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-n a r u t o-

I had woken up a while ago but I wasn't able to move because of a certain girl holding onto me. We were still in bed but I had plans for our day. "Naruto-kun, stay here with me please." She whines and I clench my jaw. It is tempting, I will admit, but I have things to get done. We could be doing so much more if we get up.

"Hinata, I can't make you breakfast if you keep clinging onto me like this." I say in a low tone and I shift as she moves closer to me and her hips push towards me. A groan escapes my mouth and I quickly remove her from on me. "Get ready and I'll be in the kitchen." I say and I walk out of the room and into the bathroom.

It had been almost half an hour and we both went downstairs in the kitchen. Hinata didn't bother calling the maids because I told her I would cook for her.

"Are you done yet Naruto-kun?" She whines and I glance at her, sitting on top of the counter swinging her legs. I take some of the batter from the bowl onto my finger and I walk towards her. I stand between her legs and one of my hands go up her thigh. She is still wearing my clothes from last night.

She watches me as I move the finger with pancake batter on it to my mouth and I take some of it. I keep my eyes on her as I swallow and she visibly tenses. I move my finger towards her mouth and I smirk. Some of it falls off and onto her thigh as she leans and licks it all off my finger. "You're not so innocent are you?" I say and her cheeks turn a light red. I lean down and my tongue runs over the skin of her thigh, her hands going onto my exposed shoulders. I start to clean off the batter and I press a kiss before standing up and meeting her eyes. "Delicious." I say in a low tone and her cheeks go a dark red before she covers her face. I smirk and I walk back over to the stove and I start putting the mix in the pan.

It doesn't take too long before I put the pancakes into plates full of other breakfast foods. I take the two plates to the table and I place them down before pulling a chair for Hinata. "You will now be impressed with my great skills so enjoy." I tell her and she laughs before starting to eat.

I sit down and I start to eat until a moan interrupts me. I turn to Hinata who has her fork in her mouth and her eyes shut. "This is so good." She says and I frown. "I bet I'm so much better though. I can't believe food turns you on that much." I say in disbelief and she hits my arm. "D-Do you always have to ruin the moment?" She pouts and I smirk. We continue to eat in silence and I steal glances of Hinata enjoying her food. I get up and I take the plates when we finish.

"Thank you for the food Naruto-kun." She says happily and I nod. "You need to pay me back though, I won't take no for an answer." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows. "Was last night not enough for you Mr. Uzumaki?" She asks and puts her hands on her hips. I go towards her and she leans back on the counter. I lean over her and my arms go behind her. "Sure, but I always want you so I can't help it. Didn't I tell you it's Naruto-kun?" I tell her and she blushes.

"Come on Hinata, a little kiss won't hurt, now will it?" I whisper against her ear and she turns her head, her cheeks glowing. "Your father still isn't home yet, we have time." I whisper and I nibble at her ear. A whimper comes from her mouth and is followed by a sigh. "F-Fine, let's go quickly." She says quietly and we make our way upstairs and into my room.

Hinata trails behind me and walks slowly. She is about to step in but I quickly grab her and I throw her onto my bed. She lets out a yelp and then starts to giggle. "You mess with me quite a lot you know? I can't stop thinking about you." I say and I go onto the bed and I lean over her. "You're always with me, that makes no sense." She laughs but I silence her when I press my lips to hers for a kiss. She responds and our lips move together and in sync with each other. I add force and a small moan escapes her mouth. One of my hands find their way under my shirt on her body and I run it along her soft skin.

We ignore everything around us, focusing only on each other. We pay attention only what we are doing with each other, nothing else matters.

One of her legs go behind me and I grind my hips into hers. A groan escapes my mouth causing her to let out another moan. Her hands go to my head and her fingers get tangled in my hair. I pull at her lip and our tongues move together, a battle for dominance. We explore each other's mouths and I add more force before being gentler. She tugs at my hair and I hiss against her mouth. "Naruto-kun..." My name escapes her lips in a moan and I grip tightly at her leg that is hooked around me. I pull away slightly before pressing soft kisses to her lips. "Say my name again Hinata." I whisper and I go back to kissing her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER?" Mr. Hyuga's voice booms in the room and my eyes widen as I shoot away from Hinata. She backs up and she quickly adjusts my shirt to cover herself properly. "F-Father, why are y-you back?" She asks in shock and he glares at me.

"What the hell is going on? Explain Naruto Uzumaki!" He yells and Hinata jumps. I look over to her and I reach out for her hand. "Don't touch her!" He snaps and I put my hands up. "Mr. Hyuga, if you would please calm down. You are scaring Hinata. I will explain to you." I say calmly and he walks over to me. "Stand up now!" He yells and I do as told, standing in front of him. "N-Naruto-kun..." Hinata calls for me but I stop her. "It's alright Hinata, stay there." I tell her and I face Mr. Hyuga again.

"How long has this been going on? Is this part of your fucking job?" He says, anger filled in his eyes. "No Mr. Hyuga, it is not part of my job. This has been going on for-"

I'm cut off when a fist comes in contact with my jaw. Hinata lets out a scream and I stumble due to the sudden contact. I hold my jaw and I look over to Hinata who is now crying. "Naruto-kun!" She gets up but Mr. Hyuga turns to her. "Do not speak. You have no say in this, I cannot believe you Hinata." He growls in anger and I step in between them.

"Don't blame this on her. If anything, it all comes back on me." I tell him and he glares at me. "You're damn right is does." He grabs me by the ear and drags me out of the room. I ignore the slight pain, one that I am used to and he throws me to the wall. "Get your shit together. I'm sending your ass back to Kakashi!" He growls and he goes back into my room.

Hinata lets out a cry and I shoot up, ignoring the dull pain. He drags her out of the room by her hair and he throws her to another wall. "F-Father, please stop." She cries and he moves his leg back.

I quickly run and I block her from him before getting kicked in the stomach. "Don't fucking touch her!" I yell and I turn to Hinata.

"Stay in your room when I'm not around to watch over and protect you. Don't do anything that will cause harm to you. You can come out when I am back and able to take care of you." I tell her in a serious tone and tears pour down her cheeks.

She nods and I smile slightly before being pulled up by Mr. Hyuga. "Let's go Uzumaki." He drags me to the stairs before pushing me. I stand and I walk down alongside him.

-to be continued-

Hey! I updated after some time since I wasn't busy today!

This is the twenty-second chapter! How was the chapter?

I told you all I had another plot twist coming up. It only gets better from here so be ready!

Hopefully you all liked the chapter and you aren't too upset.

I will try to update again soon and so you all won't have to wait long. School has me really busy and stressed out as hell.

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