Tony is true to his word, he knocks on my door at 9AM. I'm dressed in my favorite cardigan and leggings, I wanted to look put together without looking like I was trying. I shout for him to come in while I try to get my TV to work. None of my streaming sites have been working all morning.
"The romance is already dead, I see," he calls as he jogs down the stairs.
"Sorry, I can't get the TV to work," I tell him, smacking the remote against my hand in frustration. I know this won't fix anything, but I don't know what else to do.
"Noah's TV is working and he said he would be gone most of the day," Tony suggests, and I wonder absently what Noah does when he's gone all day. I nod at him and follow him into Noah's house. I hadn't been in here since he kissed me and kicked me out and I feel stupid for wondering anything about him at all.
When Tony turns on the TV it is, in fact, working. Tony turns on a show, something I think I've seen before, so I'm only half paying attention. I can feel Tony's body completely flush against my side. It's distracting. Tony slips his arm around my shoulder and I sink into him, thinking about how normal it is, and trying not to remember he would be leaving at the end of the week.
Tony runs his fingers up and down my arm in a hypnotizing rhythm and I lose all interest in the TV. I just want him to touch me. I look up at him from under my eyelashes, staring intently at his mouth, willing him to kiss me. He pointedly ignores me.
"You're missing the good stuff," he grins, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye.
I don't wait for him to make the move, I grasp the back of his neck and pull him to me, crashing my lips against his. It's messy and our teeth clack, but he tastes like sweet mint and I can't get enough. His hands are everywhere, in my hair, on my back, on my ribs. His teeth nip at my jaw as he pushes my cardigan off my shoulders.
Tony pulls me into his lap, his hands slip under my tank as he kisses between my cleavage. My hands pull at his hair and I gasp for air while he explores my body. My skin prickles with goosebumps everywhere he touches me. I press further into him, trying to create friction between us.
"What's going on here?" I hear Noah's voice behind me. I had been so wrapped up in Tony I hadn't heard the door open. Tony and I break apart like we've been doused with cold water. Noah's voice is cold water on my senses. Noah's voice had been joking, but as I peel myself off of Tony's lap I can see the look on his face is anything but playful.
"I, uh," I stammer, "my fucking TV wasn't working." I desperately look around for my cardigan but I have no idea where Tony threw it. Noah picks it up on the end of his long finger and stretches it out to me. I snatch the cardigan from him and shrug it on. I don't dare look him in the eye.
"Hey man, I thought you'd be out for a while," Tony says easily, and I can tell he doesn't see how dark Noah's eyes are.
"I'm gonna go," I say running out of the front door and into my own small part of the house. I was incredibly embarrassed. I knew there wasn't anything wrong with what we were doing, we weren't going to have sex on Noah's couch, but I hated being caught like that.
What was even more confusing was the way Noah reacted to it. He seemed mad. Why would he be mad, we weren't actually fucking on his couch?
My phone chimes with a text, I feel like a teenager again.
I chuckle to myself before replying same.
Noah and I are going out for drinks later. Come?
Sure, I'll see you later.
I try to keep myself busy until I meet Tony later, but I couldn't get Noah's reaction out of my head. Why did he seem mad? He had pushed me away the other night and I've seen three other girls here since that night. It wasn't like he cared about me at all.
And what was the point in getting involved with Tony at this point? He was going back to California in a few days, this was a bad idea, getting attached to the first man that showed me attention.
"You look nice," Tony says to me when I meet them out front. He hugs me around my waist and kisses my temple. I notice Noah is trying really hard to ignore the exchange. To be honest, it's a little too affectionate for me with an audience, but I thank him anyway.
The three of us pile into the back of an SUV, me in the middle. The guys are pressed on each side of me and the whole ride is awkward. I think maybe it's just awkward for me because Noah and Tony are talking to each other over my head.
"You okay?" Tony asks, nudging me.
"Me? Yeah, I'm great," I hear Noah choke out a laugh from beside me. I'm definitely the only one feeling awkward.
We finally pull up on the square. I swing my head to look at Noah.
"Tell me we aren't going to-"
"Whiskey Dix, this is gonna be a blast," Tony says excitedly.
"Tony picked it, naturally for the name," Noah shrugs while chuckling out his response.
I haven't been here since college, and for good reason. It's a tacky country bar that serves free beer until 11. The floor sags with the weight of spilled beer and my shoes stick to the floor as we follow Tony who is eating up the scenery.
We all grab a beer and find an empty table. Country music is playing unbearably loud. I finish my beer quickly. And then grab another. And finish that one quickly. Apparently I'm having college flashbacks. I can afford beer now, I don't have to slam it because it's free.
