If you find "Max" somewhere in the one shot, it was just me simping so hard that I confused their names😂 jk
You frowned at your face in the mirror searching for anything out of normal. It was the fourth day in a row that you had tried leaving the door slightly ajar, walking past him with only a towel wrapped around you body, wearing revealing clothes around the house hoping that Daniel would pick up on the signals: you wanted him; but he remained focused on his gaming, or simply fixing one of his many bikes and fiddling attentively to some random tool he owned like right now
"Babe, what time are we leaving?"
"8pm sharp" he replied without looking up
You smiled sadly at his dry reply but still told him "Thank you, I'll be ready soon"
You walked back to your walk in closet in the bathroom where you picked the dark purple silky dress that hung just above your knees, you had chosen for this event with his Renault fam. It was somehow a ball honoring the end of a very successful season everyone worked hard and achieved a better result than the past year. He was still blaming himself constantly for not bringing better results, it has been weighing on his mind, you just knew that and for the past few days he had been trying to keep busy in order to not think about this party. You had tried everything so far, even calling his and your mother for tips yet no effort seemed to be good enough
"Babe," you walked out of the closet scratching the back of your neck. Daniel loved that dress on you and the way his eyes turned nearly black when he saw you wearing it always sent those nice chills through your spine. You could never forget the inappropriate things you two had done when you wore it for that first time "which shoes you think fit better?"
"The black one's with a red sole."
"Oh" you sighed in disappointment wishing that he had at least looked at you, just once would be enough. You had already picked the pair of shoes for that night but you just wanted him to talk to you, you wanted him to look at you, even for a brief second "right, right I- you can start getting ready, I'll come out in a few minutes." He nods in reply while you went back to add the final touches before it was time to go. The night would be too long.
The car ride was awkward since he hadn't said a word and you decided to remain silent. Whenever you tried to lighten the mood or ask him something he would just mumble or give you a dry yes or no. At this point you were getting slightly frustrated so to not make things worse you just quietly sat there. He still hadn't even looked at you .
Daniel was immediately called by his team principal when you two arrived. And after that the whole evening went quite amazing. The team had this incredible bond, and everyone was so proud of the hard work put into it, you were sure Mr. Abiteboul his words would be remembered for years to come.
You smiled at some people randomly walking by when the bartender left a second glass of a delicious fruity beverage. You didn't want to drink too much liquor since the mood at home wasn't pleasing. Drinking something strong would probably make Dan notice you, but then everyone else would too and that would be extremely embarrassing. No one wants a drunk girlfriend at a party hosted by their boss.
"Oh sorry I'm so sorry" your wide eyes suddenly softened when you caught the glass with both hands "oh dear I almost ruined your beautiful dress."
"No, it's all good honestly." You smiled relieved that your dress was not ruined by this boy's clumsiness
"I'm Christian by the way. You must be YN, the Renault crew won't shut up about you, I heard you gave one of the drivers some tips to improve some racing lines, you're studying engineering correct?"
You lowered your head when your cheeks heat up "oh no, no I'm just a racing enthusiast. I'm on my second year of engineering, so I don't have much experience. I guess it was just my lucky day."
"You want a refill?" He asks sweetly "I'd love to hear about everything you've been learning so far. It must be so interesting."
"Hey, we're leaving." Dan places a hand on your lower back breathing down your neck
You looked up briefly and almost rolled your eyes, instead sending Christian an apologetic smile "I'm so sorry Christian, maybe another time?! It was good to meet you."
You hadn't heard the entire reply since Daniel had already ushered you out
"Can I ask what was that about?" You shook your arm away from his hold while he still haven't looked your way this entire time
"The car is ready. We're just going home." He shrugged walking away to where the valet patiently waited holding the car keys.
The man helped you get into your seat and closed your door politely smiling at both Dan and you
You were trying HARD to avoid an argument with him, not here, not near any other person. This conversation had to happen, but only between the safe four walls of your home where your privacy is safeguarded
Daniel's posture was stiff as a board, his jaw muscles clenched every now and then his jealousy was as bright as the sun during the day when he interrupted your short conversation with Christian. His possessiveness was brightly shown not only by his hand on your lower back, but the way he stared down at Christian and spoke those words as if he owned you.
He stared out of the window the whole ride home, seeming to be in a internal debate and the minute you two entered your room he had already sensed the mood swing.
"You are unbelievable, Daniel" you shook your head watching him concentrate on unlacing his shoes
He got up and while removing his his shirt, hiding his face inside the shirt literally, you heard his surprised tone "I beg your pardon?"
"You, you're my boyfriend or so I think you are, who knows now; you couldn't take 5 stupid seconds to look at me and tell me I looked beautiful?!" You clenched your jaw exhaling again, it had worked during the day all the breathing exercises you saw on YouTube. You suddenly laughed dryly waving your hand dismissively "You know what, I don't even know why I bother."
"Why do you have to act like that's such a big deal?"
