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Thea's POV

"Thea!" says my angry father with a blood red face.

I look up from the seat I'm sitting on in the Sheriff's office. Then I put a smirk on my face. I love seeing him mad. It's funny because he knows he can't control me. Not anymore anyway. His little good girl died years ago.

"Mr Crawford, this is the third time this month I have arrested your daughter." says the Sheriff, shaking his head slowly.

"I know Sheriff, but no matter what I do she doesn't listen." he replies rubbing his temples.

"You do realize that she is right here?" I say pointing to myself smirking.

"It's not like talking to you is going to make a difference now is it?" asks the Sheriff with raised eyebrows.

I chuckle. He's right. He knows me so well!

"Thea you do realize that every single time I arrest you it gets put on record. At this rate no college or university will accept you. We're not even half way through the month and I've already arrest you thrice!" exclaims the Sheriff.

I roll my eyes.

"Can I go now?"

He sighs.

"This time yes, next time I'll have no choice but to put you in a jail cell. We might even have to take this to a court room." he says shaking his index finger.

I stand up and wait for my dad to exit the office so that I can follow.

"Thea go wait in the car." my dad says.

I cross my arms and walk towards the car. From inside the car I notice my dad and the Sheriff talking. My dads hands are shaking around his head frantically. It's funny how he thinks the Sheriff can help him with me. Less than ten minutes later my dad comes into the car.

"What did you do this time?" he asks with a sigh.

"Oh funny story." I say fiddling with my fingers.

"Do I want to hear it?"

"No, not really. It involves racing, shop lifting and-" I say exaggerating the truth.

It actually does involve racing just not shop lifting. I'm a badass not a criminal. It may include a small street fight too...okay maybe more than one street fight.

"I've heard enough!" he says slamming his hands on the steering wheel.

I smirk. What its actually a entertaining sight.

"This better stop once we've moved. I can't have problems like this when I'm trying to start fresh. At this rate in less than two years I'll probably need to be a billionaire! Why? Because I'll be bailing my daughter's ass out of prison for more than one reason! Knowing you!" he says through gritted teeth.

I yawn. Obviously not paying much attention to my short tempered father. Ha, maybe that's where Jax and I get it from.

"Are you done with your 'lecture' now? You think you're going to have problems with me? What about Jaxon?" I ask hand quoting lecture.

"Your brother's an adult. If he does those things he needs to sort them out himself."

"So, in five months I'll be an adult and won't be such a fudging burden on your shoulders, dad." I say rolling my eyes and emphasising on dad.

"Thea, that's not what I meant-"

"Save it. " I say holding up my hand to silence him.

He let's out an exasperated sigh and the rest of the ride home is filled with silence. I look outside the window and watch the scenery go by. My eyes grow heaving, I finally give in to the darkness letting sleep consume me. Anything to get away from the man I call my father.


"Thea, get up we're home." whispers my dad gently shaking my shoulders.

I immediately pull away open the car door hop out and I make sure to add I very loud car door bang. I smirk knowing it will upset my dad.

I hear him sigh and mutter, "What happened to you Thea. You were once such a nice little girl."

My jaw clenches and I seethe out, "Little girls grow up dad."

I see him surprised by the fact that I actually heard him. He opens his mouth to reply but I don't give him a chance to. I walk away before he has time to utter a single word. I don't want to hear the shit coming out of his mouth.

I stomp out of the garage straight into the kitchen. Only to find my mom baking chocolate chip cookies. Her back is currently facing me. So I try and get me a while bunch of snacks before she notices.

"Hi Thea." I hear her say.

I cuss under my breathe. Grab a chocolate from the cupboard and hurry upstairs before she asks her annoying questions. I love my mom, she's great but very nosy.

We get along. She actually understands me. Unlike my dad.

I walk pass the entertainment room only to find Jax relaxing on the couch. Like he has no problems what's so ever. He seriously needs to get a job. He kinda has one, but I mean an actual job.

He hears me so his head quirks up. He stares at me for a solid minute before smirking. Asshat.

I let out an exaggerated sigh and walk up the stairs to my room. Only now Jax is following me. Great!

As I step inside my room, I slam the door shut in Jaxon's face. Then I lock the door just so that he can't come in.

I hear him fiddling with the lock and inwardly smirk.

"Thea, open this fucking door now!"

I ignore him but then he calls my name again. This time banging on my door.

I eventually get so annoyed I open the damn door!

"What?" I yell in frustration.

"You got arrested again didn't you." It wasn't a question it was a statement.

"What do you think?" I say putting my hands on my hips glaring at him.

He laughs. Then slides his hand through his light brown hair. He pushes past me and plonks himself on my very cosy queen size bed.

He stares at me smiling widely like a little kid.

"Now what's got Thea in such a bad mood. Come on you can tell your big brother Jax all about it." he says in a baby voice tapping the seat beside him.

I sigh and sit down next to him. He looks at me expectantly.


After that one word everything goes quiet and Jax tenses. Jaxon and dad don't have a good relationship. Well actually Jax and I don't have a good relationship with dad.

Dad wants us to be perfect angels. But the thing is we're not. Maybe we were once upon a time but not anymore.

Dad and Jax don't get a long because Jax is part of a gang. The Bloodknife gang. So Jax has been apart of drug dealings and gang wars. Making him a disappointment in dad's eyes.

Then there's me. I'm a street racer and street fighter. I guess I take on after my big brother. I'm pretty tight with his gang too. I spend a lot of time with gangs in general. They know me and I know them. I get along with all three gangs in our city. Even though my brother's in the one.

The gangs here all have a pretty decent agreement. That they all stick to. The only time there's a gang war is when some big shot thinks he has what it takes to take down a gang.

I told Jax what happened with me being arrested to what dad had said. When I was done he was ready to pounce at dad. I had to physically hold him back.

I convinced him I was fine and didn't need him sticking up for me while he was cussing. He listened and then mom told us to make sure all of our stuff was packet in boxes.

At that very moment I was saved by mom. Jaxon didn't finish packing so he was forced to leave me alone.

Jaxon is my protective big brother. His only older than me by two years. Making him twenty.

Once he was gone I locked my bedroom door and fell back first onto my bed. I sat up and stared at all the cardboard boxes in my room.

Looks like its the last night I'll be sleeping in this room, in this house. Not even on my own bed, on an old mattress.

With that thought I fell asleep with my clothes on.



So I finally posted chapter one! Hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter.

So what do you think of Thea so far?
Her relationship with her brother?
Or her relationship with her dad?

Come on tell me what you think! So I know what going on in my readers heads.

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