Chapter 40

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Annas POV-
I wait for connor to go up to his apartment and then i sneak behind his car.
I look into the side mirror and see Eva wiping her tears. After making sure it was all clear i opened up the back door and slid into his back seat.

Eva Turned around terrified.

"shh it's just me, are you okay" i say looking into her red eyes.

" A-anna? what are you doing here you can't be here" she says in a shaky voice.

"you're coming with me. I know everything and I'm not gonna let him hurt you anymore, Katie and sab told me what happened at the mall" i say.

"no anna my parents they could die now what are you doing here" she says crying now.

"no my love don't cry. you parents are okay my dad had them picked up and they are safe, now all we need to do is get you somewhere safe" i say.

The car door opens.

"oh this is funny" connor says laughing.

He then grabbed eva by her arm trying to drag her out of the car.

"Stop it connor you're hurting me!" eva yells out.

"Your parents and you are going to die. How can you be so stupid! All you had to do was be with me and you couldn't even do that? Was all of this nothing to you? Did i mean nothing to you?" He says yelling.

I get out of the car and punch him and then I hear a shot and connor falls to the ground.

"Lets go eva now" I say.

she gets out of the car and we run to mine and then i start driving.

"Who the hell shot him! that wasn't supposed to happen out in the open like that" I say looking back.

"Anna we literally do not know. We stayed in the car the whole time waiting to see if he did something" Cooper says.

The rest of the drive home was quiet. I looked at Eva a couple times but she just stared out the window the whole time.

We get to my house and we get out. Our house was surrounded by body gaurds and my mom was waiting for us. We explained everything to her and Eva saw her parents but then she went up to my room while we all stayed talking. I decided to go up and talk to her.

"Hey can I come in" i say knocking on the door.

"Anna its your room why are you asking that" Eva says.

"I don't know incase you wanted space or something " I say walking in.

I walk in and she just looks at me and gets up to hug me.

"i'm sorry for everything" she says

"it's okay i'm just glad you're okay" i say hugging her back.

"I was just upset when I said those things at the party. I was just worried sick about my parents and I blamed it on you when i shouldn't have and then everything with connor happened and I was too afraid to text you or even talk to you." she says.

"its okay eva i understand completely. Yes it hurt me but i love you and if you want we can try again " i say.

Eva breaks the hug and then kisses me.

" You have no idea how much i missed your lips and wanted to hear you say that you love me" she says smiling.

"i missed you a lot" i say

"OMG ARE YOU GUYS BACK TOGETHER" Katie yells from outside the door.

"Seriously katie why can't you ever just stay quiet" Cooper says opening the door.

"anyways, dad said we have to go because the first house connors dad is going to check is ours so we're locking up the house and going to the cabin again, isn't that such amazing news" sab says sarcastically.

We all get ready and grab things to go and get ready to go outside.

As we're about to walk out the door we hear a gun shot.

"My son is dead and if you think that any of you are leaving out of there alive then you're mistaken" we hear outside the door.

"Out of the back lets go" my dad whispers.

My dad had the van parked out back knowing this was gonna happen. I'm just glad he is smart. We all get in the van and drive away.

The drive was about an hour or two but we made it. When we got out, there was a note on the door.

The note:
          Go be happy. All of you. Anna i'll always protect you. Eva i'm sorry for everything and what he did to you. He's gone now I made sure of it.
- J

"J as in Jersey?" Brad says.

"wait she shot connor? how did she even know where we were" katie says

" i don't know but for once I'm glad she did" I say.

My dad unlocks the door and we all go in.

Home Sweet Home for awhile.

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