6. "ᴛᴇʟʟ ʜᴇʀ ɪ'ᴍ sᴏʀʀʏ."

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Just as Iwaizumi was about to drift off to sleep, he heard his phone ring.

Too tired to answer any calls, he simply muted it, not bothering to see the caller ID.

He flipped onto his back and dozed off.

Thirty minutes later, he woke up from his nap, feeling a bit groggy. The school day had made him more tired than usual, and he fell asleep without even finishing his homework.

Remembering that someone had called him earlier, he searched for his phone.

He found it laying on the floor. Without moving too much from his position, he scooped an arm down to pick it up. The bright screen caused him to wince before blinking a few times to adjust.

(1) Missed Call: Shittykawa

His eyes widened as he furiously tapped the screen, calling the brunette back. He mentally chided himself for not answering before.

The call was picked up after the second ring and a tired voice came on.


He bit his lip, "Oikawa? Are you okay?"

There was a quiet sniffle before the brunette answered. "I'm fine. Sorry, did I bother you?"

"No no, of course not!" He hurriedly said. "I'm sorry for not picking up earlier. Did you need something?"

"I- um. Could I borrow your notes? Mine aren't very good."

"Of course. I'll give them to you tomorrow." He swung his feet off his bed and snatched up his backpack. "Actually, it's not too late. Do you want to meet up and I could give you it now?"

"No, it's alright. No need to trouble you. I'll see you tomorrow, Iwaizumi."

"Yeah. See you then." The call ended and he frowned. Oikawa never called him by his actual name.

He fidgeted with his phone, tempted to send a text message to the brunette, asking if he was really okay. But with the way that Oikawa avoided his questions, he'd probably just get another short and vague reply.

Iwaizumi sighed and ran a hand through his short hair. He stopped when he felt the familiar tingling on his skin.

He turned his forearm so that it was facing him. Black text began appearing, this time with the lie, "Tell her I'm sorry."

Iwaizumi frowned. What does this even mean? That he's not actually sorry? His eyebrows furrowed as he considered the words.

With a deep exhale, he fell back onto his bed. His thoughts were filled with that of his soulmate and Oikawa.

He wasn't very religious, but he decided to pray that night, asking whoever was listening to keep the two safe.

Iwaizumi arrived at school twenty minutes earlier than usual today.

There wasn't a specific reason. But he knew Oikawa got to school way before he did, so he figured that he could meet the brunette early in the morning.

But as he walked down the bare hallways, he couldn't catch sight of Oikawa anywhere.

He's usually here though, Iwaizumi thought. Is he sick?

In the corner of his eye, he saw a black-haired boy standing by some lockers.

"Hey, Akaashi. Have you seen Oikawa by any chance?" He called out.

The black-haired boy looked up. "No, I haven't. Although he's usually here by now." said Akaashi.

Iwaizumi bit his lip. Where could that Shittykawa be?

He got his answer a few classes later when he overheard Makki and Mattsun talking.

"Oikawa's gone again?" grumbled Makki.

"Yeah. The teacher said he had a fever or something." answered Mattsun. "I guess we're on our own for the project."

"Oikawa's sick?" He asked, butting into their conversation.

The two boys looked up and glanced at each other. "Yeah. He's rarely sick, but it sounded pretty serious this time when he called me," Makki said.

Iwaizumi pursed his lips. Shittykawa told them but not him?

"What's his address? I'll see him after school." He said.

Makki scratched his head and awkwardly tilted his head. "Well you see, Iwaizumi. Oikawa specifically said that he doesn't want to see you."

He froze. "What?"

"I didn't ask why, but he sounded serious," said Makki. "I'd wait a few days for him to get over it. Usually it'll take about two."

"Three, if you really messed up," added Mattsun. "By the way, what'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he groaned. At least not anything I can think of.

"Hmm," Makki rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "think hard, Iwaizumi. Oikawa can get pretty petty sometimes."

Iwaizumi thought back to the past few days, trying to remember if he did anything worth getting mad over.

But all he could remember was Oikawa's bruised temple and the haunted look in his eyes.

He huffed, irritated that the brunette was ignoring him, and worried that he did something wrong. "Can you please just give me his address? I'll solve it with him."

Makki raised his eyebrow before nodding his head at Mattsun. The latter nodded back and pulled out his phone, typing something. A few seconds later, Iwaizumi's phone dinged.

"I sent you his address, but don't tell him I did." Mattsun said. "And good luck."

He nodded his thanks at the two boys and saved the address for later.

If only the day could go by faster.

Iwaizumi stared at the huge house in front of him.

He was standing out in the street, too intimidated to get any closer to the mansion.

But he didn't know if he could get any closer. There was a metal gate that prevented him from even taking one step onto the driveway.

He was nervous, to say the least. Oikawa didn't want to see him for a reason. Yet here he is, standing outside of the brunette's house like a creep.

Just as he was about to walk away, the gates suddenly opened. He looked around, wondering if he activated something by accident.

But can I really go in? He wondered.

His question was answered when a car appeared down the driveway. He quickly moved out of the way, and the car pulled up right beside him.

He shifted awkwardly on his feet, unsure of what to do. The car was a new model, sleek black and had tinted windows so he couldn't see anyone inside.

Suddenly, the backseat window rolled down and a woman's face came to view. She had dark brown hair that was pulled into a bun at her nape. Her eyes, he realized, were similar to his own olive green hue, but they were cold and mean.

Iwaizumi stood still as the woman laid her gaze on him. He felt uncomfortable and avoided looking her straight in the eye.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

"Erm- I'm here to see Oikawa. I heard he's sick," he answered, quickly. In his hand was a bag of medicine so he held it up. "I brought him some medicine, too."

The woman tilted her head. "Are you Tooru's friend?"

He nodded his head. "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, take care of him. He won't accept help from anyone in the house," sighed the woman. "But maybe he'll accept yours," she added, softly.

Iwaizumi didn't know how to respond so he only nodded his head again.

"I have to get going. I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other a lot more, so let's be friends."

Before he could answer or even nod his head again, the window rolled back up and the car zoomed away.

He stared at the black car driving away and then at the long driveway leading up to Oikawa's house.

Now or never, he grumbled, making his way towards the mansion.

When he made it to the door, he knocked on the wood and waited.

No response.

He knocked again, harder this time and longer.

Still no response.

He slid his arm through the bag hole to free both of his hands and began pounding with both hands on the door. Iwaizumi made sure to keep it up for a whole minute.

From the inside, he heard stomping on the ground, like a child throwing a tantrum.

It was a moment later when he heard the ever-so recognizable voice of Oikawa.


The door swung open, revealing a messy-haired brunette. Oikawa was shirtless, and his chest immediately pinked at the sight of of his friend.

Iwaizumi grinned and held up the bag of medicine. "Or you'll what, Shittykawa?"

The brunette shut the door in his face with a slam.

I hate to say it, but I feel like wattpad is getting worse with each update 🤨 maybe it's just me

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