Chapter 3

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Evas POV-
I got home from school and opened the door to my parents arguing again, great.

Eva- What are you guys doing home i thought you guys worked late or something?

E/M- yeah we did but our boss let us off early and invited us over for dinner to get to know us

Eva- um okay, i still don't know what your guys job is?

E/D- um about that, can we speak with you hun?

Eva- yeah what..? * i look at them confused*

E/M- you're gonna want to sit down for this sweetie
* we sit down on the couch*

Eva- okay so what now?

E/D- so you know about two or three weeks ago i got this job offer here, well your mom doesn't really like it because she thinks i will get hurt but i will be just fine.

Eva- what do you mean get hurt dad?

E/M- let him explain sweetie

E/D- okay well the job offer was to be in a gang.. I am a gang leader now and your mother works for me and these two other guys which you will meet tonight as well as their daughter which goes to your school

Eva- wait what? are you sure we won't get hurt dad?

E/D- yes hun our boss is very well protected meaning we will be too

E/M- right now we have a car with 3 body guards parked across the street watching us and making sure nothing happens to us, we are safe but your dad and i have been fighting because i am scared one of us will get hurt

Eva- oh thank god, i thought you guys were getting divorced or something, but do you promise we won't get hurt dad?

E/D- yes hun i'll do everything to protect you guys, also do you not have a problem with this?

Eva- i mean yes it is a little bit of a shock bc now we are involved in a gang but maybe it will work out okay and i will get along w their daughter

E/m- okay honey well the dinner is at 7 so you have about an hour or so to get ready before we have to go

Eva- okay i am going to go get ready then.

Annas POV-
it's about 6:50 when i hear a knock on the door downstairs, I hear my dad greeting people as i put on my shirt, i am guessing that the people downstairs are the new members of the gang. I knock on sabs door to get her, oh yeah sab lives with me and is like a sister, her parents died in a shoot out between us and some other gang and trust me it was horrible, i even got shot in my shoulder but im okay.

Anna- hey sab come on the new members are here

Sab- ughh coming, i can't wait to see who their daughter is

* Sab and i walk downstairs laughing about some joke she said, i see a short girl with brown hair and she looks kinda familiar*

A/D- hey guys come meet the new members!
* As he said that the short girl turned around *

Anna/ Sab/ Eva- what the fawk

A/D- is everything okay? is there a problem *puts hand on gun*

Anna- no dad stop that! we know her we met her today at school we are just caught by surprise i guess, her name is eva

A/D- oh okay good i didn't want it to be another jersey problem
*Okay yeah so about Jersey she was a girl i brought home who happened to be in the gang we fought where i got shot in the arm.. i think you can figure out the rest*

Sab- So is eva apart of the gang too or just her parents?

A/D- actually her parents and i talked and we thought that we would leave that up to her so eva what do you think?

Evas POV-
Annas dad just asked me if i was going to be in the gang, to be honest am kind of scared to be in a gang because i do not want to get hurt but if my parents are in it then i think it would be best if we were in it together.

Eva- yes i guess i am in the gang too * i smiled*

Anna- cool, eva can we talk?

Eva- sure? * anna pulls me into another room*

Anna- are you sure you want to be in this gang cudmore? we're kinda dangerous, wouldn't want the new girl to get hurt * smirks*

Eva- i'm fine anna i can handle myself, why are you being an asshole?

Anna- just letting you know that you have to be strong to be in this gang cudmore, it's not a game * anna walks out of the room*
I have no idea why she was being nice at school and now shes being an asshole towards me, I did nothing to her. * i go out to the kitchen with a fake smile*

Anna- sup cudmore * smirks *

Eva- * rolls her eyes*

E/m- so do you girls get along?

Sab- yes i think so, idk whats going on with those two though

Anna- sab we're fine, right cudmore?* winks *

Eva- yup , ugh how is she so hot and annoying

Anna- what was that cudmore?

Eva- NOTHING * did i really jus say that out loud*
The rest of dinner we talk and get to know each other, we talked about the gang " misson" tomorrow after school and what we were going to be doing, we were now leaving annas house.

Evas parents- Well it was nice getting to know each other and thank you for allowing us into your gang, i promise we won't disappoint, Eva lets go honey!

Eva- coming! * i hug sab * bye sab see you at school!

Sab- bye eva see yaaa * goes back upstairs*
Evas parents- Alright we're gonna go wait in the car

Annas parents- alright see you, we're gonna go pick up the kitchen!
*Anna and Eva alone*
Anna- well see you later cudmore

Eva- Can you please stop?

Anna- stop what i didn't do anything

Eva- calling me cudmore and being nice one minute and then rude the next minute, it sucks and you make me feel as if i did something to you to be treated this way when i just met you today

Anna- goodnight cudmore * she smiles and pulls me in for a hug*
wait what was that.. great and I don't know why but that hug was amazing. okay let me stop i have to go.

IM SORRY THIS IS KINDA LONG, hopefully you guys like it!! also i've decided i am just going to post when i feel like it. I have a lot of free time tbh

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