It's still early in the morning when we make it back to Nashville. The leggings and t-shirt I had worn on the plane are not warm enough for the freezing temperature here and I have to dig a hoodie out of my bag. Noah grabs both of our bags and wheels them outside. Finn was going to be picking me up. Well, he was picking us both up, but I didn't mention Noah was with me.
"Did you tell Finn I was with you?"
"Noah!" Finn shouts from his car, but he pulls me into one of his best hugs. My feet lift off the ground a little as he shakes me like I'm a ragdoll. "I missed you so much," he says to me, letting me go. Finn hugs Noah as I hug Ashley to me.
Noah and Finn load our bags into his trunk, and Noah sits close to me in the backseat of Finn's car. His hand finds my knee as we drive back to my apartment.
"I have a lot of questions," Finn says, catching my eye in the rearview mirror.
"Can we meet for dinner tonight? I want to tell you everything, but I need a nap right now," I say as he drives. I was going to have to tell him I was leaving, he knew it was a possibility, but it's real now.
"I've cleared my whole day for you," he laughs and I kiss him and Ashley on the cheek as we pull up in front of my building.
We say goodbye quickly and Noah and I grab our bags and I let him into my building. I lived in an old building just on the other side of the river, it was huge and the inside was industrial with exposed brick walls and flat black exposed duct work. It had floor to ceiling windows that had a beautiful view of the river and downtown just beyond it. I was going to miss this apartment.
Noah looks around my apartment, and it's dark charm. I wonder if he's thinking about what kind of place we will move into like I am.
"First I want a nap, then I want a shower, and then I think I need alcohol because it's been too long since my last drink," I tell him, wheeling my suitcase to my washer. I don't bother separating anything and dump all of my clothes into the washer and turn it on.
I pull Noah into my bedroom, curling against him, and pass out.
We wake hours later and I feel a lot better. We take turns showering, and I throw my clothes in the dryer. I pour us a glass of wine and we sit on the balcony, the sun is low in the sky and it's cold, but the sunset is worth watching.
When we finish our glasses of wine it's time to get ready to meet Finn. I apply a little make up and brush out my hair, before I pull on a sweater and jeans. When I come out Noah is dressed in jeans and a hoodie. He was always so casual, and I loved it about him.
Noah gets us a ride to Jack Brown's on the other side of town. It's small and loud, but they have the best burgers and a huge selection of craft beer. Noah and I sit on the same side of a picnic table and order Black Abbey's.
"You think he's going to freak?"
"He shouldn't, he knew there was a chance I was moving. Even if I hadn't ran into you," I tell him. Finn and Ashley are running late, so Noah and I have another round. I'm lost in thoughts of Finn and how much I would miss him. It wasn't like it was forever, it was a four hour plane ride, and we had already learned to spend more time apart now that he was married, but it wasn't the same.
Noah nudges me under the table, I look up and Caleb is standing at the end of the table.
"Hey," I grin at him, because seeing him isn't painful anymore.
"I saw you guys come in, I wanted to ask about the trip," he glances at Noah, "a little better than expected I guess."
"Yeah, Noah you remember Caleb?" Noah nods and shakes his hand, "I liked it so much I brough home a local," I joke and Noah squeezes my thigh.
"I'll let you get back to your meal, it was good seeing you," he directs the sentiment at both of us. I watch him walk back to his table where Leslie and Dustin are sitting, they both wave and I return the gesture.
Noah looks at me quizzically, "Nashville is really small, we run into each other too much for me to still be mad at him."
"Was that Caleb?" Finn asks as he sits across from us.
"Yeah," I say pointing to their table.
"Tell us everything," Ashley demands after they put in their drink order.
I do. I got into great detail, telling him all about my first day alone, and my new friend and how she invited me out. I tell her about the flight and meeting Nick and meeting Sage, I tell her about going back to their house and seeing Noah and his girlfriend. I tell them everything, about the food and hiking and the train ride. Noah talks about Camille and the break up and how he forced me to spend time with him. I tell them how much I loved spending time with Noah and his friends.
"Sounds like you had a good trip, but how did you end up bringing him home with you?" Finn raises an eyebrow at Noah.
"Well, that's really why I wanted to see you tonight." I take a deep breath, suddenly moving to Los Angeles with Noah is unbelievably scary. I need Finn, how would I survive without him? "I'm moving to Los Angeles, with Noah," my words come out in a rush and Noah squeezes the knee he's been holding onto reassuringly.
"That's so far away," Ashley says quietly.
"What the fuck?" Finn says at the same time, louder. Finn seems to shake his head and reassess the situation. "Lanes, I'm really excited for you," he says, but I can tell he doesn't exactly mean it.
"Sounds like it," Noah says, I can see his jaw tick with tension. My god, he is beautiful.
"Lanes, of course I'm happy for you, but it's so far away. I'm going to miss you, and this all seems so fast," he finally says, staring at us both head on.
"I know," I reach across the table and grab his hand, "I'm really scared, too. But it's just a plane ride away."
"Maybe we can even talk the pair of you to move out someday," Noah adds.
