would always say. But every single time she wouldn't get an answer. She was losing hope until one fateful day....
All of a sudden screaming was heard. The screams weren't random people, in fact they were the screams of three fallen goddesses.
"Hello?" [Name] said moving her head towards the stairs. She learned that she was inside a basement as of recently.
"Is anyone there?" The girl said. If the three corrupt goddesses were dead then she could be free! But, even if the three were dead, [Name] couldn't break the chains connected to her for her strength and magic had depleted.
"Is anyone there!" [Name] yelled more louder than before. "I-I need help! T-those horrible people they-" [Name] cut herself off as she heard the sound of footsteps.
"Who're you?" A voice said. [Name]'s head jolted into the direction of her savior. It was a male with light blue hair... It seemed that the male was a demon. Most people would be even more terrifed to see a demon but (Y/N) was very happy.
"My names [Name]! [Name] [Last Name]!" The girl said smiling. The tensed face the male had before easily turned into a relaxed one.
"My names Estarossa." The said male responded walking closer to the demon fairy. She had tensed up a bit. "Relax. I'll take them off then we can talk."
Estarossa procedded to walk closer to [Name], taking off her chains that kept her in a sitting position.
The girl immediately jolted up, standing up straight. The next second she was on the ground. "How long have you even been here?" Estarossa asked assisting the [Hair Color] haired female walk.
"I lost count..." [Name] resonded as they made their way to the stairs. Estarossa opened the basement door, her vision being filled with the same, normal house she had seen a long time ago.
The two of them then opened the front door to the outside world. [Name]'s vision was now filled with sunlight, trees, and nature. For once the [Hair Color] haired female wasn't shrouded in darkness.
"So we're gonna sit down underneath that tree and your gonna tell me exactly who and what you did to have your ass down there." The male said motioning towards a pretty large tree.
The two sat down, Estarossa's back was leaning against the tree. He looked rather calm and kind. Someone could easily confuse him for a human.
"So, start talking [Name]." Estarossa said as he shut his dark orbs. [Name] got ready to explain alot.......
"One day I was just relaxing until those three disgusting goddesses came up to me asking for help. I accepted, thinking that they were nice and actually needed help." [Name] said as her smile started to drop.
"That's when they locked me in that stupid basement and starting... toturing me every day." [Name] explained looking away from Estarossa.
"Fairy." Estarossa said. [Name], being confused, turned back to look at him.
"Excuse me?" [Name] asked politely. Her tone was both gentle and confused at the same time. She literally had no idea was Estarossa said.
"Your from the fairy race right?" Estarossa said opening his eyes to looked at her. She nodded her head in response.
"I presume your a demon?" [Name] asked, even though it was more like a statement then a question.
Estarossa only chuckled at this, closing his dark orbs once again resting. "So when was the last time you changed those clothes of yours?" Estarossa asked breaking the not-so-awkward silence.
(Y/N) looked down to look at her clothes. The three goddesses had actually gave (Y/N) clothes. Did I say clothes? I meant cloths.
The female would be given a different white cloth once a week or so. She would just wrap it around her body like a dress.
"Actually I changed it yesterday." [Name] said with her arms crossed. This made Estarossa chuckle once again.
"Well [Name]...." Estarossa said getting the said females attention. She hummed to know that she was listening. "Do you hate the goddesses?"
"Why wouldn't I?" [Name] said making Estarossa chuckle once again. "If everyone had to go through what I had to go through, then there is like a 0.1 percent chance that they would like goddesses."
"Well then I want you to join me." Estarossa said, turning back towards [Name] with his dark orbs connecting with the females [Eye Color] ones.
"Join what exactly?" [Name] said curious.
"Come with me back to the demon realm." Estarossa explained. "I wan't you to kill goddesses with me. Make them pay for what they did to you."
"Well that sounds interesting!" [Name] said giggling a bit.
"So you in or not, fairy?" Estarossa asked. [Name] had chuckled at the new nickname he gave her.
"I'm in Esty!" [Name] said giggling at the new nickname she gave him. "But I'll have you know I'm not coming with you for the killing.... I'm coming to be with you!"
"Then come with me." Estarossa said as he began to get up. He held his hand out for you, offering to help you get up. "First I'll teach you how to walk, then you'll float again like fairies do, then you'll begin fighting with a weapon. Then after you learn all that, you meet father, the demon king and hopefully he accepts you."
"I'm ready!" [Name] said taking his hand and jolting up. She immediantly stood up, and as she was about to fall onto the ground Estarossa caught her.
