Are you an Earth Angel?

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Earth Angels are a loving, nurturing group of souls who agreed to incarnate on Earth to balance out the light from the dark. They are the closest thing we have to true celestial angels on Earth. Whilst they may not have lived in the divine realms, they can have memories that make it seem like they've lived previous lives elsewhere other than on Earth. The true empaths, healers and nurturers amongst us, they are highly sensitive beings and often feel different to people they've interacted with their entire life. Earth Angels radiate pure, unfiltered joy into the world and are here to transmute heavier energies into lighter ones through their specific mission or purpose (more on that later).


Discovering that you are an Earth Angel will have a deep and profound effect on your life. It will alter the way you see yourself for the better, and more importantly, it will give you a sense of guiding purpose. An explanation as to why you've felt the way you have for such a long time. Trust that what resonates here isn't in your imagination, but instead is real.

1. You Notice the Miracles in the Mundane

Have you ever stopped to look at the world around you and just stared in awe and amazement? The shape of the clouds, the smell of the dewy grass in the morning, the sight of the sun breaking over the horizon.  No matter what is happening in your life, you can't help but notice the miracles that surround you each and every day. Little things that other people would miss make you smile.

2. You Absorb Other People's Energy and Moods Quickly

Earth Angels aren't just empathic in the sense that they can put themselves in someone else's shoes, but they are clairsentient beings. They can literally feel and absorb the energy of those around them, and it doesn't take much exposure to do so. Have you ever talked to someone who is experiencing real problems in their life, only to realise that you've walked away with a deep feeling of sadness, heaviness and negativity, but can't understand why? You're likely highly gifted in clairsentience. You're able to pull in their feelings to the point of downloading them into your own energetic system.

3. You Struggle to Set Boundaries

Speaking of absorbing other people's energies, you struggle to set hard and firm boundaries when it comes to other people's needs. You're a natural giver, you are a true carer, and want to do the 'good' thing to the extent of burning yourself out. Physical and emotional burnout is something Earth Angels commonly suffer with. It takes time for you to say 'no', even if you know it's probably for the best. You can't understand why people would ever want to take advantage of you. This is one spiritual lesson Earth Angels need to learn to be 'successful' in this lifetime.

4. You Sometimes Feel Naive and Vulnerable in This World

Guided by the laws of love, unity and compassion, you struggle with the seemingly callous nature of  this world. You expect people to care and love the way you do, only to be shocked when it doesn't happen. You might even think there's something wrong with you (there isn't).

5. You are an Eternal Optimist

You like to see the blessings beyond the storm, even if no-one else can. You're a believer in that things always happen for a reason. You're an 'ending always leads to a beautiful new beginning' kind of person.

6. Children and Animals are Naturally Drawn to You

Many Earth Angels have a pure and unfiltered aura; something which animals and children are naturally attracted to. They can sense your loving and nurturing nature. You might easily be able to calm a distressed child or injured animal, where others can't. You might feel as though you can understand and communicate with animals and children even without words. A simple look into their eyes is all it takes.

7. You Have a Deep Love for The Natural World

Forests, oceans, jungles – Earth Angels have a natural affinity to nature. They have a high vibrational energy which is dampened by the bustling nature of man-made cities. They feel a sense of relief and calmness pour over them when they're in sync with the natural ebb and flow of the Earth.

8. You are Triggered by Loud Noises and Experiences

Loud noises easily affect your wellbeing and ability to be productive. They clutter your thinking and make it almost impossible to do what you do best; heal. You prefer quieter, calmer environments. This might have been the same for you even as a child.

9. You Feel Like an Outsider Looking In

Earth Angels who don't realise they are one often have a desperate need to fit into social circles and society as a whole. They know that they're different but can't quite put their finger on what it is that makes them different to everyone else they see. From a young age, you've likely felt like an outsider.

10. You Think in Possibilities

Creative thinkers and healers, these loving souls radiate pure joy and optimism. They are just grateful to be living life as we know it. Similar to Lyran Starseeds, Earth Angels see Earth as a playground for their soul – a playground full of possibilities just waiting to be explored. Negative thinking and self limiting beliefs can take Earth Angels by force though if they've absorbed too many of them over the years.

