You four exited the hunted house and joined the others.
"Ladies first: MOXIES how much clues have you found?" MC1 asked.
"One..." Woona threw a cold glare towards Jungkook. The maknae just grinned at her. He was too proud.
"Bangtan?" MC1 returned the question to the boys.
"Two!" Jungkook rose his arm to show the pieces of paper.
"Well apparently...BTS are the winners of the first round!" MC2 exclaimed. Everyone applauded them.
"Your price will be...bulgogi (marinated beef barbecue)" MC2 cheered.
The boys celebrated together for a moment and the show continued. "Ok! Next round! Do you know the whisper challenge? I'll explain it. Each members listen to music except the last one who reads a sentence to the person in front of him and on and on...understood?" MC1 explained the game.
You were the first team to start. The staff came on set with headphones and cards.
Jemun was delegated the reader, the one who gives the sentence. When everyone was set up ready to start, Jemun pick a card and tapped Miri's shoulder so she would turn around. "I use sarcasm instead of punching you in the face"
"HAS IT STARTED?!" Hyoyeon shouted as she turned her head to look at the hosts.
"HUH?!" You faced Hyoyeon, frowning your eyebrows.
The MC1 walked to you with a hammer squeaky toy and hit both of you on the head.
You turned back to your place and saw that the boys were laughing behind you, making you smile a bit from the whole ridiculous situation.
"I use sarcasm instead of punching you in the face" Jemun exaggerated her articulation.
Miri turned and tapped twice Hyoyeon's shoulder. "I use charisma dead of punching you in the face..?" She chuckled as she said the nonsense sentence.
Jemun, the MCs and BTS bursted out of laughing. Miri was automatically convicted that she was wrong.
Hyoyeon hit you on your shoulder when you were jamming in your bubble. You jumped a little and turned to face her.
"I choose a rice my dad cough punching you in the face" Hyoyeon tried her best not to laugh but kinda failed through the sentence. You looed confused as hell and asked her to do it one more time as everyone calmed themselves.
After the second time, you turned to grab Woona and swung her yourself, still looking confused.
You sighed. "I choose a rice my dad cut pudding you in the face..." you crouched, unable to control your laugh inside of you.
Woona took her headphones off. "I use what was my dad cut your face- I don't know" Woona struggled to make the sentence.
Everyone in the room cackled. "Ok!! I think that we can say that you girls are not that good at this game!" MC2 joked. "Jemun, what was the original sentence?" MC1 pointed at her.
"I use sarcasm instead of punching you in the face" Jemun answered.
"(Y/N) got 'pudding'!! What's wrong with your eyes!?" Hyoyeon joked as she took you in her arms.
"Says the girl who saw 'I choose a rice'" Jemun commented.
It got in a little argument between the girls, yet there were funny remarks coming out of this.
"Ok ok. Bangtan! It's your turn" MC2 announced.
"I'm sure we are gonna do bettet!" Suga estimated full of confidence.
You threw arrows at his as he was getting in place. He obviously noticed it and stuck his tongue out, teasing you.
Taehyoung was the reader. He tapped Jungkook's shoulder to get his attention. Jungkook turned around and started to dance.
V was struggling to say his sentence because he was always cracking up from Jungkook's moves.
He then got serious, "I better be in cypher part five".
Jungkook turned around after V repeated himself twice. He hit Jimin on the head to make him turn.
"I better be in cypher part five."
Everyone's eyes widened "woahhh".
Jimin passed the word to Jhope, "I bet to be in...cry for poke five-this doesn't make any sense" Jimin giggled.
He repeated himself to make it clearer for Jhope who was confused as hell.
Jhope turned around and tapped Jin's back. "I bet that V's in, why fork poke for..?" Everyone laughed. Jhope understood he wasn't right.
Jin made a thumbs up and passed to Suga. "I bet that peeing wires for posters." He let out his hilarious cleaning-windows-sounding-like laugh.
Suga looked so lost. He turned around with round eyes and tapped Rapmon's shoulder. "I-" He stopped and sighed loudly.
"I bet that bee is wild for posters" Suga said.
Rapmon took off his headphones and let the suspense go on for a few seconds.
"I bet that V is a wild fire pastor."
Everyone bursted out laughing.
