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Chapter 19 [not proof-read

"Karina, there's no one here?"
"just wait beomgyu, you'll find someone carrying my notes"
"Beomgyu? Beomgyu!"

Beomgyu was sent to a café, to get karina's notes, since it was on his way home. But something tragic happened when Beomgyu felt a cloth wrapped around his face and a force pulling him to the back.

Beomgyu doubted it to be Yeonjun and his tactics but he was countered by the fact that they were on good terms now, right?

Beomgyu opened his eyes to witness bare sunlight falling on his face, he looked around to see a completely unfamiliar place.

Beomgyu saw someone sitting half naked, on the other side of the bed, facing the other way. Beomgyu gulped and sat up to feel cold, and just to realize his own upper body was naked. Beomgyu's eyes widened, he was on the verge of tears as he imagined things and covered himself with his hands.

The guy with long hair, a cocky smile and teasy eyebrows looked behind and chuckled, "good morning, princess"

Beomgyu didn't reply and searched for his shirt. The guy held the hook of the shirt on his forefinger, "looking for this?"

Beomgyu snatched it and wore it, he ran out of the place after taking his phone, without asking any questions.

Beomgyu touched his body, he was pretty sure that nothing happened to him. He took out a deep sigh and tried remembering stuff.

It was 6 am, he was rushing back home to go to school.


Taehyun-ah, what's trending on the forum? the girls were talking about something"
Taehyun opened the page and widened his eyes before shutting his laptop.

"I-it's nothing!"
"Are you sure? I heard them mentioning beomgyu"

Taehyun eyed kai, kai couldn't get the hint, "Oh? there actually is something? why are you hiding it hyunie?", Kai shrieked.

Taehyun sighed and shook his head, Yeonjun raised his eyebrows, even more curious.

"It's just..it's just a dating rumor! of you and beomgyu!"

Yeonjun started laughing, before the sides of his mouth lifted up on their own. Yeonjun created numerous "pfft" sounds before calming down. He tried to act like it was funny, he didn't actually think it was funny. He wouldn't want to disclose what he thought.

Someone barged into the boys' cabin. Yeonjun got up to see Karina, she was crying terribly.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "what is it, you look pathetic as always, by the way"
Yeonjun stood up, "beomgyu what? where is he? did he come today? it's time right?"
"he isn't here! I talked to him last night and the call ended suddenly!"

Yeonjun was confused.

Karina opened his phone and showed him the school forum. Taehyun sighed and cursed Karina under his breath. She might've been worried or so, but Taehyun wasn't wrong to care about his best friend.

Yeonjun scrolled, the whole page was filled with pictures of beomgyu and that guy. It was like someone intentionally uploaded them. Yeonjun would've crushed the phone with his bare hands if Karina wouldn't have taken it away.

Yeonjun rushed out of the door with the other two boys looking at each other, kai understood taehyun wanted to keep it safe.

Taehyun got up and said, "Karina, shouldn't you go look for beomgyu?"

"Do you think I can? I've been trying since yesterday!"
"Where's jungwon?"
"He has gone to beomgyu's house"

Yeonjun rushed outside to see beomgyu walking up the entrance stairs of the campus park with jungwon.

Yeonjun took a breath as he placed his hands on his waist. Yeonjun tried analysing what could've happened, he tried his best to get himself into thinking that beomgyu wasn't aware of the surroundings as well ;otherwise beomgyu wouldn't have done it? right?; until he saw the same guy from the picture approaching beomgyu.

Beomgyu took a step back from him. The guy smiled, "I was waiting for you", jungwon was in his defensive mode.

The guy chuckled and stepped back, "listen, you're really cute, but don't worry-", before the guy could finish, he was punched in his face. Beomgyu widened his eyes to see Yeonjun, his face was full of rage.

Yeonjun was about to serve another hit bit beomgyu held his hand, "Don't!"
Yeonjun scoffed in disbelief.

"Why? is he your husband, you fag!"
Beomgyu blinked his eyes a few times, before stepping back, to actually process what yeonjun said.

Beomgyu was in loss of words. He didn't expect that, the past yeonjun was back, yeonjun wasn't changed how yunjin said he had.

Beomgyu looked on the ground.

"You've done something so shameful that you can't make an eye-contact? You're a fucking cheater!"

Beomgyu sighed for the last time before telling jungwon he's taking off and rushing downstairs.

Yeonjun yelled out of annoyance and pushed the guy on the ground.

The guy yelled for pity, "I didn't do anything to him!"
"You don't have any proof except those pictures! you guys completely fu-"
"No! I wouldn't! I just removed his shirt and took some pictures of us! because that's what I was paid for!"
"Yeah! he clearly was unconscious! I came to apologize and you!"
Yeonjun stepped on his arm, "that's for touching him when he was unconscious!"

Yeonjun walked back to the cabin with his hands on his forehead, Jungwon held his arm, "Choi Yeonjun, it's been too much, you've lost all the respect I've had for you, you could never be the idol I thought you were. I disguise you now for treating my best friend like shit all the time, you clearly don't deserve a good person in your life! and as for your mom treating you like an object, you deserve it! because that's what you do to anyone who is kind to you! Don't you dare step around my friend after this!"

Yeonjun was about to slap jungwon, but someone held his hand. Jungwon flinched and had his hands in the air to protect himself if required.

Taehyun yelled, "Enough of all of yours anger issues! Mind your own businesses both of you!", Taehyun pushed Yeonjun insided the cabin and closed the door.

Taehyun held jungwon's hand and said, "I know how you feel, but sometimes, our outbursts lead to depletion of our relations, calm yourself down, wonie", taehyun patted his hair.

Taehyun was renowned to be a playboy, he might belong to the government officials' family, but he was seen with a different girl or a bunch of girls every weekend. Except for flirting, no one ever witnessed his kind words.

But he just couldn't help and feel the need to mature up this time. Now what was important was, to find who did it. Taehyun had plans.

thank you for checking out the story. hope you're enjoying.
have a good day! ♡

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