Chapter 33

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*๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐ข ๐œ๐š๐ง'๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ข๐ญ ๐ข๐ง ๐๐š'๐ฏ๐ข, ๐ข๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐›๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐๐จ๐ฅ๐*

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After Jacob left the wolf pack, he walked towards the house, now in his human form. He stopped. "Seth? Neige? Rajah?" He called out. "Don't worry. They're not following us,"

Seth replied as they appeared behind him. "What do you think you guys are doing here?"

Jacob asked him. "We left Sam's pack," Seth replied.

"Go home, Seth, you two as well" Jacob ordered him, turning around to face him. "We won't stand behind him," Seth shot back.

"Marali is our friend and we don't want Sam to hurt her. She gets to decide if she wants to keep the baby or not." "Plus I'm done with Sam's bullshit," Rajah adds "He must have something up his ass"

"You haven't talked to her in a while. And yes, you will. I'm not kidding. Get out of here," Jacob told them.

"ls that an order? Gonna make us bow down, too?" Seth asked. "I know I haven't talked to her in a while, but we have been talking to each other on the phone."

"I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay?" Jacob responded.

"Great, and I've got your back," Seth answered. "No, you don't. If Sam comes after Bella and Marali, are you really ready to fight your own brothers?" Jacob asked.

"Your own sister?" "If it's the right thing to do," Seth replied.

"I don't give a fuck. I'd love to fight Sam" Rajah tells them. "Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullens a heads-up," Jacob sighed. "Do what you want."

Jacob turned and headed to the house. They followed him.

"How cool is this? Three-man pack," Seth joked, Neige cleared her throat. "Four person pack, four against the world" Seth nervously laughed. "You're getting on my nerves, Seth," Jacob shot back.

"I'll shut up. Can do," Seth agreed as he stayed back.

Neige rolled her eyes as Rajah put his arm around Seth and Neige. Jacob approached Ella, Edward and Jasper outside the Cullen house. "Get ready. They're coming for Marali and Bella,"

Jacob told them. "They're not gonna touch them," Edward growled at the threat of his wife and sister-in-law.

"Finally, something we can agree on," Ella smiled.

"Agreed," Jacob said as Leah approached. "Man, I can smell them from all the way out here," Leah swore. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jacob turned around and glared at her.

"I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed," Leah replied.

"And have Marali die at the hands of Sam and his pack." "Go away, Leah! I can take care of myself," Seth shot back. "That you think so proves you need a babysitter," Leah answered.

"Which is what I do," Rajah says.

Neige laughs at Seth's face. "You too Nei" this time Seth laughs at !eige. "Okay, would all of you shut up? Did Sam send you?" Jacob asked her. "Sam doesn't even know I left," Leah replied.

They heard wolves howling, alerting them to the fact that they knew what happened.

"I think he just figured it out," Seth added. "Jake. I know what his plan is," Leah informed him.


"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity,"

Jacob explained. "Why would he want to do that?" Emmett asked.

"Marali and Bella are having babies whose genetic make-up isn't known to us," Ella answered. "Who is to say the babies are like vampires or like humans?"

"Or in Marali case part Na'vi, part vampire, and part human" Atan'eko added

"There are fiction books I have read before where there are these kinds of half-vampires. But why would Sam want to kill the babies? This can lead to a fight." Angela told them.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty," Carlisle spoke up.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind," Jacob added. "Not in ours," Esme sighed. "Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks," Emmett added. "We'll make do. You've done us a great service, Jacob,"

Esme told the young wolf. "Thank you." "Leah, Marali wants to talk to you," Bree spoke up, entering the room.

Leah nodded as she walked to Jasper's room. Marali was on the bed, surrounded by candles and herbs, looking up at her. She smiled. "Hey, Leah," Marali greeted her.

"Marali," Leah answered, sitting in front of her. "You're killing yourself."

Marali took a breath, smelling the smoke of the herbs she was burning. "I want this baby, Leah," Marali answered. "Eywa wants this baby. You of all people should know that."

Leah sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"Give me your hand Leah" Marali asked, smiling softly as Leah gave Marali her hand. Marali placed Leah's hand on her stomach. "What is the point-" "Patience Leah" Marali chuckled softly.

