🌹 Rating ships! β™₯️

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Since I rewatched the series recently, my opinions are a tad different then before so I'd like to share em.

Since I did rewatch the series, a bunch of other opinions are a little different as well so I'd like too make an updated "rating character's" chapter.

Maybe updates headcanon chapters as well since some of my old ones I've mentioned I don't even write or just forget about LOL

So anyway ships🌹β™₯οΈπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’•β™₯️

Scale of 1-10 btw

Kyran x Alec (Kylec): 12/10.

I'm still biased and you can argue with the wallπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
IM JOKING- mostly- I have an addiction to over researching and deep diving into they're relationship and stuff and I have so many things that make me love them. Before, I just loved em for shits and giggles and bc I liked the "childhood friends, become lovers" trope sm. But now since doing research, there is things with they're dynamic that makes me love them so so much...

Also Alec is the one that falls head over heels first, SUE ME- kidding- please don't I have a family too feed-

Also there girl dads as adults. Whether they're single or together they will always have a daughter (Kiersten)


Funneh x Alec (Falec): 4/10

I'm not AS harsh on this ship then I used too be. I definitely don't care for them but when they're written good it's likeable, and it's sorta likeable. I personally kinda feel lile they do rlly good as a platonic duo, brother sister dynamic ngl..

Although I can tolerate them in fanfics and stuff since Falec is the MAIN ship in all of them, I'm guilty of this tho bc of plans for my Fics I have ideas too feature it in some things i write lol.


Funneh x Evan (Fevan): 6/10

Yes, yes... i lile them more then Falec...

I just feel like they match they're energy a lot better. With Funneh crushing on Alec, it seemed like at first she mainly just liked him for his looks, and the fact he was quiet and mysterious too her (emo mf)

But when she begins to SLOWLY develop feelings for Evan, it's more of his personality that gets her too feel that way. She could care less about him at first but then his goofy and kinda chaotic energy warms up to her and then that's when Oh no! Shes stuck in a love corner!

(No not love triangle! Love CORNER. Bc if it's a love triangle that means atleast one of Alec or Evan had to
be a little πŸ’…)


Alec x Evan (Evlec/Alven): 6.5/10

I do really like it in fics... In series i couldn't really see much romance between them (besides that christmas episode thumbnail bc there is sm romantic tension between them in that)

Despite not seeing any romance between them I can completely understand why people ship them bc the idea is so appealing and the fanfics? CHEFS KISS!!


Honorable mention:

Alec x Elijah (Alijah): 8/10.

Yo, Alijah shippers, you still alive?

(In the 'its free real estate' voice)
"It's toxic yoai."

People that ship this ALWAYS have the best interpretation of Elijah.

It's ALWAYS 'Since he's homeschooled and doesn't get much social interaction he grows attached easily, like celeste sorta' and that hits close too home. It's a homeschooling stereotype that kinda peeves me off but based on his character it's accurate. Mrs Grenchbull was probably the one teaching them stuff so she didn't really care to take them too social events or field trips.

So yeah, 8/10, gold star. I love it when I see it in the rare occasion.

Would it be canon HEEELLL NOOO- but Yandere x Celeste wouldn't be either  so yeah. Love it.


Kyran x Elijah. (No ship name exists I dont think, idk make up one. Kyjah?): 8.9/10

These people don't exist besides for me.

Elijah would flirt with Kyran, starting off as a joke just too get involved with the gang and too piss Alec off when he's around. Kyran would fall for it LOL
And Elijah might get a little attached too

I rlly love em tho for some reason.
Although the only way they would ever get together or know each other is if Kyran worked for Ava/yandere bc Elijah probably wouldnt be allowed to get involved with ppl outside the murder gang just so they wouldn't get caught.

(Alec getting a pass to be ALOUD too bc he mainly had minor involvement with the crimes.)


