Red blush

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Y/n L/n happily skipped down the road of wonderland To see her crush Chase Redford he is like a knight in red amour and very cute they are best friends

Y/n saw him fencing up ahead and quickly waddle over to him
"H-Hi chase" y/n greeted her face lightly heating up
Chase took off his helmet flipped his hair and looked at you
while watching the whole thing made you drool a little
"Oh hey Y/n school out already?" He asks
she politely nodded
he smiled
"So how was your day?" Chase asks
"Oh it was good I'm so glad we only have one day of it" Y/n chuckles
"Oh really? what are you going to do now since you finally finished" he asks

Y/n blushed
"Maybe hang out with you all day" Y/n whispers
Chase smiles then laughs
"Your blush is so red" He laughs some more
"Is it that bad?" Y/n grabs her face in embarrassment making her face get redder
"No! its actually kind of...cute" he says and softly puts his hand on Y/n's face
Y/n softly gasps looking into his eyes

Chase leans in
closing his eyes
His soft lips touching Y/n's lips
he pulled his head back and smiled
"come by tomorrow we can hang out anytime you want...when you don't have school " He tells
Y/n's face was like a tomato at this point with shock now
he smiles again
"I just love your red blush Y/n" He admits
Y/n buried her face in his chest internally screaming while Chase hugs her laughing some more

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