"Try floating." The male suggested as he held out his hand once again for her. (Y/N) nodded as she took his hand standing up.
She was about to fall once again but she stopped herself mid air as she floated. "Woah!" The girl yelled out of excitement. "I'm doing it! Look Esty I'm doing it!"
Estarossa smiled as he walked closer to you. "Let's start training..." Estarossa said. "Immediately."
『-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·~舞-Time Skip-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·~舞-』
"Are you ready to go fairy?" Estarossa asked. [Name] nodded and pumped her fist into the air.
"Hell yeah!" The [Eye Color] eyed female said excitingly. "I'm ready to do this!"
Estarossa had been training the fairy for the past year. He informed the demon king, his father, and the ten commandments that he would be training a promising, goddesses killing fairy.
Today was the day that she would finally enter the demon realm and hopefully be accepted as one of them.
[Name] had grown pretty strong over the one year she spent training. One thing she were pretty proud of was her outfit. She wore a white suit with [Favorite Color] sleeves and a black gauntlent on her left arm.
She carried around a black scythe that you could control with just the movement of your hands. [Name], being a fairy, had a special power. You had a connection to the wind. You could control it easily.
Something that had also grown was Estarossa's feelings towards the [Hair Color] haired female. It was unavoidable that Estarossa had a huge crush on her.
"So hop on." Estarossa said calmly. "I'll carry you there." She ran towards Estarossa and tried jumping onto his back. She failed as he turned around in time and caught her bridal style.
"Be prepared for anything." Estarossa said. She nodded smiling cheerfully. "Anyways, can you tell me more about the ten commandments?"
Estarossa sprouted black wings out of his back. Granting him both the ability to fly, and to hold the fairy.
"Well I'll start with the leader.." Estarossa paused. Getting ready to explain everyone and everything. "My brother, Meliodas, is the leader of the commandments. He's the commandment of Love.
Then there is Derieri, the commandment of Purity. Monspeit, the commandment of Reticence, Melascula of Faith, Grayroad of Pacifism, Galand of Truth, Gowther of selflessness, Calmadios, Araknak, and Zeno."
"Wait, you aren't one of the ten commandments!" [Name] exclaimed shocked. "Also, don't you have another brother?"
"I'm not one of the ten commandments, yet." Estarossa explained pridefully.
"Well I believe in you Esty!" [Name] said cheerfully. "I believe that you will become one of the ten commandments!"
"I know you do Fairy." Estarossa said. "Anyways I do have another brother. His name's Zeldris."
"And he's not apart of the ten commandments either right?" [Name] asked wondering why the other two sons of the demon king wouldn't be in the ten commandments.
"Correct you are fairy." Estarossa said smiling calmly at the [Hair Color] haired female. "Now rest fairy. This may take a while."
"Thanks Esty!" [Name] said childishly. "Night!" The female yelled as she dozed off to sleep rather quickly.
"Your just like a child fairy..." Estarossa said smiling. He returned to focusing on the way there.
"Hey fairy wake up." Estarossa said. [Name]'s eyes opened, her vision being filled with darkness. She was indeed inside the demon realm. Right infront of the demon king's castle.
"Esty?" The female asked as the two landed. Estarossa's wings disappeared and his demon mark reappeared on his face.
"Get on your feet fairy." Estarossa said. [Name] hopped off of his arms, landing on the ground. Her black shoes hovered back up, she started flying in to air.
She sat on top of her black scythe. "I don't really feel like walking.." [Name] said as she yawned.
"Brother who is that fairy you have with you?" A voice said. [Name] immediantly turned to where the voice was coming from. Her [Eye Color] orbs where met with dark ones.
The dark eyed male had slicked back, black hair and a red outfit. "Esty that's your brother Zeldris, right?" [Name] said completely ignoring the Zeldris. Estarossa nodded.
"Brother, this is [Name]." Estarossa said looking towards the said female. "So this is [Name]?" Zeldris asked, seeming unimpressed.
"What do you mean by that!" [Name] pouted putting her hands on her hips. "I'll have you know I'm actually stronger than I look!"
"You look like a child, lil' kid." Zeldris said.
"Hey!" The female shouted at her new nickname. She jumped off of her dark scythe, her black shoes still now touching the ground, hovered towards Zeldris with her hands on her hips.
"I'm not a child!" [Name] yelled as she pouted.
"And I'm not a demon." Zeldris said with his cold tone. Estarossa could only chuckle at how 'well' his crush and brother got along.
