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Amelia's POV

"Amelia, what were you thinking coming here?!! Especially after I told you to stay by the house." Sam yells out in frustration, pulling at his hair.

Not going to lie, he looks really hot right now. But he currently resembles a cartoon character, you know the angry looking one. With a red face and stream coming out of their ears. Like that! But he has a really handsome face which makes it look utterly adorable to see him like this. I just wish I was the one pulling his hair.

"I wanted to help." I say pushing my very dirty thoughts aside. Knowing now was not the right time to tell him he looked hot and that I wanted to make out with him. Knowing us things would have escalated rather quickly. Not that I'm complaining. This thought makes me smirk internally.

"You wanted to help! By doing what?! Getting yourself killed?!" He screams out while throwing his hands in the air. Making those dramatic gestures with his hands. Those hands could be used for so much more though. Ugh!

Bad Amelia! I think to myself. You're mad at him for not letting you help your best friend. The same best friend that helped me with my mother situation. Stay strong and show him that you could have helped. Stop thinking about how good looking he is. And stop thinking about getting in his pants. Those thoughts are meant for our bedroom when we are behind closed doors. Not for when we have an audience present.

"No, that's why I brought that." I say pointing to the gun thingy that Sam took away from me and handed Seth.

"Do you even know what that is?" He asks sighing, while dragging his hand down his face.

"It's a gun." I say slowing as if talking to a child. What the hell? Does he think I'm stupid?

I hear Zayn snicker.

"What's your problem?" I ask him with an annoyed tone. Can't these people see my boyfriend and I are in the middle of arguing?!

"It's not just 'a gun' as you put it. It's a sniper rifle. It's used for long range surveillance and is actually only useful to those who know how to use it. You being this close to the building makes it kinda useless. But you know what you're doing, it's not like you could have died due to your lack of knowledge on weaponry. Oh wait you kinda could have." he says while walking away to the rest of his gang.

I turn to Sam to see him glaring down at me.

"Oopsie?" I say smiling innocently.


Thea's POV

"OOPSIE?! AMELIA YOU COUlD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED!" I hear Sam yell waking me up from the small nap I took as we exited the building.

I snuggle closer to Carter, digging my head into his neck in hopes to hide away from everyone and block out the sounds they are making. The yelling is giving me a headache. Carter's grip immediately tightens, and he kisses me lightly on my forehead.

"Shut up. You're making too much noise. It's stressing her out." Carter grunts.

Silence immediately follows. Allowing me to sink back into my peaceful slumber. Knowing I'm finally safe.

Safe with my Car-car.

•  •  •

I jolt up, trembling after the nightmare I just had. Evans was about to ra-

My thoughts are cut off as someone pulls me to their chest, making my back touch their front. Making me freak out even more and I start struggling against their hold. I start chanting no over and over again, freaking out. My eyes start to water and my lip trembles, causing my entire body to shake with emotions.

"Shhh, Thumbelina, you're safe. No ones going to hurt you." I hear the person say, tightening his grip on me.

Hearing his voice causes me to relax instantly, I allow my body to fall into his embrace. It's just Carter I think to myself you're safe. His grip falters slightly, I twist my body around and through my hands over his neck. I hide my face in his neck and let the tears fall. Carter freezes in shock but he quickly gets over himself and he wraps his arm around my waist, he uses his other arm to run his hand through my hair.

We stay like that for a while. In each others embrace. Silently.

I almost manage to forget about what happened. More specifically what almost happened causing me to tense up in Carters embrace.

Carter's POV

I feel Thea tense up and immediately pull away, creating some space between us. I put my hands on either side of her face. Not allowing her to get away from me so quickly and so that I can see her. What? I like having her so close, especially after what happened.

I use my thumbs to wipe away the tears that have fallen and as I do so more falls. Causing my heart to clench in pain.

"What's wrong Thumbelina?" I ask her softly using the gentlest tone I could muster.

"He-He tried to-" she stumbles over her words before breaking down into sobs.

I pull her back into my embrace and allow her to release any emotion she has built up inside of her. I nuzzle her neck with my nose and she hides her face on my shoulder. I breathe in her scent and allow myself to calm down, so that I don't lose my temper and go down there and rip Evans' head off of his body. Thea needs me now. My bloodlust can wait.

We stay like that, until I feel her calm down. Her body relaxes again and she starts to pull away from me. Before she can get too far, I lift her up and position her on my lap. She looks down shielding her beautiful face fro me. I gently lift her chin and our eyes immediately connect. I see pain shinning through in her eyes. I close my and lean my forehead against hers.

I need to get my Thumbelina back, I miss the spark of fire inside of her eyes. She needs to know that she's okay. And that we-my gang, her brother, her friends and I will never ever let something like this happen to her ever again.

