|Chapter 37| His name? Storm.

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*Desperately wants to finish the book but at the same time doesn't want any loose ends or plot holes even though there will be because when started it already had a lot of plots that didn't exist so just gonna finish the book at chapter 40 - 45 idc if there's questions unanswered just ask and I'll answer you oml*

|Storm's POV|

I was just walking around the guild, not doing much really. I've been training for the S-Class trials with Kyra, a girl who joined not long ago at all. Maybe about a year or two ago. She's been a close friend to me for a while since she's joined. Kyra has definitely proved herself to be my partner. She has long brown hair and simple blue eyes, I would say she's... well... pretty, if you want to call it that. No, I don't love her. There was a misunderstanding a year ago, but we have that figured out now.

A/N: From now forward, the characters introduced won't be any more significant towards the story besides a friend and member of Fairy Tail. It's just too late now to add anyone who'll be a powerful enemy, besides of who I have planned

Kyra's magic is Earth Magic, she's almost as good as me in terms of magical power and skill. However, everyone has room to improve, right? 

Since they announced the trials, Gale and I have definitely been trying to keep our distance from each other. Even if we're really good friends. Now we're competition, so the fact that we're close friends doesn't mean anything to us right now. 

"Storm!" a piece of earth had shot up at me as I jumped over it and landed safely on the soft ground.

I ran at her, Kyra started running away. She was running in a large circle. Pretty soon, I couldn't tell whether I was chasing her or if she was chasing me anymore. I kind of got annoyed after a couple minutes of running like that, I pressed my hand against the floor. As the ground turned to ice, I lifted my feet over my head and landed on both of them as I stood up again lifting my hand. 

Meanwhile, Kyra had slipped on the ice and was on the ground. I walked over to her and offered my hand, she took it and got up, almost slipping. The ice formed into magic particles and the ground wasn't slippery anymore. 

"I still think that's unfair..." I heard her mutter. 

I shrugged, "I don't think it's going to be unfair in the trials."

"Fair enough,"  she said. After a moment of silence, she asked, "Are we done training then?" 

I tilted my head up to see where the sun was positioned, "Yeah, we've been at it for a couple of hours now." 

We walked over to where our stuff where. That included my shirt, Kyra's shoes, and our waters. Gotta stay hydrated right? 

"Kyra..." I hesitated about asking my question when we started walking, "why do you take off your shoes all the time?" She always likes walking around barefoot, she doesn't even have any socks on. It's weird. 

She glared at me like I was crazy, then looked forward again, "I could say the same about you and the thing about your shirt." okay. She's right, I guess that's just as weird. 

"Well I got it from my dad, so there's that excuse." I came up with. 

"Yeah okay." I could tell that she rolled her eyes. "My excuse is that I like to feel the grass, dirt, and rocks under my feet. It just all feel so nice." she took a look down at her bare feet, we were walking on grass at the moment. She was holding her shoes in her right hand and jacket on the same arm, just draping over her arm. 

"Hey wait," she was on the right side of me, so she saw my cross earring, "Has that thing ever came out? Or has your ear bled or something?" 

I instinctively touched the metal cross attached to my ear, "Ah... once..." 

She rose her eyebrow expecting an explanation, "Well? What happened?" 

I cleared my throat. "erm.." it's extremely embarrassing to me. It's something everyone knows about, and I've been made fun of because of it. I don't want her bringing it up... 

Kyra insisted, "I don't think I've ever seen you blush that much before." oh crap. I'm blushing. Crap. "Was it... a girl?" 

"N-No..." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck. 

She shoved me lightly to the side, "it was you liar! Was it someone in the guild?" I blushed even more. My cheeks were bright red I bet. "Oh I see... was it... Nova?" I don't know why I did, but I shook my head. "Okay... what about Rosemary? Wait, no..."

I swallowed. 

"Asuka? Nah, she's too old," she laughed as she was mocking me. She knew exactly who was there, "Of course it's Nashi." 

If I had water in my mouth right now I'd be spitting it out. 

I turned my head the other direction to hide my blush, despite the fact that she already saw it. "I-it... I... she... It was..." I took a deep breath so I could stop stuttering, "it was nothing." 

"Tell me the story then. We still have time before we get to the guild." she said nonchalantly. 

I stared at her like she was crazy, "Are you kidding me?! I can't just tell you!" 

"Why not?" She asked as if she that innocent. "It's just how you lost your earring right? What could possibly be so bad about telling it?"

"Everything!" I yelled at her. 

She put her hands up in defense, "Calm down there turbo." How is she so calm right now? "Look. If you don't want to tell me then..." is she going to let me off the hook? "I won't allow it." Why does she do this? 

"If I don't tell you then what?" I threatened. 

She laughed menacingly. I shouldn't have asked that. "You'll see..." 

Should I risk it? Should I not? Should I tell her? Should I keep quiet? Should I? Shouldn't I? 

"Okay! Okay fine I'll tell you." I sighed as she smiled in triumph. "Listen up, 'cause I'm only saying this once." 

I hesitated for a second, "We were at the guild. Of course Nashi started a stupid fight about my earring and necklace, saying it was 'gay' or whatever. We got into a fight... like always... then she tripped, landed- well, uh..." 

There's no easy way of saying this huh?

"She landed on top of me," I finally said. Kyra had snorted a bit. "and it was a pretty heavy fall and... erm... her..." I swallowed, "lips touched mine and we... ah... kissed...?" 

Kyra started laughing, "and what does this have to do with your earring getting pulled out?" 

"because to cover the whole thing up... Nashi... she... pulled the cross out of my ear, there was a lot of blood..." There was this lump in my throat when I was finished. Why the heck did I tell that story? 

Kyra placed her hand on my back, "and think... somewhere in Magnolia Nashi is sneezing like crazy." 

I looked away. Blushing. 

She put her hand next to her side again, "So do you like her, Storm?" 

"w-what?" of course you know what she means! Idiot! 

"Do you love Nashi?" 

My hands were in my pockets while I looked down, "M..m-maybe... I don't know..."

Even if I did, we couldn't be together anyway.

She walked in front of me and started walking backwards. Her hands with her shoes were behind her back as she practically skipped backwards. I guess she wanted to talk to me face to face, "Look Storm, Gale told me."

My eyes widened in anger, "He what?!" 

"He told me that you like Nashi." She shrugged, "and I'm glad he did. If you really do like her, then go for it. You're the guy, you're supposed to be the to ask her."

I scoffed, "I doubt she actually likes me though." 

Kyra rose her eyebrow, "And how do you know? You've never talked to her about anything serious about that have you?"

I clenched the inside of my pockets, "N-no... but she can't like me. We're total opposites." 

She shook her head, as if in disappointment. "I just don't know what I'll do with you..." 

"You can help me be S-Class, for one," I attempted to change the subject.

She ignored my comment and started walking forward again, "I just don't know Storm. If anything, she'll probably make the move because you're too much of a wuss to go up to her."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. 

. . . 

My name is Storm Fullbuster. Eldest son of Gray and Juvia Fullbuster. 

My biggest fear? 

Being rejected. 

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