11. Violence, Maltreatment & Injustice Troubles You

Seeing a stray animal, a person without shelter or the mistreatment of another human being deeply troubles you. If you were to see a video or even hear someone talking about this kind of mistreatment, you instantly feel a pang of sadness, remorse and regret for mankind. You struggle to understand how anyone could harbor such hateful intentions in the first place.

12. You're Deeply Empathic and Highly Sensitive

You feel what other people feel in a way that you can't put into words. Whereas others offer sympathy, you are able to understand and feel what another person is experiencing from their frame of reference. Without the right type of boundaries, you likely feel emotionally exhausted most of the time (without ever truly knowing why). You are literally embodying the emotions of tens if not hundreds of people at a time.

13. You Have a Deep Fascination with Angels and Their Synchronicities

This might sound like an obvious sign, but Earth Angels have an intense relationship with the angels within the divine realms. You might see angel numbers like 333 or 111 everywhere you look. You might understand the significance of angel hierarchy and order. You might be able to name some Archangels and what mission they stand for. Or, at the very least, you have a desire and willingness to delve deeper into these matters.

14. You're Visited by Angels or Angelic Like Beings

Through the form of energetic downloads, Earth Angels can communicate with the angels in the higher realms. They are skilled at dreamwork, astral travel and practices such as spiritual journaling. Even if you're unaware of your spirit guide team, you likely have more than one Guardian Angel you communicate with, perhaps even a team of them. These beings might visit in your dreams, in a half-waking state or when you are in most need of help and support (likely in the form of a human presence).

15. You Embody the Energy of the Magician & Manifest Effortlessly

When in alignment with their most authentic self, Earth Angels are effortless manifestors. They carry the energy of the Magician in tarot; they have everything they could possibly need to make their life a living dream. Their energy is naturally high which is what makes manifestation so easy for these incredible beings. The challenge is keeping their energy high when faced with adversity from other humans.

16. You're a Born Healer and Caregiver

Healers are often mistaken as traditional healers, meaning careers which involve medicine, holistic treatment or spiritual energy work. But, healers come from all walks of life. Hi They can break trauma chains which have run through their family for generations. They can become the first millionaire in their family and heal self limiting beliefs they have had surrounding money. They can help others through the form of coaching, teaching or guiding. Earth Angels are healers in every sense of the word.

17. You are Highly Creative

Whether you realise it or not, you have a wildly imaginative creative side just waiting to be unleashed. Be it through music, arts, writing, or DIY, Earth Angels use their child-like joy to give birth to creations that help raise their personal vibration. Many of these souls turn their hobbies into a full time career, and are very successful in doing so.

18. You are Selective Over Who You Let into Your Circle

You might have been taken advantage of in the past, and so now, you are selective over who you let close to you. Through no fault of their own, Earth Angels have the tendency to think spreading their compassion, joy and optimism to as many people as possible is the best thing to do. This leads to confusion and rejection from those who aren't yet ready to hear and experience your loving vibration. As a result, many Earth Angels feel isolated whilst still having a lot of 'friends'.

19. You Have Psychic and Earth Angel Abilities

Angelic communication, dreamwork, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, divination, mediumship are just some of the psychic and angelic abilities which you may resonate with. Earth Angels can have both what I call 'earthbound' and 'divine' talents. Earthbound skills are things like automatic writing, journaling, art, cooking, herbalism, gardening etc. Divine talents are those associated with the higher realms; intuition, astral travel, dreamwork, akashic record meditation etc.

- You had a troublesome childhood and learnt what compassion, love and patience means by teaching it to yourself
- You feel like you have a specific mission to carry out on Earth, even if you're not sure what it is
- You were mocked or teased as a child because of something that made you different
- You have or have had low self worth, self confidence and self esteem

- You get the sense that people think you're different (but not necessarily in a judgemental way)
- You feel deeply connected with the universe, planets, stars and nature
- You look up at the stars and feel a deep yearning to return home (you might also be a starseed)
- Certain words, quotes and songs cause a surge of emotions to rise from your spirit
- You believe that miracles can happen on a daily basis
- You've healed yourself from some type of illness or chronic condition
- You have suffered with anxiety or some chronic pain syndrome in the past
- You feel grateful for the life you're currently living
- You feel imperfectly perfect

If you resonate with most of these signs, you can rest assured you are an Earth Angel.

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