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"Everyone ready to go?" Lewis asks quietly and George shakes his head. "Mama, help." He mumbles and fidgets with his hands. Nico squats down and puts George's gloves on properly. "Thanks." Mumbles the little boy and then heads for the door.

Lando is waiting there with Roscoe on the lead. Lewis stands behind the little Brit. When they step outside, they are amazed. The landscape around Munich is like a snow-white blanket. The snow covers meadows, fields, paths, trees and houses.

It is 30cm deep. Lando and George can still walk themselves, but it is very deep for them. Roscoe cuts a swathe through the snow while Lewis and Nico go behind holding hands. As they pass a field, Nico says with a grin, "How about we make a snow-Britney?" The two children look curiously at their father.

Nico shows them how it's done. He lies down on the floor and starts to move his arms and legs like a jumping jack until it looks like he has angel wings and a dress on. "Et Voilà: Our snow angel Britney." The German smiles proudly. Giggling, his sons also do one.

They walk on and George and Lando run ahead of their parents, laughing, and even Roscoe skips happily behind the children. Lewis and Nico also join in the fun and the Brit is chased by his husband with a cheeky grin. Nico eventually catches Lewis and hugs him tightly, laughing, before starting to tickle the man in his arms.

As Lando and George ignore this and keep running, Lewis is able to save himself and they both sprint after their sons to pick them up. The kids shriek enthusiastically and laugh again and again.

When the family returns to the villa, they are frozen to the bone and Nico makes them all a hot cocoa. Roscoe is rubbed warm with a towel and now lies exhausted but happy in his basket.

After lunch, all drivers make their way to Munich's historic city centre to visit the Christmas market. There they split up into families and walk around the market in small groups.

They start at the Kripperlmarkt and then stroll slowly along Kaufingerstraße and back again. They find lots of beautiful things and often stop to explain things to the two kids.

When they are spoken to in German, Nico does the talking. The whole world doesn't need to know that Lewis can also speak German. But with an Austrian TP in a German team and a long-term German best friend, that's not really a surprise.

It starts snowing again, which makes the whole thing seem even more magical. George and Lando lean their heads back and stick out their tongues to catch the snowflakes. But when one of the flakes flies into Lando's eye, the tears start to flow.

"Aww, it's okay baby." Lewis tries to soothe his son and steps a little bit aside. Nico follows his husband and his son and both men cheer little Lando up. "Wait, where is George?" Asks Nico suddenly and the two adults look at each other in horror.

Nico quickly runs back to where they were originally standing. A little further away, he sees the hood of George's jacket and runs in that direction. When he actually discovers a crying George, he sighs with relief and calls out to him.

"George, Großer !" He shouts and George turns around. He runs as fast as he can towards his dad and starts to cry even more after reaching Nico. The German takes the boy in his arm and hugs him comfortingly. George sniffs a few times and snuggles up to him.

"Don't leave me Mama. Please!" He mumbles and Nico whispers "I'll never ever leave you for ever." George starts to smile a little bit and asks "Can I sit on your shoulders?" Nico smiles softly at his son and nods. "Of course!"

So George is now sitting on Nico's shoulders with a candyfloss in his fingers and is happy. Lando, however, less so. "My feet hurt and I'm thirsty." He says stubbornly. Lewis realises that Lando is about to just sit down on the floor, which can be very dangerous. So he takes him in his arms and Lando gets apple juice in his hands.

When Lewis looks at his watch, he realises that it's almost 9pm. So the four of them make their way back to the meeting point, where everyone except Hulk, Kevin and Logan is already there. They arrive a little later and they head home.

Since George and Lando are still not tired, they read a story book together in Lewis and Nico's bed with Roscoe on their feet. Tired, the two children are soon asleep and cuddle up to their parents.


We ignore that the snow thing was 27.-30.11. where I wrote this (30.11) and now there is flood risk from the sudden snow melting
Thank you

Great day/night, whenever you read this!

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