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A lot can happen in two years. Everything changed for Emilia Page since she met Gloria two years ago.

Emilia did end up working at Gloria's restaurant making minimum wage. She was a great employee and didn't have to do much on a daily basis.

She ended up finishing the huge book Gloria gave her. It was long, tough, and a lot of the parts were just downright confusing. However, it introduced her to a whole new world. Emilia learned about witches, werewolves, vampires, crazy curses, and even a little bit about doppelgängers and soulmates.

Witches were a huge part of the book well because it was written by a witch. Gloria explained that the book was written by her mother almost a century ago. They can practice many different types of magic, but most always try to keep the balance by hating vampires. Gloria told Emilia that she didn't hate vampires and that she had been alive since before the 1920s. The book had many different spells that Gloria said she had used as a witch, but Gloria told her that part really wasn't important for her since she wasn't a witch. All Gloria said to remember about a witch's spell is that they always have a loophole.

Werewolves had quite a small part in the book compared to witches, but Gloria said because they were fairly simple creatures. According to the book, the werewolf curse was passed down in families and they had to kill to unleash the curse. Then, werewolves were subject to the full moon and had to endure a painful shift. They also had increased strength and speed but to the level of a vampire's. Gloria also told her that werewolves are weakened by wolfsbane and in their werewolf form have yellow eyes.

Vampires were misunderstood according to Gloria. Vampires had to feed on human blood and would burn in the sunlight. Vampires also had a weakness to a herb called vervain that prevented mind control. Vampires also had incredible speed and strength, but when hungry their eyes would turn red and veins would appear. The book also said that vampires could be killed by a stake to the heart (obviously) and a bite from a werewolf. The book also briefly mentioned original vampires who apparently were un-killable and siblings.

The book briefly mentioned a curse called the Sun and the Moon Curse. Apparently, an Aztec shaman put a curse on both vampires and werewolves making vampires slaves to the sun and werewolves slaves to the moon. However, according to Gloria, that wasn't the real curse. She said after meeting an original vampire named Klaus Mikaelson she learned the truth. The Sun and the Moon Curse didn't exist. According to Gloria, she met Klaus in the 1920s and he told her that he was a bastard child born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse kept his werewolf side from manifesting. Gloria told her that if the curse was broken he'd be a vampire and a werewolf.

Lastly, the book mentioned the tale of soulmates. It said that every witch, vampire, and werewolf had a soulmate. Sadly, there was no way to predict when you'd meet your soulmate, but according to the book when you first look into each other's eyes and touch each other, you'd just know.

Later, when she finished the book Gloria gave her, Gloria did the aura test again to see if anything had changed and to see what Emilia was for herself. Gloria grabbed her hand the same way Millie did and started to chant. Once she was done, she let go of Emilia's hand. "Damn and that's why you're my little red."

Emilia responded, "But what does that mean?"

Gloria shrugged, "Little Red I don't know what you are honestly from what I've seen from auras. People with white auras are witches. Yellow auras are werewolves. And black auras are for vampires because they were technically created using dark magic. All I know is that you give off a vibe that it's impossible not to trust."

"Is that why you're being so open about all this supernatural stuff and what not?"

"Probably why, I'll tell you if I ever figure out what you are. Now can you clean that table over there?"

Sadly, after one year Emilia stopped working at Gloria's. Not because she hated the job or anything like that. But the restaurant took a turn for the worst in that year and no customers would come in. Emilia was offered a job at her local pizza shop that paid her 3 dollars more an hour. She loved Gloria's and asked if there was anything she could do to give Emilia more money, but with the drop in business at the restaurant, she couldn't afford it. So Emilia left and started to work at a local pizza shop, but Emilia would never forget the things she learned with Gloria.

The pizza shop allowed Emilia and Zach's relationship to stay "intact". Emilia and Zach became the best of friends, at least outside of school. Outside of school, they had a blast. They started to play football together once Zach realized that Emilia actually was really good at football. They also became study buddies because they had several classes together. Eventually, Zach started to work at the pizza shop with Emilia. However, during school, he wouldn't talk to her whatsoever and would be around his more popular football friends. Sadly, Emilia wouldn't figure out that their relationship was toxic until the end.

That's what led to the present day.

It was now 7 AM on a random Saturday in May as Emilia was getting ready to go to work. She walked over to her closet and put on her uniform. She walked to the small kitchen in her mom's small apartment and opened up a mason jar. She took the small piece of vervain from her monthly trips to Millie's and put it in her water. To her, the vervain had a very bitter taste, but it was tolerable if she was going to be safe from compulsion.