Leah took a deep just as the baby kicked her hand. "It kicked!" Leah gasped. "He, Leah, he," Marali corrected her. "I know I am having a boy. He kicks a lot."

"He kicked," Leah laughed as she talked to her belly. "How do you know it's a boy?"

"I performed the ritual before you came in" Marali smiled as Leah rubbed her belly. "We usually don't use candles but it worked" Marali chuckled. "How come Jasper isn't here with you?" Leah asked.

"He wanted it to be a surprise, and do tell anyone but there's-"

Marali made a peace sign at Leah, so the other cullen's wouldn't hear her say two. Marali smiled as Leah looked up at her, shocked. 'Two?!' Leah months as Marali smiled, nodding.

"I'm so excited, I know Jasper will be" Marali smiled, rubbing her belly.

"Wait, He wants this baby?" Leah asked slightly shocked, Marali nodded. "He does, we both do" Leah smiles as she chuckles. "That's surprising considering that Edward doesn't want his baby"

Marali sighed sadly, nodding. "I feel bad for Bella, maybe Edward will come around"

"Maybe" Leah sighed as she looked out the window. "What's wrong? Does it have something to do with the other pack that's coming to town?" Leah quickly looked at her, shocked.

"How do you-" "I'm Tsahik Leah, I know things" Marali chuckled. "Who's coming?"

"My childhood... friend. He's coming back to forks, I want you to meet her" Marali looked at her, smiling. "You mean lover?" Leah blushed deeply, softly hitting Marali's elbow.

"How-" "Leah I can tell by the way you talk about him" Marali chuckled as Leah sighed.

"Fine! I did have a crush on him before he left" Marali smiled, nodding. "Sure, I'd love to meet him. Why did he leave?" "He is looking for his imprint, didn't happen"

Marali nodded sadly, rubbing her belly.

"I hope he will find them, maybe my baby will be his imprint" Leah looked at Marali. "That would be weird, don't you think?" Marali chuckled as she nodded.

"It would, let's hope your his imprint" Leah blushed as Marali chuckled. Leah sighed as she felt the baby bump.


At night, the three wolves are standing outside the Cullen's house. "I know they're out there somewhere, but I can't hear them anymore. It's so quiet," Jacob spoke up.

"I stopped hearing them, too, the second I decided to leave. It's nice," Leah added.

"You know you can't stay here," Jacob told her. "But I don't have any place," Leah replied. "I can't trust you with the Cullens. You hate them too much. You don't even like me," Jacob said.

"I don't have to. I just have to follow you," Leah replied. "Besides I don't agree with Sam. He may be a jerk but he doesn't have the right to harm innocent babies."

"Look, Seth doesn't want you here. Neither do I," Jacob shot back at her.

"The only person who wants you here is Marali, Atan'eko, Angela, Ley'ra, Neige, and Rajah" "Being unwanted isn't exactly a new thing for me," Leah argued as Jacob doesn't reply.

"Look, I'll stay out of your way. I'll do whatever you want, except go back to Sam's pack and be the pathetic ex-girlfriend he can't get away from" "Just to break the connection,"

Jacob agreed as he nods her head in agreement.

"All right. I'm gonna do a perimeter run."


Carlisle was looking at X-rays of the fetuses. Marali was on one of the reclining chairs as Bella lay on the table in his office. Edward and Emmett are off to the side.

"Marali, one of your ribs is cracked. Bella just sprained her ribs," he sighed as he turns to us. "But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything."

"Yet," Edward added. "Edward," Carlisle scolded him.

"It's breaking her bones and dislocating a joint now," Edward continued.

"It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell them what you told me. Tell them." "Carlisle, tell us," Marali asked. "It's all right."

"The fetus is compatible with your body Marali. It's slowly healing as it's developing, I'd suggest being in your Na'vi form at least 3-4 hours a day" Marali smiled, rubbing her belly.

"But Bella. It's not compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you both by the hour," Carlisle told her.

"I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, Bella's heart will give out before she can deliver."

"Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then...," Bella asked. "Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome," Carlisle told her. "You understand? I'm sorry." He leaves to let them talk.

Jasper helped Marali up and carried her out of the room so she could get some rest.

