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chapter 13:

beomgyu stepped closer to yeonjun and yeonjun didn't move. beomgyu took out a huge sigh, he had no control or awareness of his actions, he rested his head on yeonjun's chest. yeonjun's eyes widened and he stepped back leaving beomgyu's head hanging low. yeonjun started breathing heavily, beomgyu cleaned his tears and realised what he just did, which wasn't a big deal, but it was yeonjun in front of him, the guy who was ruining his life.

yeonjun closed his eyes and held his head, why would he behave this way? he questioned himself. he shouldn't be doing all this. he shouldn't have been on the rooftop in the first place. beomgyu was worried seeing yeonjun panic, he held his shirt and pulled him close.

"hey? yeonjun?", yeonjun nodded, acknowledging beomgyu.

"are you okay?", yeonjun nodded again. beomgyu nodded back, "do you want to say something?"
"say it"
"I'm sorry"

Beomgyu was shocked, "what did you say? you're inaudible?"

yeonjun glared at beomgyu, beomgyu realised he shouldn't be joking, "I said I'm sorry"
"we've got a list of reasons, which one are you talking about?"
"that day"
"which one-"
"Why the fuck are you so annoying?", yeonjun yelled. beomgyu chuckled.

yeonjun was angered by beomgyu mocking him.
"yes, speak it"
"you're a dumbass", beomgyu said, deepening his voice.

yeonjun clenched his fists. "but you're cute", beomgyu said. yeonjun opened his fists and looked at beomgyu in visible confusion.

yeonjun looked at beomgyu from head to toe, he then snatched the pencil in his pocket, "if you want to get it, come meet me at the snow tower at 7", yeonjun sprinted downstairs.

beomgyu sighed, "a pencil? seriously? who would want a pencil back?"

It was 8:45, beomgyu obviously forgot about what yeonjun said as he was busy with his shift which just ended. Beomgyu wore his jacket to leave the shop and to his surprise it was snowing outside. "Snow?", beomgyu questioned excitedly.

"SNOW? SNOW TOWER-", as the moment of realisation hit him he ran to the nearest telephone booth, he remembered soobin's number, so he dialed it.


"Beomgyu? Where are you calling from?"
"I- leave that for now, is Yeonjun with you?"
"no? why would he be?"
"why not- I mean- can you tell me his number please?"
"why would you-"
"alright, note it down-"
beomgyu quickly ended the call and searched for his pockets to look for coins to use the booth again, but there were none, beomgyu sighed and picked up an umbrella from the umbrella stand of the shop and started rushing towards the snow tower.

on his way he stopped for a second, "why would he be here till now, I'm being crazy, I should head home, I've got school- It's sunday tomorrow, but still-"

"choi beomgyu, what if that psychopath is being stubborn about this as well and still waiting?"

"waiting? for me? nah, he doesn't give a shit about-"

"it's cold as well, what if he didn't see the weather forecast and is standing somewhere in the middle of the crowd without an umbrella?!?"

"what if he's just chilling at home-"

beomgyu sighed and cleared his head as he rushed near the tower to get rid of his guilt.

he reached the place and looked around, scanning the area full of people, enjoying the first snow together. beomgyu desperately looked around, he couldn't find yeonjun. beomgyu was somehwat disappointed but happy that he won't be feeling guilty.

he turned around to leave when someone yelled, "You rat!", beomgyu smiled and looked behind to see a shivering yeonjun who was dressed up in a white shirt and brown pants, unsuitable for the cold weather.

Beomgyu said, "Why are you still here!?"
"Because a certain rat stood me up!"
"I forgot about it"
"you clearly did", yeonjun walked away, pissed.

"Hey, wait! I got some fishcakes!"

"I don't eat food from outside"
"eat it from inside then"

Beomgyu held yeonjun's arm to stop him from running away, only to realise he was freezing. Beomgyu's eyes widened, "You're like freezing-"
"I mean, I didn't know you won't come! no one ever disregards my invitations!"
"I- I'm sorry, if I knew you were serious-"
"You thought I was joking!?", Yeonjun yelled, pissed.

Beomgyu sighed and pulled yeonjun under the shed, "Yes obviously yeonjun, I thought it was just another tactic of yours to bully me!"
"Y-YOU- just go away!"
"Alright, bye then", Beomgyu turned around. Yeonjun pulled his arm, resulting in lessening the distance between the two, Yeonjun's lips were slowly turning violet, beomgyu couldn't help but get distracted by them while yeonjun stared into the shorter's eyes.

Beomgyu removed his jacket and wrapped it around Yeonjun, "Don't remove it just because it's mine, wear it for sometime", Yeonjun wore it properly, but saw beomgyu rubbing his palms, yeonjun held beomgyu's palms and placed them in his pockets.

Beomgyu was startled by the sudden action, "what? it's your coat!"
Beomgyu nodded. Yeonjun dragged the boy to the top of the tower.

"I like snow", Yeonjun said. Beomgyu acknowledged him with a nod.

"It covers everything, It forms a layer and then-"
"It's getting late", beomgyu said as he saw only themself at the top of the tower. Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun who was excitedly talking about his love for snow.

Yeonjun nodded and held Beomgyu's collar, dragging him to the lift. Beomgyu pulled away, "what is this way-"
"then? should I hold your hand and-"
"hell no"

Yeonjun chuckled and softly held Beomgyu's neck from the back, dragging him to the lift.

"You're such a weirdo"

Both boys stood in the lift only for the lift to stop after making suspicious sounds.

thank you for checking out the story. hope you're enjoying.

have a good day! ♡

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