Kyran x Gold (Kold): 8/10πŸ’•

One of my favorite canon ships, unfortunately would be completely onesided and for some reason everytime I write them or imagine them as a married couple I always end up imagining a whole scenario of them being salty exes or in the middle of a divorceπŸ’€πŸ’€

Idk why I think like that but theres always something I imagine-πŸ’€πŸ’€

Although besides that, canonically speaking there are DEFINITELY flaws with them together in high school, but I'm sure if they ever got too see the life of adulthood and were eventually a little more well rounded (and Kyran wasn't a c.AI userπŸ˜€πŸ”«) they would definitely be perfect and happy and healthy.

Kinda like Hero x Mari from omori. Malewife x girlboss for life and you can't prove me wrong.


Funneh x Gold

Fuck you.


Alec x Aly

Fuck you. Γ—2


Sorry had too scold ppl lile this, because I KNOW you freaks are lingering and hiding, you can't run i know what sins you committed that even God himself looks at you in disgust.



Alec x Gold (idk and idc) : 1/10


Just no...

The only reason it gets a 1 is because it's a LOT better then what I just mentioned.


Kyran x Meghan (Megran? Kyhan? I feel lile they used too have a name): 0/10

"Step onto the toxic gossip ttrrAIINNN-" *Ukelele music*

Okay but seriously and technically speaking. Krew is most likely not the type of people thatt would have a character in a story that is a P*do/creep and act out thos actions so it's not ENTIRELY wrong to ship them bc they probably just made her a dropout or something so yuh...

But I'm sure the krew doesn't rlly care what the fandom dose with the series now, they honestly prolly think we've all dissapeared off the face of the earth so we could write characters however we wish for the most part.

Just gotta hope no fan is toxic and doxes you for shipping Alec with anyone besides Funneh.


Kyran x Sarah (Karah? Syran, pronounced lile 'Siren'?? I thought they used too have a name too): 5/10

Since they're the same age (thank god) it would he healthier and honestly, it has potential.

Don't judge me- but it has potential-

She deserved more screentime too...

Like- yeah she tried too completely ruin a cafe business by selling books about how terrible the place was but that place belonged too Megham so....

I'm sorry.

But they rlly did sorta have potential-

It was just never used bc of Kold and Prince vs Kyran shit.


Kyran x Evelyn. 8/10 (idk maybe like- Kyrean- Evran, Vyelyn- VIOLIN??)

It's actually rlly cute ngl.

I sadly have only seen it once and I don't personally ever write about it or draw anything of it but when I reread from where it I found its always rlly cute.

I forget the fanfic name but where the ship was hinted was like- Alec Evelyn and Kyran having a fight with Funneh and Gold and once that was done Kyran was getting noticed by other girls kr something for being brave or whateva blah blah blah and Evelyn getting a little jealous.

Sounds cliche now that I explain it But- BUT it had potential.

Ik I said where Gold and Kyran probably be the best in high school atleast.

(I just think bc Gold seems very VERY impulsive with her actions and get blinded easily by charm and always seemed too run away when she messed up which could lead to a messy breakup between them)

But with Eveyln she seems similar (they're both girl bosses like cmon) but she seems more calm, and always thinks things through before she dose something... sometimes she can be a little impulsive when it comes too her passions aka crime solving but it's never put anyone in danger from what I remember.

Unlike Gold who was bad with her impulses and got her and Funneh homeless for the most part and had too stay with friends that they were LUCKY too have.

Okay I'm gonna stop before I turn this into a giant rant

Anyway, i think Ky and Evelyn are cute, they have potential. Ik most ppl see her as a lesbian which I agree for the most part. Idk maybe shes bi and just leans towards women more bc most of the dudes she's met were idiots

(*coughAleccough*)(*Cough,ik she called Kyran an idiot too but Alecpunched hersoo...*cough*)

Kyran Evelyn...

