|Chapter 28| Helpless

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|Sylvia's POV|

"Rin... stop! I don't want you to die!!"

He pulled me into a hug, "I have to save Nashi little sister... I promise I'll come back."

He ran after Nashi, who's leg was stuck under a rock, to save her from a blast that her own father made.


I saw him get blown right in front of my eyes. Blood went flying everywhere. I couldn't help him, I haven't even begun to practice magic, I couldn't do anything to save him. And Natsu was there.

Laughing at it.

He thought this was a joke. That it was fun killing people.

I was so helpless.

I saw my father run up to Natsu with tears in his eyes. But these tears weren't just sadness, they were filled with anger.

His body almost went demonic, even after controlling it for 15 years. His eyes changed color, he didn't have just a black mark, his whole body looked like a demon.

I was standing there... helpless.

The ground beneath us turned to ice, the debris and land around us seemed to be frozen for miles.

Everything went to slow motion after that.

Storm secured his arm around me, and started carrying me back to where it was safe.

I slowly lifted my head to see his expression.

This was the first time I've ever seen tears stroll down his cheeks.

I look over to see Nashi in his other hand. Blood and tears were stained on her face.

Her. She's the one.

I heard my heart beating, the stomping of Storm's feet on the frozen ground...

And screams.

I couldn't stand the screams.

So I started screaming myself... at the time, I was 4 years old and couldn't grasp that one of my older brothers died in front of my innocent eyes.

I buried my face into Storm's chest and let everything out.


I heard him swearing and panting under his breath again and again, while the pinkette was sobbing just as I was.

Finally, we stopped. Storm dropped to the ground and tried to get back up, but failing in the process.

A woman approached me, "Sylvia? Sylvia are you ok?"

"Rin..." was all I could muster up to say.

After a couple of moments, I recognized the woman as Mira, "Don't worry, we'll find him."

She helped me sit up and I broke into tears again, my voice was barely audible, "H-he-"

Nashi spoke up, "I-I killed him."

She killed him.

Nashi. It's your fault.

----------------|Dream Over|--------------
"Sy- Sylv- Sylvia wake up. We're back." I awakened to a warm voice saying my name.

I opened my eyes slowly, being greeted by the bright sun and the bumping of the carriage.

"We're in Magnolia?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

I look over at the red head lying down on the other side of the carriage, having his own seat. He was drenched in sweat and trembling. Which is the same way he's looked like for the past 5 days.

"How is he doing?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

His voice was low, "The same. Nothing has changed. Though it's as if he's having hallucinations." He gulps hard, his voice got even lower, almost like a whisper, "He keeps muttering Eileen. It isn't the first time I've noticed it either, every night he keeps saying it."

I just look at him with sorrow in my eyes.

What am I supposed to do? I can't do anything.

He sighed after an awkward 5 minutes or so, "Well, on a different note. Do you know that the S-class trials are coming up?"

I just stare at him with wide eyes, "W-what?! I-I- wait. How did you even know?!"

He does a light smile, "I spoke a little bit with Wendy and Asuka before we left."

"We- we're still having them?! Even with Nashi's whole situation, Storm and Reiki, a-and what about Romeo?! I'm pretty freaking sure that Gale and Nova are still freaking out about Miza or-or Alex or whatever the hell her name is!" I ranted.

Jellal looked at me, "Are you done?"

I stared daggers at him.

"Look, I know a lot has been going on lately. Expecially with these last 5 days. However, we agreed that we just need to start doing the festivities we normally do while looking for Romeo and recovering in the process. You're not the only one to bring that up. Wendy also thought the same, but agreed in the end. And Reiki will be fine, he might even participate in the trials. I just need you to calm down ok?" He explained ever so calmly.

I breathed deeply, "Alright. I'm fine."

The carriage stopped abruptly as Reiki groaned, "I guess we're here." Jellal stated.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

Then a couple other carriages stopped at the same place, right by our guild.

I got out, Reiki was being by Jellal, who followed after me.

I was looking for the vehicle that Wendy would get out of. Once I found her, I started running towards her.

"WEEENDY!!! IS HE OK?!" I yelled frantically at her.

"Sylv... do you really have to be so loud?" I heard a male voice say, and when I spotted him, he was picking his ears as if he lost an eardrum or something.

"STORM!" I jumped on top of him, making him fall backwards into the carriage.

"Sylvia... I was in this thing for five days... I don't want to come back in." He complained.

I glared at him, "shut up will you, I was worried ok?" I then pulled him into a tight hug.

"Sylvs. I was only magic depleted," he tried to be optimistic, but it wasn't working.

I scoffed, "and magic depletion can kill you."

"Fair enough."

I heard Wendy giggle behind me.  Got up and out of the carriage and pulled Storm up with me.

"Heey Asuka..." she chirped.

Asuka rolled her eyes, "What is it?"

I swear, I know Wendy's older but... I mean... Asuka always acts like the older one around here. I wouldn't be surprised if she was next guild master.

"You know that bet we made 2 days ago?" Wendy asked cheerfully.

The gunner widened her eyes and said, "No. I back out."

Grandine decided to jump in, she gasped, "Oh my gosh! Asuko! Asuko! Asuko!"

Asuka put her hand around her mouth, "shshshshshshssssshhhh!!!!" She tried to get her to shut up.

Wendy started chanting, "Asuko! Asuko! Asuko!"

Then STORM STARTED YELLING, "Asuko! Asuko! Asuko!"

Nashi just yelled out of nowhere, "WHAT THE HELL IS ASUKO?!"

That's what I'd like to know.

Storm snickered and rolled his eyes, "IT MEANS ASUKA AND MYKO FIREBREATH!"

Oh really? Then I might as well join, "Asuko! Asuko! Asuko!"

Asuka started to run frantically to nowhere in particular, "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!"

Even Nashi and shirtless Storm started yelling while chasing eachother, "Asuko! Asuko! Asuko!"

Then a particular someone with white hair and bright green eyes (cough Myko cough) came out asking, "What's going on out he-"

Everything went dead silent. We all stopped chanting. Storm was mid step when he stopped while Nashi just stood there with a OMG type of look.

Even Gale and Nova were as quiet as air. Well until Storm's shirt landed in front of the future couple. Then they snorted.

Remember what I said about Asuka running around frantically to nowhere in particular? Well guess who she just happened to run into the moment he stepped out of the guild hall.

Yup. Myko.

She ran into him and landed on top of him, with her arms catching her on the pavement.

This caused Jellal, who was carrying Reiki, to fall. Who was also frozen in the heat of the moment.

I could see Asuka blushing as bright as Rosemary's hair. And she was shaking... a lot.

That shaking was going to be her downfall. Literally.

She fell right onto well... Myko's lips...

Now they're both blushing.

I could almost sense a smile creeping onto Nova's face, "ASUKO HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!"

Then we all just started screaming.


I looked over at Nashi, who was jumping in excitement.

Her fault...


I hoped you liked it! Aaand yaaay! Another OC!

Btw, the reason I have so many stupid OC's is simply because when you have a Next Gen story... IT'S REALLY FREAKING HARD TO JUST FIND OTHER CHARACTERS YOU CAN USE.

Just to let you know.


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