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Thea's POV

I legit had to drag myself out of bed today. You guessed it, today's Monday. Meaning it's the first day of senior year. Great. New school.

I'm currently sitting on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal in one hand and my phone in another. I'm scrolling through Instagram while eating breakfast.

While my mom stands across from me sipping her black coffee. All dressed in work attire. Watching my every move.

"Can I help you mom?" I sarcastically ask.

"Hmmm?" She hums in response.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask bluntly.

"You've grown a lot, changed and-"

"Please don't give me a lecture on what a good girl I used to be like dad does." I say interrupting her with pleading eyes.

"If you'd let me finish you would of known that wasn't what I was going to say. I taught you not to interrupt me young lady."

"Sorry mom." I say rolling my eyes.

"Like I was saying before being rudely interrupted,"

I smile sheepishly at her. I hardly let anyone besides mom, Jax and Theo see this side of me.

"I'm actually proud of what you've become. I mean you can take care of yourself without needing a man to protect you. You have quite a month on you and your always speaking your mind. Those aren't things I could of taught you. Yes I miss my little goofy too shoes daughter, but I prefer the badass one. Because I know she won't let anyone push her around like she's meaningless."

I stare shocked at my mom. Before a massive smile makes it way onto my face. This is why I love her. Like I said before she understands me.

I hop off the kitchen counter and walk over to her wrapping my arms around her small frame. I'm not exactly tall but I'm not short either, I'm just in the middle and happen to be taller than my mom.

Mom wraps her arms around me.

"Now go to school and don't let anyone mess with you!"

"I won't." I say pulling away and kissing her on the cheek.


I pull up at my new school on my green motorbike. Which gains a lot of attention due to the noise of the engine. Meaning people with no fucking lives are staring at me, some are even so low that they point and whisper.

Ugh! I hate it when people point the fingers at people. They make it so ducking obvious that they're talking about that person.

"Don't you people have lives?" I snap getting irritated from all the staring and whispering.

All their eyes widen in fright due to my little out burst.

I roll my eyes and make my way towards the school building. On a quest to find the office, without asking any of these low lives for help.

"Damn the new girl is hot" whispers a jock standing by his locker, talking to his group of friends.

"And a badass." Mutters his one friend.

Another replies with, "I wonder how bad she is." Smirking.

"Looks like some people actually need to learn how to whisper." I say looking at the group of jocks.

One tries to walk up to me but is too slow because I turned the other way and continued looking for the office.


I found the office after the little 'encounter' with the jocks.

The lady at the desk, the school secretary gave me my timetable along with my locker number and it's code.

Currently I'm looking for my locker. Locker 182.

"179, 180, 181, ah 182." I mutter to myself as I pass the lockers and find mine.

I grab the piece of paper in my bad that has the code on it and quickly look over it.


I punch in the code and it opens. Gasps is it magic?!

I get my time table and stick it in my locker. What crappy subjects do I have first?

1- English
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
7-Physical Education

Looks like a really long day. I guess I won't bunk today, only because I want to meet the teachers first. Then I know who I can mess with, who's strict and who blatantly doesn't give a damn about what his or her students do.

If I'm not going to bunk school today, the least I can do is get detention. I mean being a badass that won't really be a problem. Now will it.

I stuff all the books I need for the first 3 periods in my bag. As I'm staking my books in my bag I noice people make a path way. I look up and see girls pushing up the boobs or showing more cleavage than necessary. All of their attention is on the main entrance.

Just then a group of five boys all wearing leather jackets walk in. Must be the golden boys of the school. I notice that they're all walking behind one boy in particular. He actually looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on where I know him from.

Trailing behind him on his right hand side is the ass who tried to flirt with me. What was his name... Adam? No. Alex? No. All I remember is that his name starts with an 'A'. Wait I remember now, Aiden.

Their 'leader' was good looking and definitely screamed bad boy. He has a great defined jaw line, nice cheek bones and brown hair with striking blue eyes. His wearing a tight white v-neck which puts his abs and muscles on show, holding his black leather jacket over his shoulder. He really looks familiar...

The one on his left has his eyebrow pierced. He has blonde hair and green-blue eyes. Similar attire to the 'leader' only his wearing his jacket. I also see a spark of mischief in his eyes. Oh let's not forget his tattoos that can be seen at his neck. I wonder if he has anymore?

Then the other two, the one has black hair and his ears are pierced. His wearing a big black circle in his ear. He has tattoos running down both arms. He looks serious with grey eyes and a stern face.

Then the last one his got light brown eyes with light brown hair. He has well sculpted lips-which totally look kissable. He looks quite mysterious, like his totally guarded. Wearing his leather jacket.

Looks like I figured out their 'gang'. 'Leader' is the bad boy. Aiden is the player or the word I prefer fuck boy. Blondie must be the prankster. Tattoos and ear piercing must be the serious one and lastly, the one with nice lips he looks like the mysterious one out of the five of them.

Wait...I just realized something. If Aiden's the second in command of the gang that must mean his the leader!

Fuck! I go to school with the gang leader of the most insane gang. Let's hope I have no encounters with them because I've been told I don't know how to bite my tongue. And that I always have a reply for everything.

But I have to say they're all hot to bad they seem so fucking clićhe.

I don't do clićhe.

With that thought I trudge my way through the masses of people in hopes of finding my home room with ease.

I hope this day doesn't turn out to be a fucking disaster.

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