"Fireeeeeee" Taehyung started to dance the Fire choreography but more energetically.
"Taehyung, what was the original?" MC1 asked as Taehyung stopped dancing.
"It was "I better be in cypher part five"!" Taehyung started to make some rappers moves as his mouth formed a heart.
"Yeaaaah of course, of course!" Jhope tapped Taehyungs back.
"Ok, we discussed and the winner of the second round is....BTS!!!" MC1 declared.
The boys jumped around like kids, full of happiness.
You and the girls just watched them getting cheerful.
"Since you guys at least finished with a complete sentence, you win kimchi!" MC2 was almost shouting to be heard due to the cheering.
The boys took their kimchi and placed it beside their other dish.
You stomach growled and could be heard from miles away. You blushed when everyone turned their head towards you. You froze just like a deer on the road, about to get hit by a truck.
"Ahh (Y/N) is hungryyyy. Too bad you won't have this delicious food since you guys are LOSERS!!!" Suga teased you at two inches of your face.
You gave him a dark glare as he was jumping on place, smiling and all, just to annoy you.
That's how close you were: ready to tell the truth and annoy the other with it.
Obviously, he's intention wasn't yo harm you so you loosened your shoulders and just smiled at him.
"Third game will be...the dance battle! The song will play randomly and two persons will have to dance the choreography until you miss it. The winner will earn a point. The first team to reach 10 points wins!" MC1 explained with enthusiasm.
"Ready? Who starts?" MC2 questioned.
"Me" Miri raised her hand.
"And me!" Jungkook stepped forward.
The two of them walked in the space of the set, in front of the platform where the other members were sitting on.
The music started: TT-Twice.
Both of them got the dance until the song changed.
It was now HERO from Monsta X. Miri struggled so you shouted her name, louder than everyone else, and showed her the moves.
MC1 walked to you and hit you on the head again with the toy. You stopped and Miri lost the battle.
You were next, against Taehyung.
Everyone else decided to get closer. Ther girls were sitting on the first stage of the platform same as Rapmon and Jin. The other members of Bangtan sat on the floor. Everything was making a half circle around you and Taehyung.
The music started: Monster-EXO
The girls were loudly encouraging you as you danced very well the choreography.
The music changed to Mini skirt by AOA.
(A/N: I hope you know what does the choreography look like. If not, go watch it! :D)
You and Taehyung got embarrassed to do those sexy moves in front of everyone but nothing stopped you. You were basically dancing together and not against each other.
At that moment of the chorus of the song, you literally turned V and you placed your hand on his butt as he got more embarrassed. He giggled to hide it but you knew he was getting red.
*Kim Taehyung, I am too hungry to let you win. Even if I have to do those sexy dance moves*
Surprisingly, he put his hand on your butt too, following the choreography.
You could hear some "oooh"s and gibberish screams from everyone.
The song changed to Touch My Body by SISTAR. At the booty shaking part, Taehyung hit you with his hips and you felt on Jimin who was sitting close on the floor.
You were surprised to be in his arms as much as he was himself. He, for sure, didn't predicted this.
You focused in his eyes and got lost in them as you blushed.
When he blinked, you snapped out of your gaze and quickly got back up.
MC2 approached Taehyung and hit him on the head with the hammer toy. "(Y/N) is the winner!" MC2 decided since V cheated a little when you felt.
You ran to the host, took the toy and started to repeatedly hit Taehyung's head, but not to hard, "bad Tae Tae! Bad Tae Tae!"
It was the others turn. Jin failed against Jemun. Same for Rapmon who lost against Woona.
Since you girls had less members than BTS, you had to rotate faster.
Surprisingly, Suga won against Miri. You and Jimin were tight for a long time, but you finally defeated him.
In results, the team who firstly finished with 10 points was...
You all gathered in a circle and celebrated you victory. "Your price for the third and last round is...rice!!!"MC1 announced.
The boys chuckled as you got less excited.
*ah! Anyway, rice is always good.*
Jemun took care of the rice and everyone went to sit back at their place.
"Well thank you for your participation to the show, it was a pleasure to meet you all."MC1 thanked the two groups.
The show ended with you all, even the MCs, sharing you food at a table and enjoying the moment.
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