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-h i n a t a-

I rest my head against the window of Hideaki's car and I shut my eyes before sighing. The music softly plays but nothing seems to help me relax.

Hideaki had asked what happened but I simply told him it was nothing and that Naruto was being rude as always. He didn't ask again after and I'm not sure if he saw my arm. I slipped on a sweater even though the weather was warm and I sat in silence.

I probably shouldn't have pushed Naruto so far. Maybe I really do get annoying after a while. He obviously was in no mood to speak with me yet I still went to him. As much as I should, I won't say a word to my father about this. I won't want anything bad to happen to Naruto or Hideaki.

It would be about half an hour before I had to switch vehicles. We were on the road for quite some time already and we would need to fill the gas. When we stop, I would go with Naruto for the remainder of the time. We are supposed to reach our destination by tonight and father would meet with someone.

"We will be stopping soon Ms. Hyuga. If you need anything, please inform me and I will help you." Hideaki says in a softer voice compared to Naruto's. I just nod and I close my eyes awaiting the dreadful time to come.

Unfortunately, time isn't on my side and we reached a gas station quicker than I wanted. It isn't that I don't want to ride with Naruto, I just don't want to have something like earlier to happen.

Hideaki pulls up to a gas pump, and Naruto pulls up to the one next to him, while my father goes to one in front of us. I watch as Naruto steps out his car with sunglasses hiding his blue eyes. "Do you need to go inside for anything Ms. Hyuga?" Hideaki asks and I nod. My door is suddenly opened and Naruto appears next to me. "Put these on." He says as he pulls off his sunglasses and pushes them onto my face. I gasp before adjusting them and he grabs my hand in his own. "Let's go Ms. Hyuga." He says quietly and we walk together into the gas station.

He opens the door and lets me in first, never releasing his grip on my hand. We walk to the back and we end up in front of bathrooms. "I'll be waiting out here so hurry up." He says and I nod before entering the bathroom. I lock the door and I quickly do what I have to. Within a few minutes, I'm done and I wash my hands before looking at my appearance in the mirror. I quickly fix my hair and I open the door to reveal Naruto's back. "I'm done." I say quietly and we walk to the refrigerators.

He opens the glass door and grabs a bottle of water, a bottle of soda and a bottle of iced tea. "Grab whatever you want and let's get back." He says and I nod before grabbing a bottle of juice. We walk to the register and Naruto turns around quickly to glance at me before facing forward.

We place the bottles of drinks on the counter and the guy scans them before giving the price. Naruto goes into his wallet and pulls out money and the guy starts to stare at me. Naruto hands the guy the money but he doesn't take it and still watches me. I shift uncomfortably and I look down. I look up to Naruto who then notices the guy's staring. He then slams the money onto the counter and pulls me into him. "Get your fucking eyes off of her before I rip them out of their damn sockets." Naruto yells and takes the bag with the bottles. The guy backs up and looks away and we walk out the door.

We walk over to my father's car and Naruto hands him the water bottle. We then go to Hideaki and Naruto hands him the iced tea. We go to Naruto's car and I sit inside.

Naruto fills up his gas and then enters the car. Hideaki drives out first, then Naruto and my father last. We go onto the road and we make a few turns before we are back on the main road. Naruto speeds past Hideaki and we take lead in front of them.

It's quiet until he clears his throat and starts to speak. "Why are you wearing a sweater Ms. Hyuga?" He asks as he glances at it before focusing back on the road. I clear my throat before answering quietly. "I didn't want Hideaki to see my arm. I didn't want to risk my father seeing either." I answer honestly and Naruto visibly tenses up. "I won't say anything if that's what you are worried about. I won't mention anything from last night or earlier, I promise Naruto-kun... Naruto." I say to him and he relaxes a bit. "You're too nice, you know that right? I hurt you didn't I? Why not get me in trouble Ms. Hyuga?" He scoffs and I shake my head. "I don't know..." I say and he sighs.

"Thank you for at the gas station." I say suddenly and he looks at me confused. "Why do you need to thank me? Isn't it my job to protect you anyways?" He asks and I nod. "Still, I feel like I need to thank you." I say before shutting my eyes and laying in silence.

After several minutes, Naruto barely speaks above a whisper. "I wouldn't ever tell you this but, I won't let anyone look at you or lay a finger on you like that." I feel a hand rest above my knee but I don't open my eyes. I try to hold the small smile forming on my lips as best as possible so he doesn't know I heard him.

I keep my eyes shut for the rest of the time and I just relax in the silence. Naruto's phone rings and he answers before responding and hanging up. It isn't long before Naruto pulls to a stop and he lightly shakes me. I pretend to wake up as I meet his eyes. "Ms. Hyuga, we have a small change in plans. Your father called and told me that we will split up by a certain distance for safety reasons. We can't keep driving in the same line so your father will take lead. Hideaki stopped somewhere ahead so he'll be second. We'll go back on the road in a little bit." He explains and I nod. We won't be in our line anymore. It makes me nervous being so separate but it only makes sense for safety.

"How long do we have to wait here?" I ask him and he messes with his hair. "Not too long, only a few minutes, enough to get cars between us all." I nod and I watch as cars pass by us. We sit in silence and the only thing heard is the cars passing and the music that plays.

"Why do you call me Naruto-kun?" Naruto suddenly asks as I take a sip of my juice. I swallow before thinking of how to answer him. "It... It just happens I guess. I don't really think about it, almost like it fits you..." I say as I think about it. "I'm sorry, I'll try to stop if it bothers you." I say with a small smile but he shakes his head before smirking. "I like it." My eyes go wide and I feel my cheeks go red. "You don't have to cover it up. If you don't really like it then tell me." I say to him and he shakes his head. "I want you to keep calling me Naruto-kun. You don't happen to have a name like that for Hideaki, do you?" He asks with a smirk and I shake my head. "Good."

I sit back and I trace my finger around the bottle lid. Naruto reaches over and grabs my hand before pulling me forward. "What are y-you doing?" I ask him in panic and he just puts a finger to his lips. He placed his hands on my shoulders and his fingers hook to the sweater. In a slow movement, he pulls it down my arms and gets it off of me. I sit frozen in place as he throws the sweater to the backseat and leans over the center console.

I shut my eyes, his hot breath against my neck, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes to see Naruto looking at the forming bruise on my arm. He sits back up with a smirk and my cheeks are on fire from what I thought he was going to do.

-to be continued-

Heyyy! I updated twice today!

This was the twelfth chapter! How was the chapter?

I have a lot planned for writing this book so I'm trying to get most of the chapters done! I can't wait to see what you all will think of what I have planned!

I also will start updating Inconclusive again in my free time.

I did push for another update since I was in the mood for writing and I had some time.

I will try to update again tomorrow since it is late already.

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