We finish our meals and order more drinks, Noah drapes his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side and Finn watches the exchange silently.
"You two are serious aren't you?"
Noah kisses my head before nodding at him.
"Have you told your mom yet?"
"Fuck, no," I sigh, she was going to freak. She loved Noah's band. Finn and I never mentioned our Noah was the same Noah.
"Lanes' mom is totally in love with you," Finn laughs.
"This is like the only time she's in town, I'll go see her tomorrow and tell her."
"Just you?" Noah asks, one eyebrow quirked up in question.
I shrug and nod at him.
"Don't you think I should meet them?"
Finn and I look at each other, I didn't think Noah would want to meet my parents already. I know he was supposed to five years ago, but we were starting over now.
"If you want to, you can come. No pressure though."
Noah rolls his eyes dramatically, "I want to meet them, I don't feel pressured. Besides, I want your mom to like me."
Noah smiles cheekily at me then kisses my cheek sloppily. Finn and Ashley share a secret look as I smile back at him, happier than I've ever been. We talk and drink for a while longer, but it's been a long day and I call it an early night.
I let us into my apartment with a loud yawn, locking it behind us.
"Tired?" Noah asks, wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my throat.
"Not if you keep doing that," I grin as I let my head fall back so he has better access.
Noah pulls me impossibly close to him, digging his fingers into my skin. His teeth rake against my skin, causing a shutter to ripple through me. My hands grip his his shoulders for support. Noah's hands deftly pull at my sweater, freeing it from where it's tucked into my jeans. The fabric moves against my skin, letting the cool air in.
Noah backs me against the door we came in, my back makes a dull thud as I fall into it. His fingers slide between mine, and he presses my hands above my head as he kisses me. He grinds his erection against my core and I gasp against his lips. His eyes open and he penetrates me with his dark gaze.
His hands slide down my body, gripping my thighs and lifting me. My legs wrap around his waist and he presses me against the door.
"Oh, Noah," I sigh as his hands grip my ass.
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing my name on your lips," he whispers against my ear. My body shivers as his lips graze the shell of my ear.
Noah carries us to my bed room, I'm dizzy with anticipation as he lays me on the bed. He stands up to pull his hoodie off, his bare torso showing long faded tattoos. He crawls between my legs, pinning me to the bed and kisses me. His mouth opens and he pushes his tongue in my mouth, his light stubble abrasing my skin. My fingers skate across his smooth skin, feeling goosebumps rise in the wake.
Noah pulls on my sweater, using the leverage to pull me off my elbows and yanks the offensive article off. I reach between us, palming his erection through his jeans before working on the button. He groans as he stands again to drop his jeans. He strains against the black briefs he's wearing and I continue to stroke him while he pulls off my jeans and underwear.
Noah reaches between us, sliding his fingers between my folds, "so wet," he murmurs.
"Noah," I gasp, "fuck me."
He smirks as he continues playing with me. His fingers swirling around my clit before sinking into my pussy, and repeating the torture all over again.
"You're bossy," he quips, but he doesn't make a move to grab a condom and he doesn't look like he's even intent on making me come with his fingers. He's literally torturing me, and he's doing it for fun. "You want me, baby? Your cunt is gripping my fingers desperately every time I sink them inside of you."
"Noah," I groan, not sure if it's a warning or a plea.
"Tell me you want me," he demands.
"I want you so bad, Noah, please," I whimper, pulling his erection from his briefs.
He grins at me as he pulls his briefs off, reaching down to grab a condom.
I bite my lip, "I'm on the pill you know."
"I always wore a condom with Camille, I'm clean," he says, panting.
"I wore one with Nick," I say, hating the sound of her name on his lips, "I'm clean too."
Noah throws his head back, his neck tattoo stretching as he sighs and drops the condom. He crawls over me again, kissing my neck then my lips.
"I can't wait to feel you," he says, pressing his forehead to mine before lining up with my entrance. Noah's eyes roll back as he pushes all the way in, but he doesn't move. I squirm under him impatiently. "Baby, you better quit moving or I'm going to come."
I jerk my hips up to his in defiance, and Noah grips my hands in his, pinning them above my head. Noah presses his weight into me where we are joined, holding me in place. I pant as I look up at him, feeling him stretching me with nothing between us is making me dizzy.
Noah pulls out slowly and slams back into me, hard, and I gasp. He keeps my hands pinned above my head, my legs shake around his hips where he's pounding into me. I feel my orgasm building, feeling like I might split from the inside out.
"Noah," I whisper and he bends to kiss me.
"Come with me, love," he says and pleasure crawls up my spine, hot and fast like a flame on a fuse. My whole body trembles with euphoria as black dots dance behind my eyes. Noah doesn't stop his movements until we are both boneless. Noah presses his face in my shoulder, still buried inside of me.
He kisses me again before pulling out of me, I can feel our pleasure mixed between my thighs. Noah disappears in the bathroom, reappearing with a towel from the bathroom. I watch as he squats before me, watching me intently while he cleans me and the bed up. I feel like I should feel embarrassed, this is the first time I've done anything like this, but I don't. I enjoy watching him take care of me.
