11. Suho

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"Suho oppa!" You whined as he dragged you out of bed.

"Come on (Y/N) we have to go out!" He grinned.

"Why its so early~" you moaned.

He burst out laughing, "jagi it's half two!"

"Oh." You didn't realise the time.

"Come on I have a surprise for you get into something sexy." He kissed your cheek and walked out the room.

You sighed and got ready. You wore a cute red dress with tiny black hearts on the skirt, you slipped on some small black heels. You did your hair and make up and walked to the front door.

"Wow (Y/N) you look amazing." He commented looking at you all-over.

You mumbled an embarrassed thank you and made your way into the car.

For weeks Junmyeon had been asking to go on a date to this restaurant he had been talking about. Finally you both had a free day to go.

But it wasn't going to be as good as you thought.

As you pulled into the restaurant about thirty fans were crowding your car screaming and slamming their hands on the windows some were crying and having mental breakdowns.

You looked over at Suho to see him with his head in his hands mumbling words that you couldn't hear.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I really am, I didn't know they were gonna be here.

you smiled and said "its fine Junmyeon it doesn't matter."

You placed your hand over his and smiled. He sighed and turned the car around.

"lets just get pizza? hmm?" you asked grinning.

Suho grabbed a take away pizza on the way home and you both got back in the house, Suho was looking pretty depressed and worried.

"what's wrong Oppa-yah?" you asked running your hands down his chest.

"I just wanted to make you happy Jagi. I just wanted to show you how much I love you."

You Laughed and kissed him. "Suho, I love you no matter what and I'd rather be here at home with you, than at some fancy restaurant where I can't take off my heels." you said slipping off your shoes.

"and at a restaurant I could never do this.." you unzipped your dress and slid it off your shoulders, you stepped out of it and started to unbutton Suho's shirt.

"Y/N.." he groaned tracing his fingers over your bare stomach.

Once you both were only in your underwear suho attacked you with kisses, all over your neck.

You moaned and tried to drag him upstairs.

You reached the bedroom and waited for suho to kiss you but he didn't, you opened your eyes to see him starring at you.

"What's wrong oppa?" you questioned.

"you're so fucking beautiful." he smirked.

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