Over the few days, Jasper stayed with Marali as her baby bump grew hugely. One day, as Rose was drawing Marali a bath, Marali looked in the mirror as she looked skeletal.

Jasper saw Marali's thinning frame, a look of disbelief on his face.

He gave Marali and her belly a kiss before walking out, Rose closed the door. Marali and Bella are lying on the sofa. Leah sat to them. The girls shivered a little.

"Are you cold?" Edward asked. "I got it," Jacob spoke up.

He and Leah scooted over to the two, his heat radiating off him, warming her. "Don't do that," he asked. "What?" She asked. "Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world," he answered.

"You're one of them," she argued. "Feels complete when you're here, Jake," Marali eplied as she looks like she's about to be sick again.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Esme sighed. She has been cooking a lot lately, trying to feed the girls.

But each time they would eat, they puke it up. Marali kept it down most of the time but only if they added spice from Pandora.

"If I could only see the fetuses...," Alice added, Ella gave her a look. "The babies....," Rosalie corrected her. "Maybe I could figure out what they want," Alice asked.

'Think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea," Edward told her. "It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment," Jacob answered.

"What were you thinking?" Bree asked. "That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into," Jacob replied. "They're thirsty," Bella realized. "They are half vampire," Angela agreed.

"I know the feeling. If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood," Jasper told her, as he sits down next to Marali.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella and Marali," Carlisle asked. Jasper looked up. Carlisle headed to his office and got the blood.

He poured the blood into two cups for Bella and Marali to drink. Bree swallowed as she smelt the blood. "Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna make them drink that?"

Jacob asked as he handed the cups to the girls. "It's the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle added.

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Edward asked. "I'll try anything," Marali replied. "Just hold on," Jasper asked. "I think I'm gonna be sick," Jacob sighed as he looks away.

They watched Bella and Marali drink the blood.

Bree looked away and covered her nose, trying not to smell the blood. "Tastes... good," Bella replied. Edward smiled at her and they drank more of the blood.

Carlisle took their pulse. "Your pulse is already getting stronger," he told them. "It's working," Esme smiled.


Marali was on the phone with Ney'ite, Mi'awtu, and Charlie as Bella took a nap upstairs in Edward's room. "Well, you sound better," Ney'ite spoke up. "I am. I feel much better," Marali replied.

"This whole thing must've put a kink in the honeymoon, huh?" Charlie asked.

"You could say that," Marali agreed. "I talked to Bella earlier. She said that you are getting much better," Charlie answered.

"She may be coming home earlier. Otherwise, married life treating you okay? Jasper still walks on water and all that?" "That's good, we're alike in so many ways, but different at the same time,"

Marali added.

"Yeah, but, I mean, it is different now." "The important thing is that you're better. And that you're coming home soon, right?" Mi'awtu asked.

"Okay dad, I don't want you to freak out, but I'm going to a medical center in Switzerland," Marali lied. "Bella will be joining me soon. Just to make sure I am getting better."

"What? No, no, you're not. You're not going to Switzerland. What are you... You said you were better," Charlie asked, anxious. "I am," Marali said as Jasper walked in and sat next to her.

"No, Marali. I'm getting on a plane. No," Charlie argued.

"No. It's really more of a spa. And I'm sure that I'd be better by the time you got there anyway," Marali lied. "Alexis" Ney'ite sighed. "I don't know."

"Don't come. Bella will be home soon and I will get okay," Marali asked.

"And picture me healthy, like I'm sitting on the couch with you, eating pizza or something. Bella hurting herself. Austin choking on his food as Angela scolds him. Layla plays dumb ways to die and Tsu'tiรฌ being confused"

"You want me to visualize?" Charlie asked as Ney'ite and Mi'awtu laughed.

"They say that it helps. Just picture me like that," Marali asked. "Like I was. It'll make me feel better." "Okay, Alexis," Charlie sighed. "Thanks, Charlie," she thanked him. She heard him walking away.

"Thanks, Charlie," she thanked him. She heard him walking away.

"So how is the baby doing?" Ney'ite asked. "Doing okay mom, I had to drink some blood. It tasted good" Marali told him as Mi'awtu laughed. "Odd" "No Dad, it was human blood," Marali told him.

" least it worked" Ney'ite sighed.