"Let's go dance!" I shout at Tony.
He shakes his head firmly, "I can't dance!"
I look at Noah, who also shakes his head. "No way," he says over the music.
"Please," I pout. I literally stick my bottom lip out. I've obviously had too much to drink already.
Noah rolls his eyes, "Fine."
Noah and I line up in front of each other, "I can't dance," he says finally.
"I can, just keep up," I shout over the music. I catch Noah watching the couple behind us a few seconds before taking one of my hands and placing the other low on my back. His hands are cold from the beer where my crop top doesn't meet my shorts. "Back two steps, forward two steps, then spin me," I say over the music. I step on his feet a couple of times but he gets into a rhythm.
When the song is over my chest is heaving in the hot bar, Noah is looking down at me intently and I think I could kiss him again. I think he might want to. I shake my head, remembering I'm here with Tony and I walk back to our table.
"When they play a song we can electric slide to, you are coming out there. I'll teach you," I tell Tony, and lean a little farther into him.
They finally play a song and people are packing onto the floor. "Let's go!" I pull him by the hand.
"Just watch the person in front of you, it's pretty repetitive," I shout as I kick my right foot then the left. Tony picks it up pretty easily. And I finally feel confident enough to pull my eyes from my feet and up to the crowd around us.
I make it to the final square in the rotation and I'm laughing at Tony because he keeps messing up when I lock eyes with Noah. He's watching me dance and his eyes are dark. Despite my better judgment I keep my eyes locked on his and I swing my hips a little more. Noah pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth as his eyes move from mine and down my body.
At eleven they change the music to rap, the free beer ends then too. That must be the time now as Flo-Rida plays over head. I tell the boys I'm going to pee and disappear down the dark hall. By the time I'm make it back they're playing the wobble. I grab Noah and Tony's hands and pull them with me. Both of them trying to protest but I won't let them.
Tony is struggling to keep up, but Noah looks like he's done this once or twice. When the rotation puts Tony in front of me and Noah behind me, I feel Noah pull me against him. His hand grazes the skin on my stomach as I grind my hips against his. When it's time to rotate again, Noah releases me and Tony doesn't notice the exchange at all.
When the song is done, we grab drinks and find a spot on the wall to stand, I'm chatting with Tony when I catch a girl with bright red hair walk by. I feel like all of the air has been sucked from the room at the sight of her. Apparently this really is a flash back to college.
I see Leslie make her way to Noah, I stare wide eyed as she touches his arm. Noah was smiling and flirting back with her until he saw me over her head. Noah's face drops in confusion as he watches me and the reaction I'm having to her.
Leslie spins around, a frown on her pretty face to check out what Noah had turned his attention to. I watch her face screw into a wicked grin.
"Delaney! I haven't seen you in forever," she smirks, an evil glint in her eye, "where's Caleb?" She pauses dramatically and before I can answer she speaks again, "oh, right, he mentioned y'all broke up."
I could feel what was left of my heart breaking and falling to the sticky floor with a squishy thud. Of course he had ran straight to her when we broke up, if he even stopped seeing her. I wanted to pretend like the things she was saying didn't affect me, but I couldn't. Not with this girl.
My eyes water as I turn and walk towards the door, I could wait until I got outside to cry. "Good to see you, Delaney!" I hear her call after me.
I can feel Tony on my heels, but Noah is not with Tony when we make it outside. Noah would take her home and fuck her and as irrational as it was that hurt. And that hurt worse than knowing she had been with Caleb since we had broken up.
I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. It was even stuffier outside with the temperature at 90 and the humidity high.
Tony pulls me to his chest and rubs my back soothingly. A moment later I take a deep breath and pull away from him. I wipe under my eyes and try to smile at him.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"That serious relationship that I mentioned, that girl slept with my ex before I did and apparently she's been with him since. I didn't think I was bothered by the break up, but I have a bad history with that girl," I tell him and he nods in understanding.
"Do you wanna go home?"
"Yeah, I do. You should stay and hang out with Noah though," I tell him, pulling out my phone for a ride.
"I'm not going to let you go home alone while you are upset," he protests.
"No, seriously, I want you to stay," I say firmly. I mean it. I just want to be alone. Tony opens his mouth to protest, "I mean it Tony, stay."
He finally nods but waits with me for the car to come get me. He kisses my cheek before sending me home to be alone.
Even though it was wildly inappropriate I could not stop picturing Leslie and Noah together.
I go straight inside, take a long shower to forget the feel of Noah's hands on my body, and get straight into bed. I don't even entertain the thought of staying up until the guys get home. I don't want to know if Noah brings her home. My hear can't take it.
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