I open my eyes with a new found determination shining through in them.

"Thea, let's go to a race together." I say with my one hand stroking her cheek.

Her eyes light up slightly, giving me hope. She nods her head lightly and I chuckle. She looks like a small kid who was offered candy after crying. I kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter closed momentarily.

"Get ready and we'll go, okay?"

She nods and I gently put her down onto the bed and walk towards the door, planning to et her get ready in the room while I go wait for her outside.

"Car-car" A small voice goes making me stop in my tracks. I turn and see fear in those eyes I feel in love with so many moons ago.

"I'm going to wait for you outside this room Thumbelina. You can go take a shower and get changed. Oh and Thumbelina, don't worry Amelia changed you. I didn't think you'd be comfortable with me changing you."

She nods and I take the last couple of steps out of the room. Now the waiting game.

Thea's POV

I look down and realise that I'm no longer in Carter's shirt. I quickly look around the room for the first time since I woke up. Only to realise it's the room I walked into when we got to Paris. I scout the room for my clothes and the bathroom.

After findings my bearings I quickly jump into the shower, scrubbing the disgusting feeling of almost being used off of me. I scrub until my skin turns red making it feel raw and tender. Showing me I'm still capable of a feeling other that fear. I hurriedly get dressed, not liking being alone for so long after what had happened last time.

I quickly make my way out of the room and find Carter leaning against the wall directly opposite the door, he's on his phone. As he hears the door open he lifts his head and smiles lightly at me. I take a step closer to him, and he wraps his arm loosely around my waist and we make our way downstairs.

•  •  •

Downstairs is a mess, everyone is either doing their own thing or yelling at each other. It looks like Carters parents and sister are out for the day. The shouting gets loading and I turn and burry my head in Carters chest not liking the noise.

Carter's POV

"Enough!" I bellow. While wrapping my arms securely around my Thumbelina.

Silence immediately follows. Then all of a sudden like a moth drawn to a flame everyone surrounds us. Each throwing questions at Thea or promising to inflict pain on those who caused her pain.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you in any pain?"

"I'm going to kill those fuckers I scare little sister, don't you worry."

I tighten my arms around Thea as I hear her gulp knowing they are not dead. Everyone in the room shoots Jax a glare and he simply raises his hands up in surrender.

I whisper in Thea's ear, "Don't worry Thea, they are all locked away. A good friend of mine is making sure that they are tortured. He has his gang making sure they don't escape. When you're ready we can talk more about the matter, Okay? But for now, lets get you to that race. I bet you can't wait to be in front of a wheel again."

I feel her nod against my chest and let out a relieved sigh. I shoot Jax another glare.

"We're going to the race" I say.

No one asks any questions and we all make our way to our cars.

One of the biggest perks to being a gang leader.

•  •  •

We get to the race and I tell Aiden to sign Thea up for a race.

I don't tell her anything as we get into the car, being the gentleman I am I open the door for Thea. She gives me a confused look before it turns to one of utter complete excitement and she quickly gets into the car. I get in not too long after her sitting in the front passenger seat. I see her put on her seat belt and I do the same, I guess safety first.

Then I hear the engine purr to life and before I know it the race has started. And without a doubt Thea dominates the race, it's not even over but I can tell you she's going to win. It probably has something to do with her relaxed posture and determined eyes. She looks like an angle gracefully driving the car, well racing.

I continue to stare at her in awe. After feeling my gaze on her she lifts her eyes from the road and lifts a brow at me before returning her eyes to the road once more.

"You look so in your element here, and extremely hot." I add with a wink.

Her cheeks redden slightly which causes me to smirk.

Before I now it the race is over and she came in first. A massive smile breaks out onto her face and she dances slightly in the car in complete excitement. she turns to me and notices my full on toothy grin. I look at her, then at her lips and I notice her doing the same.

I take that as an okay and capture her lips.

• • • • •

Hola my Amazing Readers!

I hope you enjoyed this update. And I apologize for the wait, life is still crazy. But if it wasn't crazy it would be boring so I'm not complaining, okay I kinda am, but don't tell anyone that 🤫 I still need a pause button just to get my life in order.

It's been a crazy year thus far, and I'm certain all of you can agree with me. But keep your head held high, it's almost over. Which is both terrifying and exciting.

Exciting because it means we made it through another year of hell...I mean school. Terrifying because I start my final year of high school next year. Wow I'm getting really old now guys.

Anyway I've decided I'm ending my chapters with a quote from now on. So here's my quote:

you don't always
need a plan.
sometimes you
just need to
breathe, trust,
let go, and see
what happens.



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