General information about the stories' universe

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The stories in this book are mostly set in the two countries that are mentioned the most in my book: Jesde and Droland, who are completely opposite regarding diversity and freedom.
To begin, let me tell you that I based Droland and its political situation off of what I know about the DDR (German Democratic Republic). Jesde is kind of supposed to represent the BRD (Federal Republic of Germany) though the queer situation is just what I personally wished it would be like in literally any country of the world.
The book is about two queer guys who become best friends and try to escape Droland and immigrate to Jesde, which is situated at the other end of the universe's world.

I am still working out the story, but I roughly know what I want to write about.

Now, Jamie studios present: the two main characters:

Alfredo Pren, gay, he/him. Garden faerie, a plant faerie to be precise.

Felt like including a picture of my cosplay of him :).

Nick Deggem, trans guy, aroace, he/him. Garden faerie, a flower faerie to be precise.

So, basically, Droland is racist towards non-faeries, though in the universe different other mystical creatures exist next to eachother, a few examples would be witches/witcher, werewolves or vampires. Especially in Jesde they coexist in peace and have equal rights.

That's it so far.
Any questions about the characters or the countries?
Thanks for reading :).
~ Jamie

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