chapter 2

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As soon as he blacked out he and Buddy were taken into the helicopters and arrived at a facility-type thing, he and Buddy were separated to be looked at and fixed up. Buddy was taken and looked at, over all nothing too bad except the burns so they put some ointment and badges on him and then fed him but... his brother wasn't as lucky... Since he was in front of the explosion he was the one to get the most damage there for he was in critical condition. He was given so medicine to numb the pain but that didn't help.

Half his face and body were destroyed, and the wound was cleaned and bandaged up. The bandages went around his head covering everything except his right eye.

His left arm was mostly broken, so it was also wrapped to help heal it and because of the explosion, his leg was also broken and he needed surgery on it, so he was prepared and taken away. Meanwhile, Buddy was changed to new clothes.

They were fully white pajama-like things, after he was changed he was carried out to a prison-like cell at the end of a hallway with other cells on both sides. in the cell, there was one small bed and one other kid.

The kid was sitting in the corner and looked around 13 and he had cracks all over his face, neck, arms, and legs. He had dirty blond hair and brown eyes, he was a bit tan and had the number 81965 on his wrist. The guard put Buddy on the small bed stamped the number 10963 on his wrist and left. Back to Buddy's brother he was finally out of surgery and was unconscious before getting a sling for his arm and leg then he was escorted to the same room as his brother and the other kid.

(Other kid's pov)

I was in my room trying to sleep on my small bed, which wasn't useful since I was hanging off half of it. But I heard the door open as my heart started to race. I shot up and off the bed before backing up into a corner as if that could save me...

As I got up the guard yelled at me to sit back down so I did but... he had something in his hands, a small bundle of blankets. He placed the blanket on the small bed and gave me a look before walking out. After he got out I crawled up to the bed to see what was in the blankets. When I saw a baby!? I gently picked up the baby. He looked no older than 4 months old. I cradled him in my arms and sat next to the bed with him. I didn't know how he got here but I didn't care, he had thick black hair for a baby and had the same kind of clothing I had. I also noticed he had some bandages wrapped around his arm and leg. I continued holding him for the next couple of hours, not letting him go. After some hours after the baby came in the door opened again. I thought it was the boss man. But It wasn't him, another kid came in. He was in a wheelchair and had bandages all over his face, leg, and arm.

He was tossed on the bed and had the number 12675 put on him before the guard left. The kid looked about 10 and he was in bad connections. I put the baby down for a second to see the kid. He was unconscious. I hope he's not gonna die. He had black hair that was puffy but not too puffy. He had the same clothes as the rest of us. I picked him up and lent him agents the wall

and tried to wake him up. But it was not helpful. I tried and tried but he wouldn't wake up. I hope he wakes up soon.

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