Chapter 11

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Time jump 3 years later ........

Derek's Point of View

I lay awake in the bedroom relieved my training is now done that I can return to Alister and Blake I jump out of bed and grab some close and head to the shower after getting  clean I come out and brush my now long white hair my nails narrowly avoid cutting my scalp as part of my Training Finn had me stay in my fae form the entire time

I get out of the shower brush my putting it into a bun atop of my head i pull my black shirt down then pull my grey boxers on i start to walk out of the shower realizing that i forgot to grap jeans i walk to the dresser in my room and grab my black skinny jeans and pull them up i grab the red conver's in the corner of my room slipping sock and shoes on i walk out of my room heading down the hall

I push the halls door open and walk into a living room of sorts it looks like one of those fancy business offices the furniture all neat and clean black leather all shinny i walk toward another set of doors that open to a throne like room "Finn are you here" i ask timidly "Of course i would not let you leave without saying good bye" i smile as a blond man walks into the room Finn walks up to me and hugs me "You have come so far in your training my chi . . ." my eyes narrow "Wait what are you trying to say" I ask suspiously

"Oh nothing it's just i think of you as my son" my eyes narrow analyzing his words "Do you know a women named Algesia" He eye widen for a fraction of a second but its all i need to confirm that he knows or at least recognizes the name "What kind of relationship did you two have" Finn actually blushes bright red against his porcelain skin "Ask your mother not me please" so there was something there after wait he called me . . . .

My eyes widen and my face pales "So am i your kid" i whisper he try's to look away but fails and looks me in the eye while nodding his head "What?How?When?Where?" he chuckles "Well your mother is a very Beatiful women, smart, and elegant we meet at a fae festival that happens twice a year she was walking towards Dinjen's shrine the supreme fae god of fire she was praying for the strength to find your older brother who had been kidnapped by vampiers that wanted to ransom him for your mom since she had full control of her powers she knew that if she just gave her self up they would just find your brother hearing her distress i walk over and told her i could help i helped her fight a bunch of vampires for your brother we eventually fell in love and had the encounter that lead to you" i smile and hug him

"So do i have any siblings on your side dad" he sighs "Yes 3 all girls you have met one of them Xana she has also decide to accompany you to your mates we have word supernaturals are waring and fae are going into hiding in fear of being used" my mouth opens "Is my mom, brother, and mates okay" "We have lost Intel on your mates but your family is okay" my mates is all i could think where did they go

"Xana, quit hiding come and meet your brother" I look around to see a beautiful girl with flawless porcelain skin the only imperfection was the cut that went from the end of her right eyebrow to the top of her right eye her dazzling ice blonde hair pulled back into a tight pony tail the long sleeved red dress tight against her large chest and her hips.

"I wasn't​'t hiding i just didn't​'t want to scare him" she grumbles as she turns her steel grey eyes towards me she smiles as dad chuckles "Watch this one" he warns Xana turns to glare at our father

"Why" i ask timidly he smiles at me his icy steel blue eyes turn towards me a few of his white blonde hair falling in his face "Well she likes to pick fights, and don't let her sweet and caring  personality fool you, she is feisty and loves a hood fight so be wary when she starts to fight, she has some of her mothers agression in her" finnishing with a laugh

Xana instantly creates an ice spear and throws it at an inhuman speed at our father as  he stops it with his bare hand "See what I mean even trying to fight her dear old father, she is quite strong and since she is an expert fighter with weapons and hand to hand i trust her to teach you since we've only worked on your spells" I nod as Xana perks up at the praise he gave her

"So when do we leave" I ask he looks at me with a smile but I can see the sadness in his eyes "That quick to get rid of me, I see . . ." my face redens in shame "I . . . I didn't mean it like that I am sorry" he smiles at me reassuringly "I know you are just happy to go find your mates" I blush a little as Xana grins like a mad dog "Oh he already has MATES" I nod as she jumps up in glee "We are gonna have so much to talk about" she grins evilly at me

Seeing our incounter Finn smiles like a proud dad "So happy to see my children get along, but about the maters of leaving. . . I would like that once you find your mates to cone back here for awhile, I am already bring your mother and brother here" I smile brightly

"Of course I will come back, but may I ask why" he nods at my request "The demon Apollo​ has been searching for you he wants you as his mate he deems you worthy therefore he won't let you get away it will be easier to protect you here" I start to shake as I recall the demon and how trapped i felt when he was around me

Noticing my worry Xana quickly hugs me "Don't worry that's why I am here to protect you" she says smiling at me I nod as she breaks the embrace

"Well now that everything is worked out I shall open the portal" he moves his hand forward as he summons a portal it cones to life as a swirl of blue, purple and white it was mostly white with blue and purple streaks, its beautiful i stare at it in awe

"Its beautiful" I say completely awe struck he smiles at me "Well your dad knows a few tricks" he says grinning as he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small stone that reassembled the portal "In case of an emergency or you are separated from Xana"

I nod "Another thing since its your first time going through the portal, you will become very nauseous and shaky for awhile Xana will help you through it" I nod

I go up to hug him he accepts me in his arms "I wish you the best of luck my son" I smile and nod into his his broad shoulder "Come back safe okay" he whispers in my ear I smile "I promise" "Thanks" he whispers against my ear

I break the embrace and head over to Xana as she takes my hand we walk through the portal i close my eyes as my stomach starts to not and I feel the vile taste in the back of my throat my knees start to shake as I lean on Xana for supports "You can open your eyes" I slowly open them

Its my mates village its destroyed the houses are ruined not a single one left intact I start to cry as I vomit falling to the ground I collapse as Xana rubs my back "I promise it gets better"

But all i could think about was how my mates home was destroyed and they were no where to be found I cried my self to sleep just as Xana picked me up and started walking towards the least ruined home blacking out I whisper "There not here . . ."

Thank you all for reading so much I know I ain't the best with punctuation but please bear with me I promise I will upload more next week Thanks and have a good day

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