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"Natsu....your a f**king idiot!!!"

Full name: ken Strauss

Age: 13

Guild: fairy tail

Rank: S-class

Height: little taller then weandy but only by a little

Looks and clothes:

Personality: kind,cold,childish,easy to anger

Likes: his family,fairy tail,candy,cold places,Wendy

Dislikes: dark guilds,idiots,being called short,being treated like a kid

Fav colors: blue and white

Magic and abilities:

Ice dragon slayer magic: long ago ken had a dragon lacima put inside him and because of that he has great control over ice and some water. He can eat ice or water depending on how cold the water is

Take-over magic: ken has a take-over magic called hollow soul but he has some control over it but not complete control

Guild mark location and color: ice blue and on the back of his left hand

Abilities: super sonic speed,great durability, emence stamina, enhanaed sences

Other things:

Love intrist: weandy


Mirajane Strauss (adoptive mother)

Lisanna Strauss (adoptive aunt)

Elfman Strauss (adoptive uncle (father figure))

Note: ken is known to carry around a sword and has a mastery with the blade and is known as "fariy tales ice cold swordsman"

Second note: ken is known to be aggressive but is still kind tho sometimes cold to people

Third note: ken is said to be almost as strong as guildarts but this has not been proven

Quote: if you want to hurt MY family your going to have to kill me first you cowords!!!

Theam song:

Battle theam:

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