Strawberry Jam

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Y/n L/n in wonderland was having breakfast outside like a lovely picnic all the colorful flowers swaying The scenery complemented Y/n's face
her colorful dress flowing as she sat

Y/n toasted some bread
and got out some strawberry jam took the lid off with a slight pop
with a butter knife she stuck it in the jar and glomped some out and slathered it across the bread
then took a bite out of the strawberry bread

Chase came up on his horse he saw Y/n in front of her house eating some food He got off and took his helmet off fixing his hair while walking

"H-Hi Y/n" Chase awkwardly waved "Hey chase" she smiled taking a bite of her bread
he takes a seat next to you Blushing and fixing his black red hair
he slowly puts his hand to your leg and softly caresses it making her lightly gasp

She cheekily smiles kissing his shoulder
"You should be in school" He whispers laying his head on your shoulder "I know detective" She snickers

Chase grumps lightly smacking her thigh "Come on i'll take to-Agggr!" He groans she slathered some jam on his cheek with her finger

Y/n laughs licking it off he starts to laugh pulling her in for a tongue kiss
"You taste sweeter than this jam" She flirts messing with his hair
"Whatever um..I let it slide only this once"
He whispers pulling you in for another kiss laying you down on the picnic cloth making out with her caressing her body with his gloved hands she wraps her arms around his neck "Chase" she softly moans as he kisses her neck nipping at it making her gasps
He pulls up
"You taste sweeter than the jam."

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