"Have you been in your Na'vi form at all?" Ney'ite asked. "Yes" Marali asked. "Usually for about 3 to 4 hours" "Try sleeping or laying down in your Na'vi form" Ney'ite told her.

"Okay mom I will" Marali smiled.

"I heard that Neytiri is to give birth soon" Marali smiled. "Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if you two gave birth on the same day" Ney'ite chuckled. "That would be cool" Marali chuckled.

"Dad, Mom, I got to go, okay?" "Marali," Mi'awtu asked. "I love you," Marali told him. "Marali," Mi'awtu repeated. "๐Ž๐ž๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ขฬ€๐ฒ๐š๐ฐ๐ง ๐ง๐ ๐š" Marali hung up as she put the phone down.

(I love you)

"I'm sorry Edwards was so angry," Jasper told Bella as he sat down next to Marali. "I would be, too," Bella sighed.

"I always make decisions that would make others either upset with me or happy for me." "He's left you alone in this," Jasper added. "Marriage," Marali replied.

"Well, they say the first year is the hardest," Jasper agreed. "What was that?"

"What?" Bella asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I thought I just heard...," Jasper told her as Marali put her hand on her belly and Jasper placed his hand on Marali's belly too, Bella did the same. "Just say something else."

"Like what?" Marali asked, Bella smiled. "Bella, what's going on?" Marali asked, moving slightly.

"He likes the sound of your voice," Jasper smiles at Marali. "My baby likes the sound of your voice too Bella" "They are giving happy emotions whenever you both talk."

"You can tell what he's feeling?" Bella asked.

"I can," Jasper replied. "They like my voice as well."

"What? What can you tell?" Bella asked. "It's so strange. I thought he was like Marali, not me," Jasper replied. "But he does. He likes you. Good and pure Jasper" Marali told him.

-๐‹๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ง๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ-

Carlisle placed the last two blood bags on the table. "So, that's the last of it?" Jacob asked.

"Marali can deliver as early as tonight and Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If they're going to have any chance at all, they'll need more blood," Carlisle stated.

"And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for them. We need to go tonight,"

Esme asked. "Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered," Jacob reminded. "Ella and Emmett will come with us," Esme argued.

"That won't be enough," Jacob reminded her. "Marali and Bella would go into life-threatening labor."

"We have no choice, Jacob," Carlisle sighed. "If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try." "You'd risk your lives for them?" Jacob asked them.

"Of course we would. Marali and Bella are a part of our family now," Esme answered.

"Yeah. I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do," Jacob sighed. "Jake! They're coming," Seth called out. "I know," Jacob told him.

"We should phase, Jacob. We can't protect ourselves like this," Seth asked.

"They'll see it as a threat. I wanna talk! Be easier if I could hear you, too," Jacob told him as they exit the building.

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Jacob's pack met Sam's pack near the Cullen's house. "This isn't your territory anymore. How's the new family working out?" Paul asked. "You done?" Jacob asked.

"You coming home, Jake?" Quil asked. "Not until I finish this," Jacob replied.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked. "I want Sam to take back Leah, Neige, Rajah, and Seth," Jacob answered. "What?" Leah argued. "No way!" Seth added.

"Fuck No!" Rajah says. "Quiet!" He ordered as he turns to Sam's pack.

"I want them safe. And I want this over. I need Sam to wait until Bella and Marali have been separated from the problems." "You mean till they're dead," Paul snarled at him. "Ease up, Paul," Embry asked.

"Then what?" Paul asked. "Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it,"

Jacob replied. "Jake!" Seth asked, shocked. "Excuse me!" Neige exclaimed. "I'm the only one who can. They trust me," Jacob lied.

As Jacob has distracted Sam and his pack, Carlisle, Esme, Ella and Emmett immediately run out the house and race across the pack's area.

Sam's pack heard another member's howl and turned towards Jacob's pack. "You lied to us!" Paul snarled at Jacob before they run off to join the others.

Seth and Leah sighed in relief as they all turned and headed back to Cullen's house. Jacob sighs as he follows suit.

-๐‚๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ง ๐‡๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž-

Marali and Bella are sitting on the couch as they held their own cups of blood. Alice and Rosalie are with them, discussing something. Bree sits on the floor as she listened to them.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Bella asked as Jacob enters the room, Jasper

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