He smirks and rolls his eyes at me before kissing the inside of my knee. He pulls his briefs back on and he turns around to my dresser before looking over his shoulder at me.
"Second drawer," I say and he pulls a t-shirt out and tosses it to me. I laugh as it lands with a thud on my chest and I pull it over my head. I scoot up the bed and slide under the covers, Noah slips in beside me. I roll over to face him, running my finger over his eyebrow and down his nose and over his stubble. "I love you," I say softly.
He presses his lips to my forehead gently before pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around me, "I love you, Laney."
When I wake up the next morning Noah is still snoring lightly. He's laying on his back, one of his tattooed hands rests on his chest, the other is between us in bed like he had been reaching out for me. I quietly slip out of bed, I check the time on my phone, it's late morning but still morning. I step onto the balcony to call my mom.
"Laney, you've been home for a whole day and I haven't seen you yet," she quips in the phone.
"I was actually calling you to see if you and dad wanted to go to lunch," I tell her, wrapping my arms around myself, it was cold out here.
"Yes! You know what I haven't had in forever?"
"Tailgate," I answer her, because I know my mother.
"How did you know?"
"I know because even if you had it yesterday, that would still be where you want to go," I chuckle.
"See you in a couple hours," she says and I hang up the phone.
I go back inside, Noah is still sleeping soundly. I slip in the shower and wash the sex smell from my body. I get dressed all while Noah doesn't stir or move or wake at all. I let him sleep a while longer before gently nudging him.
He startles, eyebrows pinching together in annoyance, before his eyes land on me and he closes his eyes again and smiles.
"Wake up," I tell him, "we're meeting my parents in an hour."
"What?" he asks, opening his eyes again, a little panicked.
"Yup, better get a shower in, you smell like sex," I grin at him. He reaches for me as if he means to pull me into the bed with him, but I move just out of reach. He huffs and throws the covers off of his body. His lean muscle is prominent as he moves to the bathroom and I wish I would have woken him up so that we could have shared the shower earlier.
I have a cup of coffee while I wait for him to get done, and when I go to check on him he's ransacking his luggage.
"What are you doing?" I ask, amused, watching him dig.
"I-," he turns to me, "don't laugh at me."
"I would never," I say, but I'm already having to hold the laughter in.
"I don't know what to wear," Noah's scowl deepens as the laugh bubbles out of me.
"My parents are chill," I shove him out of the way, digging through his things and hand him jeans and a hoodie, because they don't care what he wears and I know he will be comfortable.
Noah looks relieved as he takes the clothes from me, kissing my cheek before quickly getting dressed. Noah and I take the elevator to my car, hoping it starts after being parked for two weeks. It feels weird to drive after two weeks, but it's a short drive to the brewery. Noah looks visibly nervous as we pull up. I see my parents car, thinking they've probably already got a table.
I turn my head, trying to search for my parents, I hear her before I see her.
"Oh. My. God, you are Noah Sebastian!"
I'm actually embarrassed of her as she pulls him into a hug, she doesn't glance at me as she tells him how handsome is in person. Noah looks to me for help, but I hold my hands up and laugh at him. My mom finally sees me and her eyes widen.
"Noah! Oh my god, this is Delaney, my daughter, she's single," she winks at him. Actually winks at him.
"Mom!" I exclaim, I was going to kill her, if I didn't die of embarrassment first.
"No, I don't believe she is single," he winks back at her, wrapping his arm around me.
"Calm down mom, jeez." I hug her as I pull Noah to their table. I formally introduce my mom and dad to Noah, who shakes my dads hand. My mother slides in across from my dad, so Noah has to sit next to her and I slide in with my dad. He looks at me for help, but I shrug, he wanted to come. He was going to get my crazy mother in all her glory.
"So, I'm moving to Los Angeles," I tell both of them.
"Good," my mom says, looking dreamily at Noah. "Can we come visit?"
"Of course, you are welcome any time," Noah chuckles at her.
"Okay then," she says flippantly, "how was the trip?"
"You are very different from your daughter," Noah comments.
"I know, she's just like her father, poor thing," she points at us, we are both holding our beers to our mouth. Noah laughs his big obnoxious laugh.
Noah and I tell them both about the trip and we have a nice lunch together, but they have to go soon. They're off to Australia tomorrow for a three week cruise. I'm not sure when I will see them again, I'll be gone when they get back. I hug them both a little longer than I usually would.
"They weren't always like this, you know," I tell Noah as we drive back to my apartment.
"How so?"
"I mean they were always around when I was growing up, they were always there for me. If it seems like they aren't now," I say quietly.
"I didn't think anything of the sort, they love you, but they give you space to be your own person."
I nod at him and lead him back into the apartment, kicking off my shoes and sinking into the couch with Noah. Looking around at my stuff, knowing it was going to take a while to pack, but I didn't have to do that just yet.
I still didn't feel like I was making a mistake, I was just ready to start the next chapter.
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