Your eyes almost reached your hairline even causing you to chuckle involuntarily
"You don't even look at me, you don't notice me ever since you put your feet inside this house 2 weeks ago. I tried, from the first day I tried to set the mood, I curled my hair two times this week, I went to give you at least four gifts, I wore the sexiest underwear I have, I made you breakfast in bed everyday, I even bought candles and chocolates, petals for God's sake I even called our mums asking for some advice on how to make you feel freaking better but you don't care. We went to this party with your team and you left me alone for two full hours feeling extremely uncomfortable with old men starring at me while I had slipped on those uncomfortable shoes." You ramble walking back and forth, now your time to avoid eye contact
"I've been a bit off and worried about some stuff lately."
If he had just apologized you would have just moved on. If he didn't want to talk you would never pressure him to do it. Instead he found an excuse that you already knew and that only upsets you even more.
"I know you are Daniel, I can already see it" you started softly then looked up into his confused eyes "What I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of being ignored, I'm tired of making efforts and giving my best to cheer you up and make you feel better, I'm tired of my own boyfriend treating me as if I'm not important anymore, I'm tired of you not noticing me as if I'm just a white wall. It's been a month, when you were away I could understand, but ever since you came back two weeks ago..." you shook your head "I just want to be a good girlfriend and the best friend you deserve, but maybe I'm not worthy." You shrugged tiredly shutting the bathroom door.
From the reflection of the mirror you cold see his shadow loomed on the other side, whether debating on talking to you or just giving you some space. You heard his footsteps fading into complete silence, your heart clenching and your throat tightening by the probability of not being loved or wanted by the man who you loved the most.
You decided to remove your make up and take a long warm shower. Maybe a few tears had insisted to roll down your cheeks, maybe you had sobbed lowly with your head in hands, your insecurities and anxiety kicking in. A few minutes later that felt more like hours under the shower, you went out of the room already dressed in your pajamas which were two sizes bigger, and extremely comfortable. In one hand you were holding the dress you wore, and on the other you held the towel drying your hair
Daniel was not in the bedroom, and by the sound of voices he was downstairs watching something.
Your eyes went back to the dress in your hand and you smiled at it. You could still remember when you saw the dress and your thought was immediately how Dan would love it. It was a bold choice coming from you, but the lady who was attending that day couldn't hold back her excitement when you tried the dress. You didn't want to spend such a big amount of money with just anything, but you felt so beautiful, so feminine and You knew Dan would go crazy the minute his eyes landed on you and they did on that date. The night was wild. A perfect memory.
But this night, he had glanced quickly at you, and winked when his boss called him, he spent the rest of the hours with other people but you
"Need any help with that?"
You turned your head slightly not even caring about what he was talking about "I'm good."
You went back to the bathroom and threw the dress in the laundry.
"You always look beautiful my love, and tonight you looked even more gorgeous and breathtaking, you always do."
You ignored his compliment not really believing in those words. You were doubting if he meant those or he felt forced to tell you after you 'complained' about it.
"I always notice you my love, even when you think I don't. I love when you dress up for me, when you pamper me not only with gifts but also your attention. It makes me feel the luckiest man alive." He planted a kiss on your shoulder slowly putting a strand of your semi-dry hair behind your ear, only stopping to watch your eyes attentively follow all his movements "I still remember the first time you wore that dress, how excited I was and I maybe I didn't show that today but it was that same heart stopping feeling. I love how the silk ran over every curve your body owns, I couldn't stop thinking about it even when Cyril and Esteban questioned about unimportant things." He left another kiss behind your ear "I noticed that you wore that nude lace lingerie underneath the dress, or how you walked around in only your towel, or even how you bite your lip while trying to decide if curling your hair would be better than straightening which didn't even matter, either way you would still look gorgeous." He made contact with you skin when his hand finally reached your lower back and slowly made it's way to hold your waist raising your spongebob square pants sweater "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I made you feel unworthy, I'm sorry that I did this to you, I know, I know I can be an idiot some times, I'm sorry for not paying attention to you my love. I've been so worried about everything that had happened during the last months and I just didn't knew how to deal with it and I beg you, I'm sorry. I- you were the only one that kept me grounded, you cared, you took my breath away and you still do, my heart went to my mouth every time you gave me one of those smiles." His fingers pressed the hem of your pants, sending shivers down your body, your breath getting unsteady as you still looked up at him
"I'll do whatever it takes to have your forgiveness" he wrapped one arm around your waist, causing your hand to hold onto his arm tightly "anything, anything for you, just say the word."
A tear rolled down you cheek and you leaned against his chest he kissed the top of your head letting you take your time, allowing your nostrils to suck in his homey scent
You looked up into his eyes "please, just look at me." You whispered weakly
"How can I not? I do it, I notice you the entire time. You're so beautiful, you're breathtaking and I love you." He whispered against your lips
"Show me"
"Anything for you, my everything."
That night.
That night would never be forgotten.
Little info for you guys:
The Christian (Lundgaard) mentioned above is a young Dane driver in the Renault academy. In 2020 he raced in FIA Formula 2 championship with ART Grand Prix. If you want to know more about him please visit Renault's official website 🦄
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net