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-n a r u t o-

"It's been a while since you trained with someone else, right? I have someone who will be going against you to help with your training." Mr. Hyuga explains as we walk to the training room. "He is supposed to be a great opponent, so don't go easy on him." He says and we enter the room where two men are sitting.

"Welcome Mr. Otsutsuki. It is great that you have brought your son Toneri here today." Mr. Hyuga greets the two and I step forward. I observe the white haired male in front of me, known as Toneri, and I give him a hard stare.

"Is your daughter going to watch?" He speaks and asks for Hinata causing me to clench my jaw. Mr. Hyuga turns to the door and calls for one of the maids. After several seconds, she disappears to go get Hinata.

"Has your son been training? You do know I only want the best for my daughter." Mr. Hyuga asks Mr. Otsutsuki and he nods before looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. I hold my stare as I watch both men and I find myself being angered at their presence alone.

"Who allowed you to decide who is best for me?" Hinata says and I turn to see her walking into the training room with crossed arms. Mr. Hyuga gives her a look before turning back around. "My dear Hinata, it is great to see you." Toneri rushes towards her but I quickly step in front of him, blocking her away from him.

"Don't put your hands on her." I say in a low tone, even more angered with his rude approach and disgraceful acts. He frowns and I step away before he grabs her hand. He kisses her hand and she visibly tenses up, an obvious sign of discomfort. Where does Mr. Hyuga find such assholes?

Mr. Hyuga clears his throat and signals us back to our previous spots. "Who is he? Is he going against my son for your daughter's hand?" Mr. Otsutsuki asks and narrows his eyes at me. "That's my daughter's bodyguard, Naruto Uzumaki. No, he's here so I can see if your son is able to be with Hinata." Mr. Hyuga responds and I clench my fists. So this is what we're doing, forcing marriage onto Hinata. As much as I would love to have her off of my damn hands, this is wrong and it's not fair to her.

"She'll be needing a new bodyguard after this, or she'll just be with her new husband." Toneri smirks and I remain expressionless.

No one is going to be stronget than me, he should really think about what he is saying...

"I won't allow such decisions to be made, so don't treat Ms. Hyuga as a trophy. I'll make sure I stay protecting her, you could never be good enough." I say in a low tone and I clench my jaw.

Toneri frowns and Mr. Hyuga waves an arm down. "Begin." He says in a loud voice and Toneri comes running at me. I step to the side and he goes passed me before stumbling to a stop. He comes running towards me again and throws a fist but I quickly grab his arm and I step forward making it go backward. I knock him down and I take the opportunity to punch him.

A burning takes over my body as I think of why he is here. Does he really think he's strong enough to beat me? Did he really think he would get to Hinata? How could they treat her like a prize? She's a person capable of making her own decisions, I won't allow someone to harm her!

"I won't let you win Hinata. I'll make her my bride!" He yells but I roll my eyes before punching him again. We go back and forth throwing fists and landing punches but he soon misses and I take the opportunity to beat him.

I grab him by the head before slamming it down onto the ground and then getting up. He starts to cough and holds his head as he stumbles before getting up. He quickly stands up straight and comes rushing at me before throwing another fist. Doesn't he learn? I block and I grab him before pulling his body down into my knee. He groans before spitting onto the floor and then wraps his arms around me before pushing me down. A gasp is heard, most likely Hinata, and Toneri hits me in the stomach.

We fall and he punches my jaw but I move and I flip us both over before wrapping my hands stops his neck. My knee presses down into his chest and I hit him hard in the face. A loud crack is heard and I tighten my other hand's grip to his neck.

"Did you really think you were going to fucking beat me?" I growl and he struggles to escape my grip. He groans and his eyes widen as they look into my own.

He tries to grab at me but I push his arms away, hitting the floor hard and the skin of his face starts to change color. "Enough Naruto Uzumaki." Mr. Hyuga says but my mind goes back to Toneri wanting to marry Hinata. My blood boils and I raise a fist before delivering the blow to his face. Blood flies and I release him before standing up.

Mr. Otsutsuki pulls Toneri up before looking at me with wide eyes. "What the hell are you?" He asks and I glares at them before Mr. Hyuga steps forward. "Don't approach me about my daughter again. Your son is no where close to what I thought and he couldn't even fight well. He isn't needed here and certainly not for Hinata. You are dismissed." He says in an angered tone and they leave the room.

"Good job Naruto Uzumaki. You've done well with your training." He says before walking out of the training room. I sigh before turning around, only to see the only person left in the room with me.

"Ms. Hyuga, what are you still doing in here?" I ask her and my eyes widen when she collides into my chest. She wraps her arms around me and I look down at her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask her and she looks up at me. "Thank you Naruto-kun." She says quietly with a smile and I frown in confusion. What is she so thankful for? What did I do?

"What for? Even if you're annoying, I still need to do my job. My job is to protect you and watch over you, I'm doing just that." I say with a smirk and she frowns. "Can't you be nice for once and accept my gratitude?" She sighs and removes herself from me.

A maid comes into the room and she looks at Hinata. "Ms. Hyuga, your father has requested for you in his office." She says and then disappears.

-h i n a t a-

I walk out of the training room and I walk down the hallway. I open his office door and I shut it behind me. I walk over to him and he frowns. "What the hell did you think you were doing earlier? What was that outburst of yours?" He asks in anger and I cross my arms.

"Why do I need you to choose who's right for me?" I question him and he stands up. "You don't know what's good for you!" He yells and I frown. "I could make my own choices!" I raise my own voice and he scoffs.

"That's what you must have thought when you were being a whore with Naruto Uzumaki right?" He says and I look at him in disbelief. "Do you hear yourself? You're a pathetic father, I hope you know." I say through clenched teeth as anger fills my own body.

He steps forward and his fist comes in contact with my face. I stumble back and I place a hand over the painful area. I frown and his eyes widen. "I'm only doing what's best for you, you'd never understand." He yells at me and he pulls at my hair. I wince in pain but I pull away before I walk to the door. "You're wrong for this. You make everything wrong." I say before walking out.

I walk upstairs and I'm about to go into my room when I run into something. I wince again before looking up to see Naruto. "What happened Ms. Hyuga?" He asks with what seems like concern but I'm too mad to care. He looks at my face and furrows his eyebrows before meeting eyes with mine. "Nothing, I'll be in my room." I say before pushing past him and entering my room. I shut the door and I go onto my bed before letting out a sigh.

-to be continued-

Hey! It's 1:30 AM, I'm really tired but I had to write something for you all.

It was Thanksgiving! I'm very thankful for all of you. :)

I wanted to update more today but stuff happened and then I couldn't.

However, I do plan on masking it up to you all. I'm going to wake up early and write for you all.

This is the twenty-seventh chapter! How was the chapter?

I only added Toneri because I needed someone to get beat up badly by Naruto and satisfy my writing needs.

Vote, comment and share!


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