"Brother, you said that she wanted to join the demons right?" Zeldris said turning towards Estarossa, ignoring [Name] in the process.
She simply huffed and jumped back on her scythe, Sitting down on it. She seemed to be relaxing as her eyes shut.
"Yes, you are correct brother." Estarossa said calmly.
"Well Lil' [Name], what's your reason for wanting to join us demons?" Zeldris said turning back towards the female. Her eyes shot open at the sound of her name.
"My reason?" [Name] asked putting her left hand on her cheek. "I want the goddesses to pay for what they've done. I want the goddess race eliminated!"
"Is that so..." Zeldris said to himself. "...Let's head to father. I'm sure he's been awaiting your arrival."
Zeldris then turned around and procedded to walk towards the demon castle. [Name] followed after him, trying not to fall asleep. Estarossa walked behind you.
After walking for a few minutes the three saw a door. The door would lead. "Lil' [Name] you go inside, alone." Zeldris said. "My brother and I shall wait outside."
"Sure." [Name] simply responded as she hovered over to the door. She opened it and hovered inside. "Wish me luck Esty." The female said as she closed the door.
"So, your the fairy named [Name] I presume?" A voice said. [Name] yawned as she turned towards where the voice came from.
"And your the demon king himself." [Name] said. "What am I unimpressive?"
"It's not that [Name].." The demon said pausing. "More like I didn't expect you to be so short. Exactly how old are you?"
"For a king you should know that it's rude to ask a lady her age!" [Name] said smiling as she crossed her arms. The demon chuckled.
"Now [Name], you've proved yourself to be a promising, future, killing machine. I've watched you train.." The demon continued. "And I personally want to ask you to join us."
"I'll join." [Name] said as she placed both of her hands on her neck relaxing.
"You know [Name], your an interesting fairy..." The demon chuckled. "... First you willingly talk to demons without being scared and now you accept my offer without hesitation."
"I guess I am different from other fairies." [Name] said as she put both of her hands onto her scythe, leaning forward a bit intrigued. "But just cause I'm not like the others, won't mean that I'll change my mind or regret anything that I've done or said."
"Are you sure that you want to join us?" The demon king asked. [Name] nodded. "Once I touch you [Name], you'll gain some new powers. Demon powers. Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." [Name] said as she and her scythe hovered closer to the demon. In all happened in a flash.
Both Estarossa and Zeldris ran into the room to see [Name] on the floor, the female was hugged her scythe. She looked as though she were sleeping.
Estarossa ran closer towards [Name]. He showed a calm expression yet he was worried. "Father what happened?" Zeldris asked.
Estarossa's eyes widened at the sight. She had a demon mark on her face. "She's one of us now."
"I get to meet the ten commandments today right!" The [Hair Color] haired female said excitedly. She was currently walking in the halls of the demon castle with Zeldris.
Her scythe was hovering around her. She felt like it would be best if she walked alongside her new friend, Zeldris.
"You've asked this question multiple times Lil' [Name]." Zeldris said. [Name] had joined the demons for almost one month ago.
She spent that month on mini missions that were being supervised by either Estarossa or Zeldris. Her and Zeldris's relationship was growing, meaning they didn't hate each other anymore.
Something else that continued to grow was Zeldris's feeling for the [Hair Color] haired female. He discovered an attraction towards her.
The only brother that [Name] hasn't met before was Meliodas. From the rumors she had heard, he is the person that you should be most afraid of. With [Name] being [Name], she dosen't want to believe the rumors unless she's seen the real deal.
"I know but I can't wait!" [Name] said walking infront of Zeldris, stopping the two of you in your tracks. "I can't wait to meet everyone! From Galand, Monspeet, Derieri, Drole, Gloxinia, Melascula, Grayroad, Gowther, and Calmadios!"
Zeldris chuckled at how [Name] had fangirled over the ten commandments. All of a sudden [Name]'s eyes shined. "And most importantly the captain! Meliodas!" Zeldris's smile dropped at the mention of his brother, Meliodas.
"Let's continue walking." Zeldris said as he walked past the female, heading in the direction for which they were supposed to meet.
"Huh?" [Name] said confused. 'Did I say something bad?' The female thought to herself.
"Hey. Lil' [Name]. Hurry up before I ditch you." Zeldris said as he stopped in his tracks, snapping the female out of her train of thought.
"Coming!" [Name] shouted as she skipped over to Zeldris. They continued to walk alongside each other. [Name] had her hands behind her back fiddling with them. She was pretty nervous.
"I'm so
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