Chapter 6

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Natsu P.O.V

Day two on the run and we were all already tired. Maria and Grendiney had made everyone dinner and now everyone was quiet. Lucy was still in her room, no one blamed her for not wanting to come out, but she couldn't mope forever. Even Levy said so, and told her. I sighed as I leaned on the balcony railing, looking out over the street behind the house. In the small backyard below, Gajeel and I had made two simple graves. I bit my cheek as I remembered the small girl, remembered how just last week I took the girls to get ice cream. I ran my hand through my hair as my heart ached for her. " You alright man?" I turned to see Gajeel coming through the balcony doors, binoculars in hand. I nodded a little and looked back to the back street.

He leaned on the railing beside me and used the binoculars to scan the area. A small sound drew our attention a few houses down. " Daddy!" A small voice cried. My frown mirrored Gajeels as he peered across the street. I could see a man running while carrying a small girl. They went house to house, trying to open doors and drawing the attention of the near by zombies. Other than the girls previous scream they were to far away to hear but they were easy to see. The man was shouting at a door, stepping back slightly as it opened. " Jesus." Gajeel mumbled as the person inside quickly stabbed the man before closing the door again. The girl screamed as the man fell and she started shaking him. The gate to the home had been left open and the zombies were closing in.

" I'll never make it in time." I nearly shouted as they got closer to her. A shot rang out, so close that both Gajeel and I jumped. On the other side of the house length balcony, the tiny bluenette had a rifle in hand and was picking off the undead. " There's a dirt bike in the garage." This voice came from behind and we turned to see Lucy, along with the other women. Maria handed me a small handgun, along with my bat. " Try not to use the gun, it will draw less attention. She is doing a good enough job at that." She pointed to Levy who snorted. I nodded and tucked it into my jacket before heading downstairs and for the garage. " Natsu." I looked back to find Lucy standing behind me, worry creasing her face. " Be careful..." she said quietly and I smiled.

I pulled her into a hug before kissing her forehead. " I'll be back in no time." I grinned at her red face before kicking the dirt bike to life. Juvia and Erza quickly opened the gate and I sped onto the front street,  skidding around the house to the back street. As I sped along, Levy snipped any that got close to me and I had to make a split second decision. The house was too crowded for me to stop and just hop off the bike, I was also really going to fast to stop. As I reached the gate I let the bike go, tucking and rolling into the grass as the bike smashed into the house. I swung the gate close hard before turning to the few undead that were still in the yard.

I took my bat and easily smashed every single head in. I ran to the small girl who was curled up in the corner. She had long dark blue hair that was pulled into pigtails and she wore a pink dress with shorts and a white jacket. " Hey, are you alright?" I asked quietly as I knelt in front of her. She looked up and I could see she was holding a white cat in her jacket. " Your not hurt are you?" She shook her head, tears in her eyes.

She looked behind me to the man that had been stabbed. " Is that your daddy?" She nodded again, tears spilling over. I frowned slightly and took off my jacket, walking over to him before covering him with it. I walked back to the girl and front of her again. " I'm Natsu, what's your name?" She sniffed a little, clutching the cat close. "W-Wendy.  This is Carla." She held up the cat who huffed slightly. " Hello Wendy, hello Carla." I gently scratched the cats head. " Wendy, I'm gonna get you out of here ok? I have friends who can protect you. They are really good friends." I stood and turned for the gate, freezing. It was completely blocked and there was no way we could get out. " Crap." I groaned.

Wendy had stood up and was clutching onto my hand. A light caught my attention and I looked up. Gajeel, or maybe it was Levy, was waving a flashlight at me. They pointed it down the way where the houses were close together, a board stretching across the street, resting on the walls. I grinned and turned to Wendy before kneeling in front of her. " Hop on kid. And hang on to Carla." She tucked the grumpy cat into her jacket before climbing onto my back. I easily climbed onto the stone walls, fighting a minute to gain my balance. I held on to Wendy's legs as I carefully walked to stone wall, like a tightrope walker. I'm sure they didn't have the undead grabbing at their shoes.

Several times a rotten hand would tug at my shoes but I easily kicked them off. Once I reached the board I could see Juvia, Erza and Maria waiting on the other side in the Heartfillia backyard. I finally made it back and set Wendy in front of the women. Maria, of course, was scaring the small girl with her angry scowl. " Yo Maria, lighten the scowl." I grumbled. The woman pouted. " Let's get her inside." I said, shooing them inside.

Everyone was in the living room, eyeing the small girl. Gajeel and Levy had come down from the balcony and were sitting beside each other on the couch. I grinned at everyone and pat the small girl on the head. " Guys, this is Wendy. "

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