Evran? Kevelyn? Vyran? lyn.. Kylyn? KYLYN YEAH KYLYN THATS CUTE-


Kyran x Prince (Krince): 9/10

The fanfics made me love them as a coupleβ™₯️


Princw as a.. Prince! And Kyran as a peasant it's just SO GOOD LIKE OMG

I remember seeing a discontinued one on here amd It was that Kyran was a por peasant working as a Baker too help support his family, he gets fired tho and is desperate for work. Prince is royalty but wishes to venture outside the castle walls he sneaks out in the night. Running into trouble with some random dude that tries too kidnap him but Kyran swoops in and fights the guy off, protecting prince and then Prince thanks him greatly and offers him a job as a castle guard, kyran agrees a few days later when his family is barley being able too pay for theirs home and that's where the fic discontinued :(

and the concept of Prince flirting with Gold too get closer too Kyran is just Funny too me


Prince x Alec (idk how tf you'd put they're name together): 3/10

Meh, I see it oddly often in oneshot books. I get teh golden boy x black cat appeal of it but it's not my cup of tea. It's cute too see what type of dates and interactions people wrote them with tho, which is why it gets a 4


Prince x Gold (Pold/Grince): 7/10

It gets a high rating bc Prince was actually rlly sweet to her.

Sadly since 1: the time the series was made and 2: so Kold could be canon
Prince was probably gonna be revealed a player...

Although based on what we got of him, entirely off of that, he lost likely wasn't gonna cheat. I wish ppl wrote them into stories more as a helathy couple tho.


Lucas x Aly: 3/10

I get why ppl do it but I see Aly as someone who wouldn't get with anyone, period.

Lucas probably wouldn't either but that just bc theres literally isn't anyone else in they're  age range who they could shipped with. And we don't even know if Aly and Lucas know each other at all so yeah.

But in general Aly comes of as Aro/ace too me.

Aro/Ace Aly 🀝 Lucas pansexual
..............Fuck everyone...................

(I'm sorry, I had too make the joke. It was too tempting not tooπŸ’€)


Valerie x senpai/kai (Valpai/Senerie):

Do I even have too explain myself?


Senpai x rainbow (rainpai. Idk why but it's giving the it's raining taco's song. RAIN(ING)-PAI(PIE). IT'S RAINING PIE?? EHH???):

Anyway that's a 0/10 for me.

Kai wouldn't date anyone after Valerie's passing because hes took flipping lovesick and depressed. Let alone dating girl that looks EXACTLY like her bc honestly that would probably be so painful.

"You look lile her... you talk like her.. act like her... it's as if you are her... but you're not and you never will be... and that hurts to imagine, as if you're just here too taunt my loss because I know I'll never have her entirely ever again.."

MEHEHSGG angstβ˜†β˜†β˜†


Evan x lunar: 2/10

I dont like it, ppl prolly just shipped them bc of similar hair color but Lunar's hair isn't that green color anymore so what do they have in common? Basically nothing in my eye.

But it gets a higher rating bc it is SOMETIMES cute when in reaction videos, the ships oddly popular in those videos.

It would be funny to think tho that Evan likes lunar bc she is the closest he gets too Funneh if Falec was canon LOLLL. What a loser B) (jk Evan I love you)


Draco x Aly




Wait Aly has similarities to DracA sorta

But I guess Meghan dose too bc of voice wise lol I can hear Draca saying the "YOU TOASTY TOASTY OVERBURNT PIECES OF CAAAAKKKKEKEKE-


Celeste x Ava/Yandere: 6/10

Would it be toxic af?


Is it good anyway?



Yandere x Alec: 0/10



IN THAT FANFIC I SAW AND THEY WERE COUSINS IN IT? NO (don't worry, they didn't get together in that fic. But she had a crush on him.)


Yandere x Kyran: 2/10

I saw it once and it weirdly worked...?

Any ship Yandere is in its always gonna be toxic.

Where I saw is something I cant fully remember (and I can't find it anymore) but she like- dated him in this thing as a cover so no one got suspicious of her being single for so long-


I kinda forgot some other ships... eheh- yeah

I might do a part tqo if I remember more but I mainly just did the ships I've talked about before that I remembered, I dont feel like going back and checking lol

Also I've been addicted too the sims 4 at the moment-

I made my OC'S Lisa, Jaiden and Anthony. Kinda had the urge too talk about em at some point on my chaos book, or make a book FOR OC'S

Idk we'll see if I do it bc I sometimes don't live up too my promises *Cough*YHS*Analysis*COUGH*

olay goodnight

Also this is the best reaction video I've seen so far. Theres some other rlly good ones but the best I've seen LOLLLL




I found them on a pinterest whisper and I've had the music on repeat LOLL


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