She then walked into the living room to find a note taped on to the coffee table. The note was from her mom saying that she was going to be at home for the rest of the weekend. Emilia sighed knowing that her mom was staying at her fiancé's house. 

A couple of weeks before, her mom and her principal or Roger as she was now forced to call him got engaged. Emilia for one was not excited about their engagement whatsoever. She had figured out about the engagement a couple of weeks before on her 16th birthday. To say that announcement ruined her already pitiful day would be an understatement. Her mom told Emilia that she had two options and that she would have to decide by the end of June. Emilia had to decide by the end of June because otherwise, her mom would sell the apartment.

Emilia was told she had two options even though the decision was pretty much already made for her. Her first option was to live with her mom and Roger at Roger's house. The second option would be to become an independent and rent the apartment from her mother. Alas, she would have to go live with her mother and Roger because she couldn't afford to become an independent and rent the apartment from her own mother with her salary from the pizza shop. Therefore, Emilia was just dreading the day and as of that moment, Emilia was currently slightly ok with her life, not having to worry about being with her mother.

Emilia drove over to the pizza shop and began her work as usual. Surprisingly, Coach Mendel taught Emilia to drive since her mom didn't care to. The way he talked to Emilia suggested he was almost trying to apologize for being so sexist during freshmen football tryouts. However, they both knew the only real way to apologize would to give her a real shot and playing on the team but they both knew that was never going to happen.

Emilia parked her small, used car in the lot out front. Emilia's car was grey and definitely showed signs of aging. However, Emilia loved that car because she worked so hard to get it. She stepped out the car and locked it ready to face yet another long, boring day at work.

Emilia opened the door to the shop and greeted her manager, Nancy. Emilia walked over to the register and began to set up for the day. She finished setting up for the day right before the restaurant's opening. Emilia's face turned into one of sadness when she realized that Zach wasn't going to be at work today.

Her day went on as it normally would, but at noon a man walked through the door. However, this man was different, as he walked in he carefully surveyed his surroundings and when he sat down stared at Emilia for just a couple of seconds. The man was tall and frankly an average looking man but he had extremely dark hair and dark eyes to match. He looked to be almost in his early thirties. Emilia noticed the man staring at her and she found it quite weird considering she was only sixteen. 

Nonetheless, she continued on with her work when her manager Nancy told her to take out the trash. Hesitantly, she agreed even though she had a bad feeling and quietly went outside with the trash bags to take out the trash.

She walked through the kitchen grabbing the two heavy trash bags as she went. She then quickly walked past the kitchen to the outside world. She left the door open as she headed for the dumpster. She then threw the bags into the dumpster ready to run back inside when she felt a presence behind her. 

She turned around to see the man who had been staring at her in the restaurant across the alley blocking the door into the restaurant. Emilia then began to run. She took many different turns and looks behind to see the man wasn't there. She keeps running but suddenly bumps into the man who had been chasing her. She looks up and starts to slowly back up in fear of what could happen to her. The man begins to look at her hungrily and veins start to sprout from underneath his eyes. Suddenly, everything clicked for Emilia and she was glad she had taken vervain earlier that morning when she screamed, "Oh my god, you're a vampire!"

"Yea and I'm a very hungry vampire," He then looks into her eyes and tries to compel her, "you will not run or scream."

"Uh no I don't think so dude I'm on vervain." She kicks him as hard as she can where it hurts the most and he doubled over in pain. 

Emilia took this as her chance to run back inside the restaurant but right as she was about to reach the door, the vampire blocks her path again. Emilia screams for someone, anyone to help her but the vampire whisks her to the opposite side of the alley near the dumpster pressing her up against the wall and says, "Well if I can't drink your blood I guess I'll just have to punish you."

The vampire then takes off his shirt to reveal his naked torso and starts to kiss her neck. Emilia screams again for someone to help her when the vampire covers her mouth with his hand. "No one will come and help you. This is what you get."

All of a sudden the vampire is thrown off of her and another man is holding him up against the wall. "Well, that's no way to treat a lady." The man then rips out the vampire's heart and turns to Emilia. The man who saved her was not as tall as the man who chased her, but he still was extremely intimidating to her. 

Emilia looked up and saw him staring at her. However, Emilia just looked silently at him with the gears turning in her head. He had a similar face to the vampire laying dead across the alley but there were some key differences. The man who saved her had yellow eyes and veins under his eyes. Emilia mentally gasped and connected the dots. Emilia started to scooch away from the man with her sudden realization. If werewolves had yellow eyes and vampires had veins under their eyes when hungry, well then she hoped her intuition was wrong about the man before her. 

"Oh my god, you're Klaus Mikaelson!"

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